fucking hope these cunts die
fucking hope these cunts die
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So who is it this time?
Mad Nost babies or mad Overwatch hackers that got caught in the banwave earlier?
the hackers
>lose a few hours of playtime
>get a day free playtime from blizzard
it's something i guess.
My money is on ban babies
what the fuck I need my fucking fix before I have to go to bed and suffer through another day of work tomorrow
Overwatch shitters for sure, even Nostfags forgot their server by now.
>these mortals have angered me.... for the last time...
>MFW they said they'd continue to campaign to save muh Vanilla
>MFW they've given up already
Guess Blizz was right, they really didn't want it after all
Why do you cheat on a fun game like Overwatch? It's your fault. Stop and fucking let me play.
>cheaters act surprised
They're doing us a service. Legion will be unplayable for a least a week. It's going to be worse than the WoD launch and sales will plummet.
>hackers literally play money to get cvcked over and over
i can play d3 and overwatch just fine
what is the problem idiot?
Next week is going to be unplayable, and the launch itself will be unplayable for at least a week.
If they aren't going to quality control the game, they need to stop the sub timers for the duration of these blackouts.
Wow, I forgot how delusional cheaters are. These victim complexes would make a great case study.
seeing as most nost players had 2 months or less of playtime before leaving the server on average, this is expected
>you're really gonna punish people who paid you MONEY for this game?
>Blizzard is in the wrong by banning you for cheating
Is this real life?
>Buy more coins goy-- guys! It's the only way to stop them from OPPRESSING us!
Hmm, I wonder who could be behind this post.
>Proud JEWISH LGBT supporter
>b-b-but I would totally pay Blizzard 15 dollars a month to play Vanilla forever, I need muh childhood back!
OMG you must be like 10 hours behind with your grind.
Tomorrow night turn I guess.
>oh boo fucking hoo I can't play my shitty game for a few hours
>External program that doesn't hack the game
Yeah... WOOWWWW indeed.
better than shitting on everything and hating everything and being jaded and playing no games
Are they really that stupid?
Are you asking if entitled children who are okay with being morally bankrupt are intelligent?
These fuckers justify cheating, they are the lowest of the low.
they're on the same level as pirates
>DoSing bnet only brings the world servers down in WoW
I'd somehow believe the world server is more vulnerable than the login server. Blizzard just never stops surprising in the worst ways.
>playing blizzard games in 2016
You deserve everything you get.
its already unplayable, I dont know what they did, but it now runs at a glorious 15fps
>cheating on a videogame equals to being morally bankrupt
These kids are pretty stupid and got what they deserved but I think you're taking videogames too seriously.
So porn is evil?
not defending it but makes sense in a way if you think about it. they get dos'd every time they release a new expansion by the volume of players trying to login
Yes, look at what it's done to you.
t. Cheater
I have a hard time believing those quotes are real. I mean, you'd literally have to be 12 years old to still post stuff like that on some online forum. And kids that age usually don't have the money to hire some Russian botnet.
>get banned for breaking rules
>proceed to do something that can get you put in prison for a decade
Top stupid
That was vidya
Yes, and Trump will fight internet porn to defend our morality.
>Blizzard banning us from doing something illegal in their game is illegal! We should sue them!
Jesus I am laughing so hard right now.
They should just make cheaters only be able to play with other cheaters and not give them any notice. It's the perfect way to deal with the problem.
Yes, it's fucked up my libido pretty bad.
>do they actually expect me to buy another copy those jew bastards
>really shows how shady these business practices have become
jesus christ how delusional do you have to be. THE SHADY FUCKERS ARE YOU HACKING THE GAME REEEE
>You should let murderers only live in neighborhoods with other murderers. It's the perfect way to deal with the problem.
So how far can you go in Overwatch? Can you use sweetfx or something similar? Or will you get the banhammer for anything?
>What is a jail
don't forget violent video games!
I like how Sup Forums has gone full circle and isnow the nanny conservatives of the 90's
He's right, though. Violence can be a powerful and dramatic tool when used appropriately in video games. But that doesn't mean every game should go all out and glorify mass killing for no reason like GTA, DOOM, Hatred and their ilk do. Violence in video games shouldn't be outright banned by any means, but some discussion ought to be had between all of the gaming community about finding reasonable limits to enforce.
>60 days of playtime on average
>average player had 1440 hours played
yes because they played those 2 months all 24 hours of the day.
idiot distorting the facts. fucking nostcuck.
Or maybe parenst should do their fucking job and teach their kids that just because they ran a cartoon character over in a videogame, that it isn't right to do that in real life.
I'm not the moron who said they had 2 months of playtime
That's true too. Like most things in life, there's no one solution that will solve everything, and it's often a combination of measured approaches that is most effective as opposed to one massive sweeping change. A little bit of regulation and a little bit of education can go a long way together.
Is it possible for this DDoS to actually cause my own internet to go down? Whenever I open bnet client or WoW my internet immediately goes down.
>ITT assblasted blizzardrones
>edit post
>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who would honestly try to defend these people unironically because they're "sticking it to the man"
>Trump could suggest banning any random thing, video games, guns, porn, free speech and Trumpbabbies would crawl out to defend him
they're on the same level as the great U