Penny Arcade used to be about video games and kinda funny

Penny Arcade used to be about video games and kinda funny

Other urls found in this thread:

And now is

It's probably just nostalgia but I think that 2004-2007 PA is really funny.

Is this the LOL thread?


I don't mind Dobson in here but I hope we stick to the video game comics.


They've gone down from what they once were but are still funny now and then

They were always hit or miss

That always happens. Always. Any comic that is even slightly autobiographical will go to shit the moment the author has kids.

Post the worst PA you can think of.


Those trans comics are great because for the reader the main character is completely unlikeable and unreasonable and the author is deluded enough to believe that the reader will take his side.

Anytime somebody say that the first ten minutes of Up were sad, I instantly assume that person has no ability to think for themselves whatsoever.


League of Legends

God, the new artstyle is so fucking ugly.



He started out posing as a girl on deviantart,with Azumanga Daioh inflation fetish art.

What's Up?


This edit infuriates me. Twisp and Catsby are part of the good PA, dont censor them.


>saying 'fap' IRL
man I hate people.

I think this is the exact moment their art became irredeemable.


Nothing much, how's you? By the way the whole title is actually called Zupdog.

You know, I didn't even realize it wasn't the Dobson edit until I took a second look.


Shitty kids movie that everyone pretends is deep because it has a death and miscarriage in the first ten minutes

It gets worse.

I wonder why he cares so much about what people think. So what if you like Kirby or Zelda? They ARE kiddie, they're not mature and they don't have "mature themes"

She's right

I wish Dobson made new Danny and Spot comics depicting WiiU and NX faggotry.

But she's not, because "anime" is an entire genre. Somebody doesn't just hate books or hate anime or hate sculptures. To blanket hate it is ignorant and to claim there's not one entertaining or quality sculpture or anime show or book is stupid and means you shouldn't be listened to.

Why compare cartoons and comics?
At least keep the medium straight

2008 was the last time they didn't look so hideous. What the fuck happened to the modern artstyle to make them look so ugly?


I haven't read PA for years. I've attended PAX.

I've always held a reverence for Robert Khoo. The guy is pretty much responsible for the juggernaut that is PA today. He turned what could have been a shit webcomic into an industry name with influence, money, and staff.

And now I heard he left.

Does anybody have any news on that? There is like nothing on it. He left on good terms but that's just it.

I admired what the man was. He worked so hard without rest and he is ridiculously capable. He's the sort of person you want running for President.

Anime is shit though

I don't understand why people needs a reason to like / dislike something.
You just like / hate _______ and that's it.

>Says there are more genres of anime and only capeshit comics
>Pro-comic person doesn't call bullshit


Sup Forums related shit is so stagnated and small, they have to be lumped together even though they do not go hand and hand like anime and manga do. With the exception of a few licensed shit that no one knows about. Honestly Sup Forums as a board is retarded and they have no place lumped together. Maybe if they split the board, I would never have to deal with tumblrinas invading that board anymore.

Found the weeaboo.




Pretty good bait

>this medium is stupid
>no that medium is stupid
maybe I'm stupid?



>describes Sup Forums
>goes to reddit

Leave just the first panel and this is bretty good

These two are literally fucking now.

That Bandai one is pretty great but I don't think I agree with the NISA one. They don't really localize their games that badly and I haven't really seen bugs like that, but maybe that's because I mostly play their Disgaea games.

He's legitimately right here

didn't one of them introduce their neice or something? that was another red flag

>that time they had a fight so they made their own comics seperate for a week
>tycho's was some artsy fartsy bullshit about punctuation
>gabes was just torturing tycho in different ways

i miss old PA

___ __ ___ ___ ___

No u

No. All the panels form the joke


Are you from that liberal shithole? I have been there for six years before I realized I needed to leave that horrible place. I know what I'm talking about you faggot.

For christs sake

I agree, but it's also painfully obvious for anyone that doesn't breath exclusively out of the mouth, don't you think? He is right though.


Disgaea and Danganronpa are pretty much the only series NISA gives any care or attention to.

I can't be fucked to post the entire copypasta but there's a long, looooooooooong one floating around of all the egregious shit they've done over the years and it's not even 100% comprehensive.

Kill yourself. I bet you frequent /sug/ and loves Homestuck. You are the cancer killing Sup Forums.

I haven't read any recent Ronnie but the old stuff is good.

>tfw your favorite comic never went to shit but you stopped reading
>tfw you come back and have a shit ton of content to catch up on

You're ruining your bait by pushing it so doggedly
It would work better if you weren't defending anime in the same breath

I don't wish I was japanese and think that everything from japan is inherently superior. Though they are more than advanced than the rest of the world technologically and culturally

The Penny Arcade forums were my internet home until one day a new mod banned anime discussion forever. Without a place to go I decided to try the infamous Sup Forums, and here I am.
Never came back to regular forums; anonymous imageboards are just too practical and fast.

>I just want to play video games
>Therefore I shouldn't take in any criticism of the game from fans, or even watch gameplay of it; just trust the game company fully that it'll be good
>that said, game reviewers are 100% not biased or paid to give selected scores to games and anyone that says otherwise is a nutjob


Give me two reasons this isn't the best comic

it's still pretty good

>tfw your favorite webcomics ended

I miss BitF every day

where's the joke

i know that feel
no i don't

Mods should ban anime here too desu

Very nice

Blonde guy is literally always right.


There you go you are musing that word like most of your faggot ilk on Sup Forumsmblr usually does. Also when the hell was I ever going against anime? Stop making assumptions, dicklover. I thought I was finally rid of you faggots and here you are ruining Sup Forums as well. I don't know how the fuck you manged to do that on a terrible place like Sup Forums but you should pat yourself on the back, asshole for doing so.

Anime is already banned here, because this is the videogame board.

Not a webcomic but while Sup Forums is visiting, Simpsums.

I thought he was a girl until he said matthew

>brawl 2.0

no, no he isn't

>thinking defending means going against
This bait is getting shittier by the post

Did Tycho ever acknowledge that he was wrong here?

He used to be such a good writer, I don't know what happened. He was always wordy, but that first panel
>The ending is tight. And also sweet.
perfect. You don't see people who write like you talk often enough

>Anime is already banned here
I wish

Holy shit, I know they're trying to make him seem bad but he's the only one I can really root for here

My favorite comic ended eons ago but it was a good ride while it lasted.

The way the comic portrays him make me think the author intends for him to be in the wrong, but he's the only character who actually makes articulated arguments.

>melee fags still can't let go

>mfw I don't even understand what "progressive" point, perspective, or opinion the author was trying to make to the reader
>mfw gender politics have become an incomprehensible clusterfuck no one can understand

Melee is fun because it's fast. Brawl and 4 aren't fast. It is not fun to win in Brawl or 4.


And you're still doing it. Do you even know what you're saying? Be honest are you a fat girl or just a faggot? Answer truthfully. Also, fuck you. it's like I never left the fucking shithole. Thanks, faggot.