/Ov/ Overwatch general & Opinions

Am I the only one who is really tired of Overwatch being spammed everywhere? I haven't played it and I'm not sure if I will. I am by no means saying it is a bad game or that people who play it don't have a good sense of taste. But it's really tiring to see Overwatch everywhere. Also, Overwatch general opinions.

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>tired of seeing overwatch threads
>makes one

There already is an Overwatch General, and wouldn't you know it, its on /vg/

Its obvious you are either new or a cross-boarder, but I won't shit on you too hard for it.

>Overwatch Threads. Read it again, user. I'm not tired of Overwatch threads, I'm tired of seeing Overwatched being advertised everywhere. The main purpouse of this thread is for me to hear opinions of players to see why the game is considered so good. Yes, I have watched gameplay but people usually say it's different to play it than to watch it. I want to hear opinions to sort of convince me to give it a try, since it costs money.

Cross-Boarder. Sorry. I don't usually browse Videogame-related boards, nor anime or weeb boards.

There's no reason to play this game for me anymore. was rank 54 and have done nothing but lose for the last 6 days. On a 36 game losing steak and it's not going to break because this shit happens for every fucking game I play. Why can't I git gud? When am I'm always such a useless fucking piece of shit

fucking go to /vg/ you fag

Play quickplay friendo and try out some other heroes and get good at a few

I like tracers new outfit

Can't get good at any of them. It sounds stupid but I just don't get better. It's always been the same no matter what game I play I'm always complete fucking shit.

>played fighting games for 5-6 years - never even won a round
>play league of 12 year olds for 7 years - still bottom rank
>play cs:s - more time waiting to respawn than playing
>cs:go silver forever

honestly I can't even enjoy games anymore because I'm always fucking losing or the sole reason my team lost. casual games always seem to fuck me over too

As long as you have the same mental and Internet capability as the average man, I still believe you can improve, user. What are your favorite 3 heroes?


What are you talking about? Your 3 most played heroes have 50% or higher WR, and your Widow has 68%! Idk why you are not playing her more in Comp (or just more in general).

For comparison, my most played heroes (in quickplay) have 12,11, and 10 ours played. You just need to stick with some heroes you like. It isn't bad to mess around with other heroes; you get to learn how to beat them better and as you improve you might like them better, but sticking and just playing some heroes you find fun will help you.

That said, it doesn't look like you are doing bad.

>making a general on Sup Forums
>even calling it a general
>complaining about seeing something when you have no inclination to involve your self in it

I think you have autism newfag. If you're tired of seeing Overwatch, don't make a thread about it, and try not to get worked up over simply seeing things that don't interest you. I'm surprised this is your only thread on Sup Forums since advertisements are literally everywhere.

Those are some pretty good heroes to play, what kind of problems are you having with them?

Stopped playing Widow and Toblerone because team would always bitch at me for it.
Also look at the rank drop and the dates.
I'm always dead or about to be, my positioning is complete shit as is my aim. I've tried improving these things, I just can't.

>Teams bitching at you
You're at 47 now, who cares? You're going to play with people that are shit anyways so their opinions do not matter. That said, I usually do not see Widow or Torb so it is understandable you'd want to switch up (although a good Widow able to make those 300 dmg shots should be good on most teams)

As for your accuracy, I don't think that is a problem. Here are my stats for comparison overbuff.com/players/pc/PajamaMan-11468?mode=competitive
As you can see, my accuracy is not great either; I am always trying to just throw shots down range and only specifically aim when a target gets out of formation or I have to 1v1 someone. Nonetheless, if you want to improve your aim go into a training match against hard Anas and turn it to only headshots. That is what I do to practice.

How do you try to improve your positioning?

Play one hero until you're actually good and stop using hero swap as a crutch for bad fundamentals. Until you get good at actually playing, swapping will just exist as an excuse to think you'll magically get better.

>Overwatch general
>on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
gtfo with your Cash Shop garbage

aim maps in cs
did that with zenyatta

im rank 45

You improve your positioning using counter strike? How does that work?

i figured counter strike is based on positioning and learning to find good choke points as well as when to go in or run


No. Look towards your teammates and enemies to learn positioning

at rank 47? they mostly go ham

/vg/ is where you want to go for either actual discussion or waifuposting, the Sup Forums threads are nothing but shitposting which is why you see them everywhere

Sup Forums loves shitposting

I mean, if they are out positioning you, look and see what they do and try to adapt it. As a tip, with Zen stay by your tanks

Ah, I see. Usually can't get out of spawn or past first point though. I'll try too see where and how they set up.

You usually can't get out of spawn? I've had that happen a few times but that just sucks if it's on a regular basis, but at the same time as you said, you can learn their setup and see why it was strong, and then when you're on defense you can try something similar. And if the defense doesn't work, you can see what the attackers did.

Until you get to the top, you don't have to make up new metas yourself

>making a general on Sup Forums

defense is usually a steamrolling or always lost in overtime. I'm honestly starting to think I'm just not meant to play

>Defense on Volskaya or Hanamura
>Defense anywhere else
I hate defense.

>was rank 54 and have done nothing but lose for the last 6 days.
oh good, so it's not just me

Well you're not going to improve with that attitude. Just keep trying to learn from your mistakes, that's literally all it takes. If you want to get better, anytime you lose or die, think "alright, why did that happen? What mistake did I make and how can I avoid it in the future?" Keep doing that and you'll fix your flaws and improve

I have been doing that, but it's not working. Even when I try to play as safe as possible I still fucking lose

just got the game. can't believe people are such shit. my team was on defense and the entire team just waited on the point for the opposing team to comecontest it

I promise you, that's all in you head. You keep trying to improve by learning from people better than you and applying how people best you and you will start doing well again.

Also, watch some Overwatch YouTube people

Not trying to be an ass when I say this, but it really isn't "all in my head." I've gone through this same pattern with everything I've ever tried to improve at.
>find something new
>get shit on
>try really fucking hard to get better
>give up
Thank for trying to help though. I'll see how I do tomorrow. If this persists I'm just going to quit games altogether. No point doing something I'll never be good at.

Alright. I'm sorry you're having a bad time, wish I could help more

Don't worry about it. Can help those who can't help themselves.