Class based (fantasy) game

>Class based (fantasy) game
>Choosing a class that uses any type of magic

what are you, a fag?

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What you don't want to wield unlimited power while also being great with a sword? Battle mage is best class.

If I'm playing solo I always go melee for survivability.

If I'm playing multiplayer, I'd rather just sit back and mindlessly smash the keyboard

The real gays are the rogue types

Say that again when a dump a grand gicel into your face fuckboy.

>triggered fat neckbeard manchild

>He doesn't multiclass battlemage

Don't pretend it's our fault yer a scrub

>he's role playing on Sup Forumseddit
kill yourself

Are you drinking antifreeze user?

This, but with a mace to crush anything you can't disintegrate.

What's the best class based fantasy game? One where the classes feel legitimately unique and fun to play in their own way, on the level of Dragon's Dogma.

>What's the best class based fantasy game?
Dragon's Dogma

>Impaled no test baby

Are you this much of a faggot to hate front-line mages like Blue Mage, Red Mage, and Mystic Knights?

reminder, mages are compensating for their micropenis

But couldn't I just use polymorph to increase the size of my penis?


not the one that counts.

> picking some pansy-ass class that has to wear armor and use weapons

only muscle wizards understand that beauty is true strength, and strength true beauty

Magic usage has always been a form of escapist fantasy for repressed nerd rage.

In most fantasy setting magic requires an ass load of studying and pouring or dusty tomes to be viable (something nerds and outcasts are actually good at).

Being rewarded for their knowledge with violent spells and wish fulfillment powers is like the ultimate empowering fantasy. No longer will any jocks (warriors) or minorities (rogues) be able to pick on you when you can throw a fireball in their face. It's takes all of three seconds to conjure a succubus, brew a love potion, or bewitch some slut, so women will never trouble you again, and your long hours of study make you highly respected by kings and plebs alike.

Becoming Gandalf is every nerds wet dream.

>Fags don't play as a medieval luchador
Unarmed especially in games where it includes wrestling will always be best.

>No non-tabletop games let me pull half that shit
Young me would have loved that.


>tfw fell for the dragon's dogma meme

>McIntosh posts on Sup Forums

Riddle me this, Sup Forums.

How do you balance magic warriors and classic warriors, lore-wise so that both can be equally heroic/legendary?

Most "mythical" levels of magic have untold amounts of range, deal godlike damage and may even have planet-wise consequence. If we go this route, how can physical strength, discipline and training compete?

If magic can be on equal footing with armored, trained warriors, that means most magic has less stopping power than a fucking gun.

How do you compromise what seems to be an unlimited amount of power with the existence of warriors?

Warriors can resist magic with enough willpower fused with physical strength

Tactics vs Strategy

Powerful spells need rare components and preparation. Any jackass can down a potion and run into combat with a bucket on his head. It takes a real master to discern what way the wind will blow to ignite an entire fleet of ships and kill off the navy with one arrow.

Weapon usage has always been a form of escapist fantasy for repressed normie rage.

In most fantasy setting weapons require an ass load of training and exercising to be viable (something normies and fit fags are actually good at).

Being rewarded for their knowledge with violent swords and wish fulfillment muscles is like the ultimate empowering fantasy. No longer will any nerds (mages) or geniuses (war mage) be able to pick on you when you can swing a greatsword in their face. It takes three seconds to swing a sword, flex a muscle, or beat some slut, so women will never trouble you again, and your long hours of training make you highly respected by kings and plebs alike.

Becoming Guts is every normies wet dream

mage babes itt

>always needs the intelligence and wisdom stats
>always becomes the best by end game

Proves that not being a retard who's whole gameplan is hit with metal stick, you eventually rule the world. At least in fantasy games not being a chad pays off.


I tend to play stealth archers.

Stealth usage has always been a form of escapist fantasy for repressed criminal rage.

In most fantasy setting stealth requires an ass load of sneaking and hiding to be viable (something criminals and politicians are actually good at).

Being rewarded for their knowledge with violent back stabs and wish fulfillment loot is like the ultimate empowering fantasy. No longer will any nerds (mages) or cops (warriors) be able to pick on you when you can slit their throat from behind. It takes three seconds to steal some loot, slip her a roofie, or pickpocket a ring, so women will never trouble you again, and your long hours of dick ass thievery make you highly respected by fences and plebs alike.

Becoming Altair is every criminal's wet dream

Unarmed usage has always been a form of escapist fantasy for repressed luchador rage.

In most fantasy setting unarmed requires an ass load of training and tactics (Something luchadors and boxers are actually good at.)

Being rewarded for their knowledge with bones breaking and wish fufillment takedowns is like the ultimate empowering fantasy. No longer will any referees (Mages) or competitors (Warriors) be able to pick on you when you can break their spine in a second. It takes 3 seconds to punch her in the face, knock her out, or bribe her with you paycheck, so women will never trouble you again, and your long hours of smashing heads into the floor makes you highly respected by monks and pulgists alike.

Becoming killbane is every luchador's wet dream