Does anyone want a free copy of UNDERTALE for steam? I have an extra copy for some reason...

Does anyone want a free copy of UNDERTALE for steam? I have an extra copy for some reason. Im looking for someone who maybe has it in their wishlist

Other urls found in this thread:!i80VUCiB!ipOnWS3DtGwQdyPXU_CvWauXOjhwl_9hD06xvMpGKTg

I'd like it so no one else can have it

Don't give people cancer, that's common sense.

give me cancer user
i want it




since this seems to be the place where you offload the shit you can't give away

I'd like it to share with a friend. Add me on steam @shishkababoo

Why do that when the game is insanely easy to pirate

1. unzip exe
2. delete steam api
that's it

>Strike Vector
>Super Hexagon
>Zeno Clash

Any chance I could try those? If you don't want them I'll take them.

Sure. Who are you?
Zeno Clash is pretty good. The others, not as much, but you're welcome to form your own opinions.

i'm interesed in monaco

eye-dee slash coolrobbit, I'm online right now

Lucky you, I have three copies of Monaco.

I need your Steam names, you boogers

i have the mischief makers gal as a profile pic!i80VUCiB!ipOnWS3DtGwQdyPXU_CvWauXOjhwl_9hD06xvMpGKTg

EYE please

Any chance i could grab super hexagon if the other user doesn't want it? My usernames Sir Scumbag

well since this thread is up
anyone want an extra copy of skyrim

Super Hex is gone

I would but I already own it

Hell yeah

I'll grab it


user delivered. Confirmed cool guy. Thanks man!

I have an extra copy of Don't Starve Together

Leave your ID here and whatever you're willing to trade for it, I'll take pretty much anything

confirmed not a faggot, thanks

I do. Ive only playd it once on a friends playstation.


Dino D-Day and Orion are terrible btw

dunno what that game is but ill take it

I have a Rome 1 CD key laying here.

Somebody fax me their address and I'll pigeon post you it written on a cornflake box.

As long as you don't touch the pigeon.

Gift thread?

Fuck it, I got a copy of psychonauts and a copy of la mulana. I'll give one of your choice if you correctly solve the following riddle.

There are five soldiers standing upon a field. Together, they form a mighty blade which cannot cut.
First is the weakest one, thin and short, and capable of little alone.
Second stands taller than the first, and if he is rich, he wears a band of gold or silver,
The third is tallest of the lot, and he is awfully rude when left alone.
Fourth is the leader, for he points out the path.
Fifth is the shortest and stoutest of them all, but he is the one who gives the others their strength.

Who are they?

The 1992 Denver Broncos

Its a hand
give me psychonauts.

Very nice, invite sent.

Now, to claim La-Mulana, here's another riddle:

The scholar, the jeweller, the thief, and the walking dead all hide from me. I have seen all lands, their farms, and forests, and so much else, but so many of the mortal arts evade my gaze.
When I am present, a legion of my smaller siblings hide behind me, and yet they remain when I have left, and they see the thief work his craft.

Easy, it's hemorrhoids

Fuck, I don't know, man. The sun?


If you're the Pope just come out and say it.



However, since you were not confident in your answer, gets it. Better luck next time, fuccboi.

The moon.

God damn it

But neither of them was confident in his answer. Also, why does the jeweler hide from the sunlight?

Actually the steam profile guy apparently already has it.

Fuck it, just post your ID, first come first serve. Once again, it's La-Mulana up for giveaway.

Give me what was mine.

its time to choose user...

That you chose that name deliberately slays me.

Should have posted your ID with your answer. There's no way to tell that that you aren't some shitter who is trying to impersonate him.

Dude. I am that user. 100% no joke. Take this shitty image I whipped up in MS Paint as proof.

It slays me because that is a dumbass id.

You're probably all right, though.

I was kinda right

Whenever someone asks me about my id I say that did it for the "irony" of it. In all actuality, though, my sense of humor is just really shitty.

fuck off nigger i got it, i can post more proof if you want, only newfags and shitters use default theme

Oh shit. Congrats, bro.