Male and female Nidoran aren't the same pokedex number

>Male and female Nidoran aren't the same pokedex number

Does this trigger anyone else?

I never really thought about it but if they introduced those two pokemon today they'd just be different forms of the same pokemon rather than effectively two different species

they're cute! cute!

You know what triggers me ?
I can suck my own cock.
I tried all stretching exercises out there, i just can't, my body isn't built for it.
The best i can do is cum in my mouth, but even that fails often since the aiming is really erratic.

Man, if only we had portal, i would literally go fuck myself.

Gen 1 didn't have genders as a game mechanic. Nidoran was originally unique by being the only pokemon with two versions, which both gave different evolutions and stats, so at the time it made sense that they would be two different pokemon.

They were introduced before pokemon had genders. Now they are stuck with it.

The genders are so different they are their own species. This isn't like fem Pikachus that have a heart tail; the Nidoran are entirely different creatures.


Pokemon needs a retcon to smooth all these irregularities out.

This was before they introduced sex.

yeah. they've been really bad about going back and doing touch ups to gen 1 pokemon.

like golduck and ninetails still not being psychic and the majority of gen 1 pokemon only being useful with mega


bitch, wailord and skitty can fuck and they arent the same pokedex number

No. Those were the only 2 Pokemon in gen I that had defined genders. Once gen II hit, most Pokemon had genders so it's really just an artifact more than anything now.

>Nidoran has two slots in the Pokedex
>Kangaskhan is born with a baby in its pouch, no pre evo
>If a Magneton is literally just three Magnemites, the evolution criteria should involve three Magnemites
>Same with Slowpoke and Cloyster, whilst theyre at it they should make a form of Cloyster that ACTUALLY looks like the tail one
>The Nidoqueen breeding problem
>Not fixing Mr. Mimes gender/naming issue
>The Cubone skull issue
Theres a fuck ton of inconsistencies with gen 1 Pokemon that only exist because gen 1 had no breeding, no diverse evolution methods, etc.

A smart company would have fixed these back in Gen 2 or 3 but now we're too far along and they cant really do anything to gen 1 Pokes without offending long time autist fans

yet they changed gen1 types for sun & moon and nobody bitched about it

Those are alternate forms, the originals are still there. Doing something like changing Magnemites evo method or compounding the Nidoran slots is something else entirely.

But also, people have been bitching about the Alolan forms of Kanto Pokemon since the second that trailer came out, so I dont know what youre talking about there.

this episode made me furry

If it makes feel better if everybody could do it humans would have been extinted long ago.



Would we though? I've heard from many faggots on Sup Forums that it's more feeling of sucking dick than the actually feeling of getting your dick sucked...which just seems pointless when you can just jerk off instead.

i remember the good ol days when i was an inch away from my muchshroom tip not even a lil lick

>The Nidoqueen breeding problem
The what?

When are we going to get Nidoran Female (male)?

>this ENTIRE FUCKING sentence

her eggs dry up

>like golduck and ninetails still not being psychic
...why would they be?

I managed to get a about an inch into my mouth once, felt weird and just went back to jerking off instead.

to be fair, psychic was kind of overpowered during RBY. Same reason why gyrados wasn't water/dragon because he would be way too overpowered.

Beats me why starmie got psychic instead of golduck though

is psyduck psychic? if not, why

you're forgeting diglett/dugtrio

I'm fine with them being different species, but I wish GF would end the barren womb meme

>not wanting to suck dick
what a faggot

WHAT THEY NEED TO DO is basically reboot pokemon and balance ALL their shit.

Trying to go back and rewrite Gen 1 incrementally with new forms is putting a band aid on an open wound.

Think about it:
>Nidoran would be one pokemon with branching evos
>Cubone could now evolve into Khangaskhan. Or at least make Khangaskhan make more sense than being born with a baby
>Poliwhirl and poliwrath could look different now
>rebalancing BST and typings
>Crossgen Evos would be fully addressed in the regional dex like in HG/SS
>Flareon could possibly not suck dick

There's a board for this.

And I don't mean this in any condescending way, /vp/ literally has threads complaining about inconsistencies all the time. You'd really like it there.

wat that?

So does pokemon confirm there is only 2 genders? what about nidoran(t)?

>Flareon could possibly not suck dick

That's just a stat balancing, since Flareon can learn Flare Blitz, his only downside is the ~60 speed

Psyduck gets headaches during which it exhibits weak psychic abilities, thus it learns Confusion naturally. That doesn't mean it has to be Psychic type. Golduck's dex descriptions are mostly about it being a good swimmer, and only occasionally mention that it can sometimes use telekinesis. It's still just a Water type. This seems like a very intentional choice, they're not just your run-off-the-mill Water monsters but they don't really have the qualities for a secondary typing either, unlike Starmie or Slowpoke.

Even today. Nidoqueens can't breed with anything, not even Ditto because GF can't be arsed to program something as simple as "if the child is male, it's a Nidoran male, if it's female, it's female".

that was a great explanation

There's three genders, male, female and undetermined (legendaries, Ditto, etc.)

i never knew that. that is pretty retarded.

>not cute

I dont like how Ninetales and Arcanine are supposed to be like the same but Arcanine has notably better stats.


and as it is now, unless flareon gets a Mega Evo, there is no way her stats are ever going to change. And even then there's no guarantee the mega evo is gonna be any good.

One distinction between the Nidorans and the Meowstics is that Nidoran male and female lines have different base stat distributions, while Meowstic male and female share the same base stat totals.

Mr. Mime's Japanese name is gender-neutral hence why they don't give a shit

meant to be a reply to

female meowstic is one of my favorite pokemon. i don't have any fanart of her yet, i wish i could see some cute or dark art of her now.

I'd rather just get poliwrath out of the situation entirely,

buff poliwhirl up with poliwrath's stats

and make poliwag either evolve into poliwhirl or politoed

the evolution of poliwhirl into politoed is ridiculous

I'd bred a Nidoqueen, if you know what I'm sayin'.

I've thought about it before, but we're too far along now. It'd change the entire Pokedex.

What :/

Cubone is not Khangaskhan you theory sucker.

I duct tape a laser pointer to my cock so I can aim my load in my mouth. Try it.

Yeah, that's the problem. They'd have to redo everything
Now would be the best time to do it, since we're entering a Jew gen, but I'm sure they're not focusing on it.

Not really, what triggers me is the lack of sexual dimorphism in other pokeyman species.

Their move pool.

I thought it was neat when they added a bunch of it in gen 4.

Ninetails has lots of mystic and supernatural stuff associated with it that it being psychic wouldn't be completely out there.

Probably because both it and Staryu have have centers that are reminiscent of gems or precious stones and both are sometimes associated with spirituality. They both also have mystery about them.

>mystic and supernatural stuff
so do a lot of other Pokemon

golduck also has a gem on his forehead also don't forge the whole headache thing with psyduck and his name..psyduck-psychic

Evolution that doesn't involve levels was a mistake.

Doesn't Ralts have a branching evolution?

Yes it annoys me. I get why it happened and why they can't change it but it still pisses me off


Nidorina and Nidoqueen can't make eggs. They're the only gendered non-baby non-legendary pokemon that can't breed. Nidoran female can lay eggs that hatch into both nidoran male and female, but I guess initially there was some issue that nidoqueen couldn't lay eggs that would turn into 2 different pokemon that weren't it and they've never fixed it.

The hex data of gen 1 indicates that GF likely wanted cubone to evolve into Khangaskhan, but was held back due to the GB's hardware limitations. Thats why MissingoNO is a thing and why it evolves into Khangaskhan when you level it.

Eh, just giving possible reasons. Not really strongly for or against.

Forgot about the gem, that is decent point. Plus Golduck having an association with kappa.

I'm guessing if they haven't changed types it's because they don't view these aspects about the Pokemon to be worth also being of that type. Just having access to moves of that type being enough. They may actually like the latter more because it lets them be more broad, Vulpix and Ninetails having access to both Psychic and Ghost type moves for example.

This. Getting an Alakazham is a bitch in current gens, and in previous gens with emulation.

>tfw no NidoranF (male) to cuddle

I don't

>entering a Jew gen
>when you browse Sup Forums on your phone enough that Auto-correct becomes redpilled

Yeah it does, so does snorunt. The nidorans could function exactly like those evo lines and evolve based on gender alone.

make it clearer for us please.

So will Alolan versions of mons get their own separate dex numbers?

If a pokémon able of Mega evolution ever gets a regional variant (like Alakazam is rumoured to), would that variant be able to Mega evolve with the same Mega stone?

It doesn't trigger me so much as the designs of Butterfree and Venomoth being switched. Also Golduck and Psyduck should have their names switched.

i didnt need to be rude but...
i heard on this roblox.
god damn it where is it.

if you have a roblox account i guess go play project: pokemon

Yeah NOW should be the time. With Pokemon GO reintroducing the masses to pokemon, and the NX being a handheld/console hybrid, now is the time for Nintendo to make that long desired Pokemon game with all the regions in one, redoing the stories and balancing of the games.

>he fell for switch meme

Its a pretty girly looking pokemon.

I'd plant my berry in her soft soil, if you catch my drift.

I got an alakazam by trading my moltres on gts. :/ I don't have any friends to trade with for the trade evos. Never have to be honest.

For you.

This picture is fucking stupid. You cant call a moth a butterfly and vise versa just because of their colour scheme when a catipillar LITERALLY grows into a butterfly and venomoth is quite obviously a moth and not a butterfly.

This is like grade fucking 1 science class

ask a guy who can suck his own cock about anything.

I remember when Black and White 2 came out. I got my copy on launch day and went to /vp/. It was a smorgasbord over there.

You could get tips, people would trade you shit for evos, and that little strip plaza where your friends could set up shops was full of people.

Someone helped me get an Electrivire for my play-thorough.

i dont think so. the pokedex could simply add regional differences in the dex for each of them

if its true, im sure they will add a mega alternate , and maybe give it its own stone, but i doubt that.

i was hoping that alolan dont already take up pokemon that have megas. id like it to be something special for those pokemon, to be able to adapt completely, or to find hidden power

>Trading a legendary for something anyone on /vp/ would have been ready to stage a tradeback for or at least a fairer trade
I have no friend and got my Magmortar in SS thanks to /vp/


>So will Alolan versions of mons get their own separate dex numbers?
They're almost guaranteed to have separate dex entries, since this is all a play to pad out the pokedex for this gen. GF is a bunch of lazy fucks.
>If a pokémon able of Mega evolution ever gets a regional variant (like Alakazam is rumoured to), would that variant be able to Mega evolve with the same Mega stone?
It would probably some new mega evo item rather than the old stones. Like how Mega Y and X forms have their own item.

Who's calling venemoth a butterfly though? What do you think a moth comes from?

How does it feel being Mike Matei?

Yea I'm into that stuff, sexual dimorphism in pokemon really get my noodle going

>Moths didn't come from Caterpillars
You would be a 4.0 GPA student in Harvard University if we lived in Opposite World.

I could imagine cubone, marowak, kangaskhan evo line. Like cubone and marowak still going with mother's skull idea but kangaskhan is the "mother" and by the time it's fully evolved, the skull is fully fused?

only because you want to see it that way

Professor Oak was stubborn and did not respect Elm's research on Pokemon Genders.

define plant in that context