Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location

Welcome to Circus Baby's Pizza World, where family fun and interactivity go beyond anything you've seen at those *other* pizza places! With cutting-edge animatronic entertainers that will knock your kids' socks off, as well as customized pizza catering, no party is complete without Circus Baby and the gang!

Now hiring: Late night technician. Must enjoy cramped spaces and be comfortable around active machinery. Not responsible for death or dismemberment.

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Christ, this series is still going?

To be fair, last mainline game was over a year ago

That motherfucker is still putting work. I may not like the games but I respect the hell out of Scott Cawthon.

>It's already been a year since FNAF4
How the fuck

Now this is fucking autism here is the reason
if you do not replly to this your mother will die immunity cat and dog does not work

Update 3 when?

>immunity cat and dog does not work
Lol says you, faggot

I could really go for an anchovie pizza right now. It's not my favorite, but I've just got THE HUNGER.

What kind of 'za do you guys like?


>that webm
What the actual fuck


... respect the hell out of someone who is literally a one trick pony.

He attempted to make a shit rpg maker game and completely failed at it to try to branch out from his shit series when he said he'd be done with it.

And now, because he found out that he literally can't make anything else worth a damn, he's now attempting to revive his shit series so he doesn't starve.

Yeah. Respectable as fuck.

It makes money.
Plus a major motion picture is currently being made. The series isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

>being this mad

He took a piece of shit and made it work.

Apparently the director is the same guy who directed Monster house. Should be interesting.

Add to the fact that the animatronics are going to be made by Jim Henson's Creature Shop.

>say he's respectable
>point out why he's not respectable
>"lel you're mad"

Kay kiddo. And no, he didn't make it work, Markiplier made it work.

VR is getting pretty insane

If that was an actual VR game I'd play it just to jump off every time.

Say what you want. Anyone will envy him. He took something broken, and turned it into something that soared.

>being this mad. Again.


>Plus a major motion picture is currently being made

I remember when it was just a thing on steam greenlight and everyone thought it was just a funny and unique concept, by a guy who made bizarre Christian shovelware and extremely crazy real-time RPGs.

But yeah go ahead and call it shit for becoming popular.

"say what you want, because I literally can't defend my position. I'll just keep inhaling his penis regardless of how much of a worthless turd he is."


And I remember, when Markiplier played it and listed it as his typical clickbait, "SCARIEST GAME OF ALL TIME?!" and it actually became relevant.

>gee, I can't come up with a reason why I hate Scott so much. I know! I'll call him a one trick pony and call all his work shit! Yeah! That'll show him!

And you have yet to defend yourself, senpai.

Any webms of these dumbshits fucking up?

Fuck you

but he did make something worth a damn

Desolate Hope was pretty cool

t. Donte you want me to post what I posted earlier or do you just have incredibly poor reading comprehension?

Here, I'll break it down for you, so you can maybe get an F+ in your seventh grade English class.

> respect the hell out of someone who is literally a one trick pony.

So, I'm saying he's a one trick pony... hmm.. how?

>He attempted to make a shit rpg maker game and completely failed at it to try to branch out from his shit series when he said he'd be done with it.

So, after his last FNAF game, which he went on record to say would be the last one cause the story was complete; he went on to attempt "FNAF World" which was universally hated and awful to the point where he himself had to apologize about how abysmal it was.

>And now, because he found out that he literally can't make anything else worth a damn, he's now attempting to revive his shit series so he doesn't starve.

FNAF: Sister Location, the gold digging continues.

Why the fuck am I even arguing with someone who's clearly young and watches let's players like markiplier on the regular.

Have fun inhaling his cock, little man, I'm done. You'll realize when you're older (hopefully) how big of a disappointment you were to your family.

>so he doesn't starve.
Nigga, he's rich as fuck at this point.

>being this childish

>being THIS mad

I never said I liked the series. I respect the man.

And linking to kotaku? For shame, user.

You thought the regular animatronic suits were bad, imagine what being stuffed inside these multi-panel moving pieces suits would be like.

Do they jam each panel into your body with the connecting rod?
What about the multipiece fingers and hands?
Imagine them trying to fit a male body inside a spare Ballora suit.
Or do the Bidybabs and Minireenas tear you into pieces to fit inside them?
And let's not forget Ennard and his broken head and multiple squirming grasping tubes

Who the frick is still buying these?

Babies who love lets players that scream into webcams.

>mfw this webm is scarier and more nerve-wracking than the entirety of the FNAF franchise

I do, but they might be to too graphic to post here. Go to a Rekt/gore thread on Sup Forums or /gif/

>resorting to offending anybody who disagrees with you
Opinion disregarded

>real life is scarier than fiction

Well stop the presses, you just made history with that revelation. I would imagine something like surfing and being attacked by an 18-foot great white shark would be a tiny bit scarier than sitting at a computer clicking around a video game.

You must be 18 or older to post on Sup Forums

no it's not
this guy has been making terrible games for decades
only this one caught on and he's milking the fuck out of it



user, the point of horror fiction is to either emulate reality or manipulate the parts of your mind that sense it.

>The desolate hope was bad
Did you even play it?

It must burn you knowing that a large amount of people like these games.

Hoe triggered does it make you?

It also requires that the individual experiencing it has the mind/personality that reacts with fear to it. That webm shows a guy with no fear jumping around a skyscraper, and I personally wasn't freaked out by it because I'm not afraid of heights or worried he would fall.

Now, put me in a large abandoned building or in deep water and then I'll be fucking terrified.

But immunity sheldor works :^)

>Being this damn mad
Hey there, I'm the original user you replied to. I had no idea my comment would send you into a brief spiral of asshurt. I respect the guy because he does what he loves, make buko dinero off of it, donates some of his earning to charity, and is in general a decent guy. I had no idea that you hold such a grudge against him. Did he fuck your wife or something? Oh wait, I assuming a girl would even go near you.

He's pissed off because something that he hates exists and that other people like what he hates. Typical Sup Forumsirgin shit.

pretty triggered to be honest, but like i said, the only one people ever liked was five nights at freddies, he's always been an awful game developer, before he made that game nobody had ever heard of him outside tiny game development communities

Wait, I'm the user he replied to

I get that much. But damn, this guy acted like Scott fucked his grandmother or something.

How has he been a awful game developer.
His games before FN@F have been good though.

A-user? Are you me?

no they weren't
if the fact that fewer than 1000 people ever played them is not empirical evidence of that I dont know what else is
he used to constantly release "MMO" games that took less than a month to make that weren't even playable


You know how Sup Forumsirgins are, they ALWAYS over-react to things in order to fit into the board culture, and they also feel that the thing that exists that they hate and its fans' very existence offends them to their soul.

Don't play coy with me you sick bastard. Where was I the last two weeks? Who did I kill? The flashback keep coming back, all I see blood.

>Not gonna waste my money on the game, won't even bother pirating it
>Just gonna watch videos of the game instead so I can see what the animatronics and layout are like
It's what I've done for every single game. I don't expect the lore to be very interesting for this game either.

hey you wanna go down the slides with me and we'll talk about memes

>mmo games
A good chunk of em have RPG games
He also never constantly shat games before FN@F.
Desolate hope was also completely playable.

How about you tell me the problems with the games before FN@F, and not just Scott himself.

>He also never constantly shat games before FN@F
yes he did
like I said he would constantly release broken unplayable mmo games within a timespan of months

They're shit, he's shit, you're shit, fuck you.

Please name these MMO games user.

You again?

He was talking to ME, user. Not you.

i think they were called legacy of flan

>point out why he's not respectable
You didn't point out why he isn't respectable, you pointed out why you don't like him.



Just post it...

ITT: people point out gold digging and the cock-gobblers dismiss their completely valid points by saying they're mad

>Sup Forums still doesn't know what rpgmaker is

I'll pretend to be someone else so it looks like more people are on my side


i'm sorry i can't understand if this is sarcasm or not

>oh horrors, someone does a job to make money!
>oh horrors, there are people who like what I hate!


>user has to resort to falseflagging to make him seem smart.

>posts that are less than a minute apart are somehow one person

it's the boogeyman, user, he's out to getcha

I bet you hate donald trump too.

the idea that i'd bother doing something like that to make myself 'look smart' in an discussion about five nights at freddies is pretty pathetic but i wouldn't put it past some people on this board

>what are/is VPNS and Sup Forums plus?

>everything is a comspiracy!

>things that exist are a a conspiracy

It's a weird sort of creepy and pathetic feeling I get when someone has to conflate someone's work with the person, so that any criticism levied towards their work somehow makes it so they "hate" them.

No one here knows Cawthon enough to hate nor has he done anything to hate him as a person; however criticism levied towards him as a game designer is perfectly acceptable.

The FNAF series went viral majorly due to let's players, he did make a shit game based upon the series to branch out, and because that failed (he even pulled it off of steam in embarrassment), he went right back to making FNAF to cash in, cause he can't make anything else.

That's just what happened, him as a game designer is poor. That says nothing about him as a person except maybe that he's spineless that he didn't stick to trying to branch out from his success.

>criticism = I HATE YOU SCOTT =[

the children in this topic

>call others children
>say some stupid shit like this
Top lel

And for some reason this makes you need to constantly point it out in any thread about what games he makes, like it's something we should all know that makes us ashamed to like anything he does. He made a product, people liked it, he made more of it. That's called business.

The reason FNAF World failed is because he fucked up by releasing it too early. He realized what a mistake that was and made it free as repentence while also making a large update-expansion for it that leads into Sister Location. Yes, I wish he'd work on The Desolate Abandon or a sequel to Chipper & Son's Logging Company, but I'm not going to act like I'm angry and need to make some kind of stupid point by reminding everyone of Scott's life history and games that didn't succeed and how a game became popular because of people playing it. For fuck's sake Sup Forums's hatred of games that become successful is one of the most ass-backwards shit I've ever seen, you'd think that your hobby doing well would make you happy, not shit yourself in rage and wish that all games would fail and go away.

too bad everybody's going to ignore the only sane and correct post in thise thread

Now that you got that out of your system, please never post in these threads ever again. Nobody wants to hear what you have to say.

it's more like someone getting undeserved respect for making something popular
this guy is a pretty shitty game developer, five nights at freddies is just a really easy game to make
it's like pretending notch is anything more than an average programmer just because minecraft is super popular