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GTA IV was best GTA second to SA. V was a massive step back.

>Michael, annoying guy having middle age crisis
>Franklin, boring black guy, not as good as CJ
>Trevor, did a 11 year old write this character?

yes I miss him

Johnny really didn't deserve his fate. I was legit angry when that happened and I killed trevor at the end because of it. Fuck you R*

so... are we going bowling or what?



>massive step back

How, exactly?

yes, you covered slav culture in the west perfectly and as a ruski i enjoyed it

It wasn't. It was one step forward, and two steps back.

Yeah there's some questionable designs, especially after they showed what they were capable of with GTA IV and RDR, but there's a lot of positive things about the game too. People are just sperging out harder because GTA V was advertised as being "GTA SA2" instead of back when people just assumed GTA IV was going to be "GTA SA2" and were mad when it wasn't.


Every day Nico. Every day.

I want to go bowling :(

its Niko you dumbfuck

that's not the issue at all. the least interesting time period they could use is our current one, as we experience it every day firsthand. GTA V sucked because it tried being realistic in the worst ways possible
>car insurance in a videogame
what the fuck

I genuinely had lots of fun with GTA V, but I agree about a massive step back in terms of technology and side activities that they didn't bother bringing back. Here's hoping GTA 6 or whatever they decide to call it brings back everything they left out, and then some.

Mostly I just don't want homicidal police that spawn on on top of mountains to come back.

>car insurance in a videogame

You do realize that was for online right?

Nice, another retard using GTAO's faults (not to imply there is anything good about it at all) to bash GTA V's Story Mode.

There's a reason GTAO was released two weeks after GTA V. They aren't the same fucking game. Stop treating them as such.
You don't see people say GTA IV was shit "because the protagonist had no personality and only say "What a dude" every once and a while, and there were only three missions!"

I watched like 10 minutes of that video, and besides the lack of melee finisher variety, everything just comes down to personal preference. I honestly didnt even get half the points the clips were trying to make.

>play gta v online
>forced to ccoperate with fags to grind money for cool car
>finally saves enough
>a wild rich fag appears.jpeg
>rich fag shoots RPG at my new car and kills me
>proceed to teabag my dead body while the wasted screen fades
Keep bitching about insurance user, it certainly is trash

Someone made a similar video for stuff V has that IV doesn't.

They're both fucking retarded. It's literally just complaining "Wow they didn't fucking copy-paste this shit over! Why can't Rockstar do games like Ubisoft where the sequel is literally the last game but with a different skin!"

>GTA IV sucked because it tried being realistic in the worst ways possible


welcome to Sup Forums my friend

Oh Jesus. Sorry Trevor.

Why are IV and V so horribly optimized on PC?

maybe you just own a shitty pc

My PC is very good. IV especially is notoriously shit.

I didn't play TLAD and was still pissed at Johnnys' death

thats how rockstar adds easter eggs

I just replayed the game two months ago, so no

I almost fucking bought GTA V for PC today.

I have played it plenty on Xbox One and PS3.

Is it good on PC? I can run it on pretty good settings.

How good is GTA IV with the graphics mod?

Yes, V is a good port. It's well optimized.
No idea what this fucking retard is going on about.

if you can't max out V, good luck maxing out IV with mods

Roman is confirmed to be dead
There is an easter egg says that
if you do not replly to this your mother will die immunity cat and dog does not work

>It's well optimized.
No it's not. You are clearly a retard. The grass at max settings will rape any computer.

Most of the highlighted stuff is objectively better on IV rather than a matter of preference.

please specify

Fuck you. We need new immunities.

delete this

>character is arrested rather than simply shot
>standing with one leg on a corpse won't make your other leg float

Grass at max settings means
And you're saying that the hit on performance of that is just bad optimization? No, it's because that's fucking insane. Just be happy with Very High. Fags are too obsessed with being able to max out stupid shit. Ultra Grass should have only been available through .ini editing, not available in the game's menu since it only confuses retards.

>tfw still can't get it to run properly on my computer after all these years

damn, this makes me want to download IV again. maybe ill play gay tony.

>Very High
It looks like complete shit without any AA

>inb4 be happy with that
if I wanted to look at shit, I'd buy a console

>Roman is confirmed to be dead
>There is an easter egg says that

Read jimmy's computer as he uses it.

Also I found a bully easter egg literally no one noticed, or atleast no one cares about. In bully the movie theater was advertising sequel the movie, in gta 5 they are advertising sequel the movie 2.

i5 3470, 16GB of RAM, GTX 970. Pretty sure I can run it lol.

I can just pirate IV since multiplayer is not worth playing.

Fuck I don't know if I should get V.

silky smooth 20fps on my toaster

IV was the worst GTA, everyone agreed on this. Then after V came out suddenly it's considered the best GTA and all you faggots are nostalgic over it. Typical Sup Forums being nostalgic contrarian hipster fucks.

don't waste your money dude. the beginning is fun but the story turns out the be crappy and the online get boring incredibly quick.i did all of the heists a bunch of times with friends and it got boring after about a week.

Fuck you

>Sup Forums is one person

epic Sup Forumsrother

This is the post of meta immunity. Every being is affected by it whether it reads this or not. No immunity killing effects will be bestowed upon you and/or are retroactively removed.

k faggot

No, but we could do with a bit more of a deep, serious, and almost darker story, nothing pussy and depressing like with Niko Bellic.
Johnny was a worse Niko, at least Niko had big serbian balls, and not a faggot jew homosexual being cucked by a meth head.

Always loved IV, as did a lot of people. It's a great game. The best open world ever created IMO.

>It looks like complete shit without any AA
Are you fucking serious? Literally the only difference between Very High and Ultra Grass is what casts shadows and what doesn't. AA has nothing to do with it.



Yes. Nico was very lovable and the game gave a very good feeling of what it's like to live in the shitty, okay and rich boi areas of NYC.

V did give a good LA vibe, considering I live there, but didn't have the progression that showed all walks of life like IV did.

And IV had more interesting characters, dialogue and missions and felt more like GTA.

Literally the worst sandbox game ever made. It's small, dull, empty, nothing to see or do, no variety in terrain.

Ah I feel ya. I have played the game a lot and beat the story and shit.
I had it for consoles. I'll take your advice, maybe since I haven't beat IV i'll give it a shot.

Fuck it dude lets go bowling

GTA IV is shit



Okay okay. How can I make GTA IV look extremely good? Looked on Nexus Mods and didn't see shit.

>dull repetitive missions with little to no variety + wonky car physics

Nah, the only thing GTA 4 had going for it was the Euphoria physics engine, pedestrian AI, and story; everything else was garbage.

>Aka cops will stupidly try to arrest the heavily armed mass shooter instead of taking cover and firing even when you have four stars
>Not that noticeable, but I'd imagine it was for optimization.

GTAIV with GTAV gun and carplay when?



that video is simply showing what IV couldn't do due to its technical limitations. IV > V shows how the AI is severely downgraded from a 2008 game to a game that just recently came out

Can you tell me where to get?

>That dislike ratio

Oh wow, a game made several years later has some improvements.
What a fucking concept
Too bad it's objectively worse in many ways that were unnecessarily cut for casuals.

google simple enb m8

not really, i miss vercetti more

All I need is one ENB?

This is probably why that dislike bar is so high.

You know what I miss? Flying out of the windshield and being able to ragdoll some instead of just instantly dying because the game decided that should be fatal.

I also miss cars not exploding from hard impacts. No one liked that shit in the PS2 games, so why would you bring it back?

yes and a road texture

What did he mean by this?

No, GTA IV is shit


>instead of taking cover and firing even when you have four stars
He's talking about at lower wanted levels, you dingus. Cops have always escalated to kill mode in GTA, but they also took the time to arrest you if the opportunity arose.

>if you do not replly to this your mother will die
no fucking shit faggot, holy fuck if I don't give this retard a (You) my mother WILL DIE SOMEDAY, oh no whatever will I do????

>criticizing something you have to do once


Don't car models and the loader for them.

I'm convinced most people who complain about the bowling didn't even play GTAIV. Outside of that mandatory date with Karin (which according to a speedrun I watched, you can skip the bowling), you're never forced to do it again.

soundtrack was godlike




My favorite GTA.

Thanks for reminding me.


GTA IV had a lot of technology that should have carried over to GTA V. The police, shooting body parts, the way radio works if you leave the car, melee combat, many other things.

But GTA V is better at everything else.


I've never missed a slav in my life

I'm not about to start now