You better not play Deus Ex, or else you're a fucking ableist cis scum fuck!
You better not play Deus Ex, or else you're a fucking ableist cis scum fuck!
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Sup Forums - twitter screencaps
Figuratively who?
Who the fuck is this and why should I care what she has to say?
I can guarantee you that in five years more people will remember DXMK than anything she's ever created.
I actually read through this person's twitter feed and lo and behold she's a fucking narcissist who makes shitty non-games and retweets Zoe Quinn as if she has anything relevant to add to any conversation ever
>I actually read through this person's twitter feed
Seriously kill yourself.
>it's another SJW shit on minorities making game episode
the internet is getting really bad. you can find someone saying any stupid thing so you go grab a picture of it, free of context, and take it back to your favorite echo chamber to hoot and holler about. they should euthanize people who do this kind of thing
Go to bed Niggly.
>I actually read through this person's twitter feed
eidos montreal knows who their audience is and knows that these faggots aren't in it
besides a black french dude's the one who came up with this shit anyway and last time he got attacked by sjws about it he went full #nys iirc
Shit's been that way for a long time user.
You knew how it was gonna turn out when "X Sucks" and other sites based on schadenfreude and mocking people for everyday mistakes took off everywhere.
n0t even close.
I wonder what the hell these people are going to do when Twitter finally goes under as it will inevitably since it's been in business for ten years and literally never turned a profit
Where will they post every retarded thought they have 20 times a day then
what the fuck is this
poppy cock
Looks like just an idiot confusing real life discrimination with it's existence in a world of fiction
All these people getting butthurt over this, I might need to pick this up.
What's an "ableist"?
Sup Forums/ tumblr/ reddit/ forum of their choice
Does Zoe Quinn still think she's a "cyborg" because she shoved a computer chip into her hand?
When a obese person tries to say "atheist".
Yes. she also think she's a programmer because she made a game in Twine.
isn't that literally the point? that the events depicted are discriminatory? i'm confused
A word made up by people to describe discrimination against handicapped people, usually people that want to join an online lynch mob and feel good about themselves for hating the right person today
i think there will always be a lineup of technocrats who want to buy their way into "activism" by funding twitter
Is that what this retarded tweet is about?
"Augments" and "wetware" don't fucking exist yet.
Whats the context of this and why should I be mad or care at all? I mean honestly people being discriminated, not trusted, and segregated against for having the possibility to get hacked, lose control, and go on a rampage probably fits the bill of 'ableist' if there ever was such a thing - though justified in the context and setting of the game.
I mean if you really care that much about her tweets, getting mad at her will only fuel the fire and make her more important than she is. Right now she isn't anything significant in the industry. Just look at her games
I mean getting all upset will only get journalists to hop on her dick and she'll just be Quinn 2.0 and that really isn't worth it for such a relatively tame tweet.
The whole point of the fucking game is the moral decisions humanity make regarding body augmentation though....
Why are people allowed to promote these retards' twitters on Sup Forums.
Can someone please explain.
I don't understand, is she literally bitching about the enemy faction in the in-game conflict offends her?
fucking based.
What? Wtf does he "have"?
Bullshit, I can say "ableist" just fine. See?
I love how these people don't realize they're doing exactly what the "AUGS LIVES MATTER" concept art being put out there was intended to do: spreading publicity for a commercial product.
I don't understand
how does one get offended at there being cyborgs in a video game? what is the thought process behind that?
It beg1ns
Exactly what said. A bunch her followers decided to write articles about it for whatever reason
I'm not gonna buy this game because it's a near literal reskin of HR
media mind control and public brain wash is always the main theme of Deus Ex, its hillarious to see neo-v swallow it up without ever knowing the actual context of the game.
What's your favorite mawman
A strong magnet and a chip with rewritable memory, permanently within a fraction of an inch of each other?
Reskins don't take 5 years to make
Zombines because that distorted zombie voice coming through the mask speaker spooped me.
do you people waste your fucking lives on twitter searching for bullshit such as this?
I only go on twitter to stalk Limmy
A penis.
>horrific screams if they get set on fire
never did that again.
lma0 xD
>magnet shoved under your skin moves when it comes into contact with other magnets
>microchip shoved under your skin still works as intended because skin doesn't really block EM fields
Are these people really so lacking in self-awareness
2 slow, spurdo
what could possibly go wrong?
I'll never understand why people do this. Is it that hard to use a credit card that you'd undergo surgery?
Also why would anyone want to be able to "sense magnetic fields"?
>not putting those little neodymium bastards on her hand when she isn't looking
>Zoe Quinn literally sticks another thing inside her to make headlines again
Wasn't making a mockery of herself at the UN enough?
How DARE you, Zoe Quinn is a genius cyborg hacker/indie game artist/narrative design consultant/international women's rights activist/world leading expert on internet harassment!
can we just make a fucking twitter screencap board already
"interact with NFC devices" = chip works the same as it would on a fucking card
"sense magnetic fields" = magnet moves under her skin when another magnet comes close to it
"undergo surgery" = got body mod friend to shove crap under her skin
She did it to get attention, and also because she's a fucking narcissist.
Can my 5 join in?
Honestly, an e-celeb/internet drama board would be a pretty good idea.
>le epic twitter screencap thread
fucking kill yourself cancer
honestly I wouldn't mind it, I feel compelled to discuss how retarded these people are with like-minded anons and a place to do it would be nice
it's about as intellectually stimulating as reading celebrity-stalking tabloids but fuck it
>Square Enix
The same people who thing voice commands are simpler than pressing a button
It was the "women's UN" though, not the actual UN. Nobody cares about them.
We have one
you're on it
can I jo1n in guys?
They'd be better off thrown to /trash/ with the furries and ERPfags, all the same level of cancer anyway
>Are these people really so lacking in self-awareness
Yes they are. Holy shit, yes they are.
fucking idiots
more spurdo
Then why don't you show us how it's done tough guy?
Good evening traveller.
furry is based!
>nothing negative that can hurt people's feelings can be in video games even if the story's narrative presents them as being something bad
Games will always be digital toys.
Why is Twitter popular anyway?
I remember reading somewhere once she has a fucking microchip in her hand or something stupid like that.
Wait, so if you gave her one of those really strong magnets, would she be unable to remove it? Please say yes.
ironic because these are the same people who think video games are art
>I have augments
We really are in the future aren't we
It would rip the magnet out of her skin if she tried
cute girl, give me source
>mfw I get my tentacle augments
>that will still be sexist or a "male power fantasy"
>tfw I don't give a fuck, I'll be pleasuring women with my tentacles
>segregating augmented people is ableist
Isn't that the fucking point though? That the people without augs are prejudiced against the people with augs? Isn't that the crux of the game's entire fucking plot? It doesn't mean that the development team is prejudiced against disabled people, christ.
Yeah but look at what they've turned the meaning of "art" into these days
Michelangelo is spinning in his grave