Do people honestly play xbox one and playstation 4 anymore...

Do people honestly play xbox one and playstation 4 anymore? Why pay for the multiplayer AND internet when you can jump on a PC and only have to pay for the internet, while having access to multiplayer with it alone.

The only reason to own a console is exclusives.

i like to play weeb games when they come out and not 2 years after

terrible b8


What's with the pc shilling? Why would you even want the xb1/ps4 player base to jump over to pc? Who gets this triggered over people enjoying different things? Find out next time on Dragonball Z

At least cross platform play is becoming more common. Does the xbone have any cross platform games yet?

idgaf about multiplayer

shame there isnt a single game on that list that i want to play.

just patiently waiting for civ 6 and hoping its at least as good as 5

Only reason I play on console is massively increased multiplayer populations in lots of games. If you want to play something obscure on PC in Australia, you can forget about there being enough people online to sustain a community. You'll probably get dropped in a US or Euro game with a 300ms ping. Console is really the only option there.

That's cool man :p

Its gonna become more common with the Xbone and PC, not so much the PS4 though.

I suppose I don't mind. It's not like I'm an elitist or anything, but I would like to play games with my xbox owning friends without actually buying that huge chunk of shit.

I play them both and I subscribe to both PS+ and Xbox Live at a total of around $75 a year.

Because PC doesn't get vanillaware or atlus games.
Also consoles tend to have more active fighting game communities

Normies play on consoles.

I say this every fucking thread this gets asked. Normal people don't game on PC. Sup Forums is a very small minority across the world, people.

Way more relaxed community for multiplayer games as compared to the tryhard tourneyfag community on PC. You can get bitched out for picking certain characters in Overwatch on PC, nobody gives a fuck on consoles, which is nice

I quit playing L4D2 online basically a week or two after it came out because people would vote kick you for picking up weapons.

I like to play fighting games other than Street Fighter. Also this

>PC and only have to pay for the internet, while having access to multiplayer with it alone.

You pay more in your electric bill though since PC consumes more power

Do your friends actually want to play with you tho?