Wow rp server recommendation?

Probably a niche request, but do any of you lads know of a decent WoW RP server? The current ones seem to be a pile of shit. Preferably where futanari isn't the standard.

Other urls found in this thread:

just fuck my shit up

I would like a good rp server for any game at this point, all I get is either a bunch of idiots who don't know what roleplaying is or a bunch of edgelord 15 year olds.

Hey, I think I found a pretty good RP server. The community calls itself 'Wake', and I know it's regarded as one of the more high quality RP servers out there. I believe they are nearing an official in-game release within the month, and they are using custom lore to set their server in Alterac.

Basically, the server is set ten years before the First War, in a revamped Alterac that's much larger than what we see in game. There are several player made noble houses that own the major landmarks and keeps in the zone, and each house has their own traditions and such. I'm still reading through the lore at the moment, but this is a really broad description of what's going on.

I guess it could be mature, but equally it could just be some edgelord 15 year olds wanking over GoT. whats the population like?

Oooo this does look interesting. I'll give it a gander.

That said, the art assets look like someone just raided the M&B forums for Klappvisor Bascinets, Morions and vaguely Slavic helmets. Really, you should be sticking to Warcraft's aesthetic. And if we're going by the art in the books, the images are way off.

Also, the helmet tech shown displays about two hundred years of innovations from our history. So it just looks like vaguely medieval garbage.
And Azeroth already had guns and plate armors before this part of the time line.

Stick around on retail. Private communities are great, but you have to commit to them. And Blizz is always nuking private servers. So all you work for will eventually mean nothing anyway. If you've got the high fantasy RP itch, hang around on /tg/ and sign up for some D&D.

And don't worry about futa. ERP and futa is background noise in any roleplaying community. And anyone who says otherwise is a FILTHY FUCKING LIAR. I've seen ERP in every single fucking community I've been in. And futas. It'll be there. Deal with it, nerd.

what art assets? sorry I didnt get the deleted post

and I was never a part of retail RP I dont have money for a sub so ive always rp'd in placed like rph and legacy but both are dead now

For one, the server appears to have the core Warcraft fantasy elements, so it's not really screaming GoT, but rather medieval inspiration. I've been looking over the forums and I'm really liking the character bios. Generally the characters are not super flashy or edgy like most of what's available on retail. They have genuine flaws, etc.

I think there's a piece of the population that's known each other for quite a long time, but overall, they seem welcoming to new people who are good at roleplay.

Can you show me the art assets? I didnt get to see them in the deleted posts.

Yes there was plate armor and guns, but since this is Alterac after a civil war, while you are playing as a civilian or a guardsmen, you would RARELY see any plate or guns since they are VERY expensive. So only knights and lords would have any plate armor, while the common guard/soldier would have mail or leather.

>buy WoW
>pre-order Legion
>get a month free
>get a free level 100 boost
>try out some characters
>boost one to 100
>start making money by farming, crafting, raiding and instancing
>use gold to buy WoW tokens for your subscription
I'm not even lying. By playing the game a couple hours a day, three or so days a week, you save enough to buy a new sub every month, on one character. Spend all the rest of your time slumming around and roleplaying.

A link to the art,

>RP server

>Retard Player server

Here's an image I found. It's the inside of one of the custom buildings:

Also, the city:

That's a decent idea actually, but it's really only the RP that keeps me on WoW. I tried Warmane but it was just really boring. I guess it's because RP is more.. fluid?

Historically speaking, after wars, that's when weapons and armor float around on black markets, and they're cheaply available. War loots are resold on markets while the local administration tries to gain control.
And remember that leather armor is bullshit and you know it. Metal armors are able to be cheaply produced. Brigandine, coats of plates, are examples of low-end armors that were widely available.

And for that matter, munitions armors made for general fit to a person were also a thing. Especially with plate armors.

Essentially, you're pushing a wrong narrative of medieval period weapons and armor to attempt to get people to play dirt eating peasants. Because you, and your small community, find it appealing.

And it's fine to want to roleplay dirt eating peasants. But attempting to give it a veil of historicity is only doing me a disservice.
T. HEMA instructor

I'm not totally convinced by that giant orb helmet but the tabards look really cool how did they do it? Also how big is the world? It seems like it might be large but images are often decieving

The world is pretty big. Like, if you put WPL and EPL together.

I guess thats big if it represents all of Alterac, is there more details on the forums? i might go check it out before i commit

Of course. here's the link - - just register and login for access to all the threads. Check all the official subforums, like the Information, Announcements, and Chronicle sections.

How do I get into RP
I tried to play DnD with some friends one time but I couldn't get into it at all and wound up barely saying anything. I can't make up stuff on the spot.

It all starts with making a character, then thinking how they would respond to it. Yeah it can be tough for people who don't consider themselves good at writing, but it can be pretty fun if you make a character you really like. If you have to as a first character just make a self insert so you can respond to situations as you yourself would. That helps you to understand the basic until you can make a more complex character.

I couldnt deal with voice rp either, pure text with a game to display shit on was my niche. on the last private server i was on which seems to be similar to "wake" i was players running around trying to change the story

maybe thatd be more your thing?? its less personal

Problem I always have with more accessible rps is that they are filled with edgelord 15 year olds. I would rather only rp with 3 or 5 friends that know what they are doing then 30 people that just want to act like a "Creepy murderer' character.