why did cing fall vee ;__;
Why did cing fall vee ;__;
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An example of what happens when you pirate a game you like instead of buying it and helping the developers in making more of your favourite games.
Blame us
All of their games were middling.
this. all the great studios can attribute their fall to piracy. cing, troika, westwood.... the list goes on
That's the only reason I bought the game, because otherwise I would've never heard of it, due to severely inadequate advertising.
they've made literally 8 games in their lifetime, 5 of which were on the DS and half of which never saw an NA release
not all that suprising
Nobody bought. This along with EBA, Trace Memory, and all the other touch generation games didn't even move when they were heavily reduced.
>muh piracy
if you weren't subscribed to Nintendo Power then anything on the DS's library that wasn't Mario didn't exist for you. All these "classics" like Ghost Trick and Strange Journey were (and still are) largely unknown to DS owners and Cing's niche as fuck games are no exception
"Isn't it the bar ?"
Post the best game over you had
Too bad I would'nt have bought the last window if a friend did'nt told me how to pirate DS back in time
I wonder if i would've known AA,ZE and Kyle Hyde without pirating since they were fucking unknown
>you will never find your own Rachel
What music, Sup Forums ?
I didn't think they could top the first game's OST, but Last Window was a damn perfect 10/10
Rip. I loved these games.
>Defending piracy
Get cancer
implying you'd even heard of Cing or their games before they went bankrupt
face it faggot anything not first party gets zero advertisement. Why do you think third parties hate working with Nintendo?
You're gonna buy it, right?
What killed Cing is having too high production values for niche point and click games.
fuck yeah
it'll still sell like shit, unfortunately, because it's niche as fuck
Why am I only learning about this now? I even fucking subscribe to Arc's youtube.
thanks for putting me on user. I will buy it now
feel so good~
I did'nt knew this was a thing, thank you for enlightening my day
Hope it will erase the pain from ZTD
I played this game a long time ago, do you think it would be okay to watch? I kinda want to get my girlfriend to play through it on an emu but I'm worried it'll bore me to tears watching her try to figure shit out.
any puzzle game where you already know the answer will be annoying to watch
at least you can be there to help her if she's too retarded to seem smarter than you are
Would be better to do it on an actual DS. Also, play the sequel "Last Window"
Please tell me we're getting a ZE4 to patch up the story.
is ZTD that bad?
not really
but it's not that good either
I really liked it up until the ending.
Then it left a bunch of questions and contradicted stuff from VLR.
>Loved Hotel Dusk
>Never played ZTD or 999 or whatever the first game in that series is
Should I?
999 and VLR are good, ZTD is ok
>eShop only
I would buy it if it got a physical release, since I hacked my 3DS. Still using EmuNAND since I'm too lazy to switch to a9lh.
Play 999 for sure.
If you like it, consider Virtue's Last Reward and Zero Time Dilemma.
You can use the eShop on emuNAND. A9LH is for when you want your sysNAND to be on the latest version and to have a faster boot time.
I'm still running 10.6 EmuNAND on Luma. Don't want to update to 11 to use the eShop in case I ever want to move to a9lh later.
I'm sort of in a bind here. I bought Hotel Dusk and Trace Memory, and even imported Last Window. Really want to support these guys since they deserve it.
Luma disables the checks that prevent you from downgrading from 11, user. Besides, you can always just back up your emuNAND and restore it if updating to 11 breaks anything.
It's been a while since I used emuNAND9. If I launch it via Homebrew Launcher from Luma it'll back up my emuNAND, right? I don't want to boot it from the menuhax Homebrew Launcher?
Don't think it makes a difference but do launch it from the homebrew launcher in luma.
You'll protect his smile, right Sup Forums?
Guy is damaged goods at this point. Hell, LW implies he didn't even fuck Rachel in the end.
Thinking about old Kyle reminds me the HD x AC crossover will never, ever happen
It wasn't piracy, it was the game being unknown. Piracy might have not helped the situation, but it wasn't the sole cause.
Stay wrong.
>Hell, LW implies he didn't even fuck Rachel in the end.
Kyle Hyde only cared about Bradley. He was saving himself for gay marriage
That damn J
How exactly do you people think that people worldwide bought and found out about DS games? All the stores in my country just had Mario and Pokemon and some stupid gimmicky kid games. For anything else you had to go to a ROM site because all the internet sites charged shipping that cost as much as the game itself.
I live in a shithole europoor country and yet I somehow managed to find hard copies for all Kyle Hyde and Another Code games
Post yfw this song kicks in
Good for you, how much did they cost? It was 1/2 to 3/4 the price of a DS here.
Under 40 euro for each one, I think. I did get Hotel Dusk and Another Code used, though. Another Code R and Last Window were sealed, at least.
Especially with angel and summer
Don't have a 3DS. Might finally get one for this.
>FALL 2016
It has already been released in japan
Might look it up then
Post favorite song
>Last Window - The Secret of Cape West OST: One Night
too much of a budget put in game, too little of a budget put in advertising
and they probably had just enough budget for one espresso machine and old garage
>not posting this
why did you let cing die then?
I miss Cing so goddamn much ;_;
Pirate trash made them go bankrupt
No, poor marketing and not being anything like Nintendo's big sellers is what killed them.
Cing developed game Little King's Story is coming out on PC literally tomorrow. What's your excuse Sup Forums?
Also the 3DS spiritual succesor to Hotel Dusk looks mediocr e as fuck. It's like 2 hour long or something.
Watching pirate filth defend piracy makes my blood boil
>you're a pirate if you don't agree with my baseless claim
Can you try to not sound like a retard?
Am I the only one that had a lot of trouble with this game? Sometimes I would have absolutely zero idea what to do.
It's been forever since I've played it, so I can't remember how much I actually did myself. I know I did need help with some bits and the end section.
None of you cunts bought their games.
I did.
I knew about pretty much every "hidden gem" DS title just from casual internet browsing or seeing them on the shelves at GameStop, who stocked just about everything except a few localizations of niche as fuck nip games done by shovelware companies
What the fuck? Why hadn't I heard of this coming West? Day one buy.
Because if it isn't Mario or Zelda, most people won't care what comes out on Nintendo.