To date, the Left 4 Dead series is still one of the best...

To date, the Left 4 Dead series is still one of the best, most intensely fun cooperative multiplayer experiences available. Why do you think this is?

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>tfw l4d3 never

I've probably played more KF2 at this point just because my friends do, but I liked that L4D's goal was to get to the end of a level instead of just camping about. It's a fun little scenic adventure.

I think a good part of it is because it's arcadey and easy to get into a quick match, unlike all the survival multiplayer games that are out lately. If you fail you can just try again unless you're doing some iron man challenge or something.

Likeable characters 2bh pham
except rochelle

Even Rochelle's good because she's easily hateable, which means everybody is united in their hate.






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yo nick

Yes just like HL3 has been teased by valve too, right?

Yes, but it's still something regardless.

i wish they never split the playerbase with 2. they should have just released the fucking dlc. so many more people would still be playing if it was just l4d1.

L4D is boring as shit on anything other than expert, and on expert it often becomes unplayable because of how randoms always shoot you

>he unironically bought kf2

Replay value.

So we find out what happened to the L4D1 survivors, but what about the L4D2 survivors?

They're taken to a cruise ship thing that seems capable of handling carriers safely so I'm guessing they end up alright.

I know one thing.. I'm grabbing pills.

no they get airlifted out by the military

pretty much putting them in the exact same position as the original survivors were at the end of l4d1 with the Blood Harvest finale

I honestly can't remember where I read the thing about the ship. I guess there's lots of hints that carriers are summarily executed, so it might not have turned out well for them.

whatreally happens is the apc driver gets infected and then they crash and another dlc takes place


I don't like L4D2 because whenever I play with friends it turns into a massive competition over who can get the most kills.

I might have a bias against it because the friends I first played it with already had hundreds of hours game time on me and already knew where all the cool shit was, so not only was I left with scraps, I was trying too hard to get at the top of the scoreboard.

I don't think I'll ever launch that game again, there are so many better shooters out there.