This is what happens when Pan initiates the Maxi-Fusion.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hmm... I can a lot of stuff happening with her.

Kinda cute even for something that's 80% male.

>potentially only 1/5ths of a girl
>still gets tits

Where do the tits even come from? Its one female ingredient doesn't have them.

.cia when?

All 5 of them aren't even that tall or old so it is just combination of age and power levels.

is it safe to dokkan post here

Everybody Loves Natz


Can anyone confirm if there's a Goku/Kid Goku/Bardock/Turles/Goten Maxi-Fusion?

beam struggles in XV2 plox

hopefully soon, i'm tired of waiting

No. Fuck off.



>No Taino in Fusions
>Won't get to fuse her with FemGinyu


That's a big girl

>>Sup Forums

No one gives a shit about the meme majin.

I love overkill in this game

I care.

That's how many characters are in this game...

Is there a Bulma/18 fusion?

>playing Dokkan after they dropped the rates to 5%









>Playing dokkan



Well, with the game having a shitton of characters and fusions, who the fuck are ya gonna put on your team?

I want to see Broly / Mr. Satan

This will never see an English release, will it...

The game looks like garbo
I'm only here for the Towale porn

Why such a huge forehead?

>Not Pandel
>Not Brapan

>Towale porn

Hate to break it to you but it's not gonna happen

Hey, Dragon Ball Sup Forums people.
I have a question.
Why is Budokai 3 the best of the original Budokai trilogy?
Keep in mind, I've only played Budokai 1 and 2, (as well as Super and BT2, but they aren't relevant)

The same reason why 2 is better than 1.
>Not playing BT3.

>thinking you're cool for blowing up an easy bot
Step it up goy

I just meant the idea of someone blowing up the planet just to kill a RR Solider

Larger roster?
I played SOME of BT3, but not very much. I do want to get it someday.

Budokai 3 may have the best gameplay but Budokai 1 had the better storymode.

>Literally just combines into Goku

interesting yet boring

How do you feel about Towane?

Playing the mobile game for the first time.
Do you make stones quicker by using them in story mode to regain stamina?

Is this guy any good? Just got him and can't decide if I should throw him in my team or not. His passive skill changes teq spheres to rainbow spheres.

Her hair is messy and she has a bat on her boobs.

I just got him too. I find that affect pretty good actually. When he is on the field pretty much every time all 3 of my units get full Ki from the rainbows

Shit link skills. Use him if you don't have a Super Saiyan team

You only get those stones once. Don't waste them on dumb shit mother fucker

>You only get those stones once. Don't waste them on dumb shit mother fucker
So just wait it out until my stamina recharges? That's hours with no progress.

Welcome to phone games. Most of them pull that bullshit, it's how they get your money

>trying to force progress in a mobile game

Look, not saying you shouldn't. But the jews at Bamco are banking on you doing this. Stones aren't super expensive but you need a lot to do most things. If you burn them, you'll be gimping yourself

Also do yourself a favor. Prioritize awakening lower rank characters first over that SR you got. Can't afford the team cost of a lot of those and early on awakened characters are dumb OP

>Prioritize awakening lower rank characters first over that SR you got

I made the mistake of Awakening my best card before I realized the cost goes up. Had to take him out of my deck for so fucking long

in one hour we get the tournament rewards

i'll be able to do only one GSSR summon with my silver tickets

i really hope i get a teq ssjblue goku or at least a decent villain so i can farm agl whis and max my teq whis

Been casually playing this fucking game for a year. You can do a lot without paying if you just quit giving a shit. Login, get your daily shit. Do quests until you run out. Do events. Don't summon on dumb banners. Save and you'll be fine.

My team one year in

Why couldn't I just make more?
Also benefit to awakening?

There's a bullshit Rock Paper Scissors game with the color types that you're already playing. On top of that is another system they introduce. Heroes are awakened to Super. Villains are Extreme. Super blocks damage against its own type, and takes extra damage against the opposite. But if you're awakened and the other person isn't, you don't take a penalty for attacking into your weakness.

dude your level is low so you rank up quick

ranking up restores stamina don't waste your stones

oh i'm uh rank 23

Chain quests and rank up


chain quests?

are these NPCs you meet around the world or CaCs?

NPCs, though it wouldn't surprise me if the character creator is that in-depth.

Also, here's Trunks meeting Tights.

What's the best way to level up/get stones at Rank 23 onwards?

I don't think he's wearing pants...

i think he tried to say grind

you still have a lot to do in the story mode and each new mission gives more rank exp than the last one so you shouldn't have any problem ranking up


This viable for me? Just googled it and it was the first result.

yeah that works

just keep playing normally and you should have no problems with stamina until you hit higher levels

max rank level is 210

Toriyama has literally said that it matters who is dominant in the fusion and that if a male and a female that are equally dominant fuse, you could get a newhalf (transexual).

Man, I'm always having issues with my stamina. Always gets drained by so fast.

try doing missions on hard mode

ah not really done that yet. do you hav eto finish them on normal first?





Ginyu wanted Frieza to fuse with him, but Frieza said no.

A bit disappointing. I was expecting it would at least have Recoome's square jaw too.

The Spirit Ball is a useful attack.

Look out ladies, Roshi's in da house!


I wonder what Pilaf's doing...

Literally 18 in a gi.

Is there seriously no Burter + Jeice fusion?

the fuck's a cia?

god goku challenge is going to rape you

Yes there is.

Fem Ginyu begins her attack

>Get 84 wins in the WT
>Using 3 TUR's
>9800 with 15 minutes left
>End up in the 11,000's
It better not be this hard to make rank in the next WT.

The King

Gogeta may be the king, but Satan's still the champ!

>3 gold DB Saga tickets
>2 chances for the GSSR

I don't know whether I should hoard the tickets or use them now.

wat gaem

Majin Vegeta, Xeno Trunks, and Phy Gotenks are all in the pool.
Doesn't get much better than them.
I got 4 chances in the GSSR and got some pretty lame results.
DB Saga summons are useless.

dragon ball project fusions .tv/hamachin

Dragon Ball Fusions has more characters than all 7 generations of Pokemon COMBINED!


Fusions seem to have this weird back and forth between thoughtfully designed and really lazy