Based Notch
Based Notch
Sup Forums - twitter screencaps
haha! here, let me try
Got it
Sup Forums - anime
>ITT I post my shitty crop
What's wrong with the crop?
Why is notch such a bastard?
Transwoman here. Notch needs to calm down and understand that times are changing.
>Transwoman here
Are you cute?
Lets make this a minecraft thread
>when did you started playing minecraft? (if you ever did)
>when you stopped? (if you ever did)
>In wich system did you play(ed)
>whats your more cherished memory of playing minecraft?
>favourite mods
I think so, I have just started growing my very own china, doctor says its coming in good
Depends on your preferences ;)
notch is a lot cooler than i ever thought he could be
Goddamn. I'm not even gay but I'd suck your dick just in order to fuck you.
He is kind of a magnificent cunt, isn't he?
What's this chick(?) problem? She wants free money just because he's ritch?
Does any game rival Minecraft's "comfy" potential?
>I'm not even gay
>but I'd suck your dick
I hate this faggot ass board
Fallout New Vegas
Holy fuck is that real still?
Yes, we've seen this screen-cap 15 times already. You can stop posting it, Notch.
Do you have your tongue stuck out or is your bottom lip swollen?
Why though? Notch is entitled to his opinion. And he isn't even flaunting his achievents, in fact, the trannie is using her mental disorder to try to milk money from Notch. Notch did nothing wrong.
It's one of those delusional whatchacallits. Traps or trans or genderfluid or whatever it decides to call itself on a Tuesday.
You remember that kid in elementary school that always wanted to borrow (and never return) your stuff, but got furious if anyone ever touched his pencil box? That kid who would preach about sharing, even running and getting the teacher if you refused, but mysteriously was never unable to share his own things?
This is that fucking kid twenty years later.
She re-appeared recently and apologized to Notch, saying she was in a bad place or something at the time and that when she did this she was "trolling". I hate the internet these days.
>Sup Forums suddenly likes notch and kotick
what went wrong?
alpha something
>when did you stop
at full release, still occasionally have fun with friends but it's rare
>which system
PC, also tried on PS3 for lulz with PS Plus
>cherished memory
building stuff at sunrise to that god-tier soundtrack
never installed any lol
He made it clear that he would only do it for extrinsic gain and not because he actually enjoys the act of sucking dick, so he's obviously not gay. I'm not sure what kind of contradiction you see here.
>Faith in notch restored
Same I recently revived my pc from 2010 and I can't even login to play anymore
>Notch starts talking about his armpit fetish in twitter
>, Notch.
>when did you started playing minecraft?
May 2012, when I got it for 360
>when you stopped? (if you ever did)
Around december of that year
>In wich system did you play(ed)
360 99% of the time, I gave it a try on android but I didnt liked it
>whats your more cherished memory of playing minecraft?
Playing it for the first time on multiplayer with my friend
i wonder if notch realizes he just got lucky with having the right idea at the right time. the fact that to this day people still have to use stairs to act as chairs and fences and planks for tables is most lazy thing ive seen, as far as video games go. his comment about how it sold more on platforms without modding like its a good thing puts my panties in such a fucking bundle.
> 100K in debt
> still trying to make it as an indie game dev
> still trying to secure needs out of maslow's order, like self-actualization before shelter and security
sounds like someone makes bad decisions
>Becomes a billionaire after stealing the game from Infiniminer
>Does nothing but talk shit on twitter all day in his Beverly Hills mansion
I love this glorious bastard
Did the infiniminer dev end up killing himself or what?
The difference is Zachtronics had more than 1 idea and wasn't ruined by it
To be fair, Infiniminer wasn't about survival, it was team- and role-based competitive digging
It did have paved blocks that made you run faster about a decade before Terraria and Minecraft did
Please spoiler that lewd picture.
This is a Christian-friendly board.
What game did she create?
Revolution 60
Well yeah no shit he got lucky. The people that invented Google got lucky. Bill Gates got lucky, Steve Jobs got lucky.
>made a videogame
>is a billionaire
>shitposts online
literally Sup Forums wet dream
IIRC he was a little bit remorseful, but mostly felt flattered that his creation became a worldwide success
What else can he honestly do besides suck it up? He fucked up big time
He was always one of us. Being hardcucked brought the Sup Forumsirgin out again
Brianne Wu, spacekatgal, made Rev 60. I don't think Amber Coal is part of Spacekat, but I could be wrong.
Did Notch unJUST himself?
>He was always one of us
No he is not, he is a goober shit, dont you remember?
He was never JUSTed
>tactical armor
Fucking misogynist pigs at it again
youre not a transwoman. theres no such thing as a transwoman. youre a mentally ill man wearing womens clothing and injecting chemicals from jewish pharma companies for a few years before you decide to kill yourself because they left your mental problems untreated and told you wearing womens clothing was a treatment.
what did she mean by this
Notch stopped bullshitting because money made him miserable and we realized Kotick just wanted to make money off games a lot of people bought, not actively shit everywhere like EA and indies.
He literally posted early alpha builds on here for us to critique
Sup Forums helped shape the early days of minecraft
You're right, there's not really anything we can do.
I try not to think about how futile this all is. In 60 years hopefully I'll be dead. Hopefully cancer can hit me sooner than that.
I can't stand seeing this shitty trans online community support it's crap art and video games in a really insular way. They don't even like their own work but all force themselves to like the terrible crap other people make for strength in unity.
At least most of you damaged fruits will never have children. It'll just be like down-syndrome kids, the problem ends with them, because they're incapable of having children, because who would go near that? Trans people are too fucked in the head or selfish to have children.
You've all been kicking up such a shitstorm too, no one will take you seriously anymore, congratulations, you've used up everyone's patience in the shortest amount of time.
Wew. Nice arms there Bill. Might want to figure out how to drop that muscle mass and get some bone reduction while you're at it.
>still has nutsack hair and crane neck
Choking down that pill. Turns out men who want to be women arent liked by women who dont like anything.
because he has sever depression and pushed away all his friends who now pity him, so all he has left is money he doesnt want, a house he actually hates and an outlet for his anger in twitter.
He's Sup Forums but rich, and much less happy.
Notch is a seriously sad piece of shit, literally has BILLIONS of dollars and can't find anything to do with his time except shitpost gamergate crap on Twitter.
What a fucking loser. He should spend like 5% of his money building the USS Enterprise Replica that was canned in the early 90s.
Another feminazi blown the fuck out! We did it Sup Forums!
Sup Forums is pro gamer gate.
This desu.
Every "trans" person I know could basically be ticked off as a gay at best, with a kink to dress up.
It's tied into their identity to always fucking talk about this shit and what turns them on. No one cares, just live a quiet life for fucks sake.
I don't go around screaming "I love pussy".
There's bigger problems to solve. It's such a huge waste of resources and humoring these people has been like letting a festering wound get worse. We haven't treated it.
>Sup Forums is pro gamer gate.
S-so, what did you do?
I'm not trans but I want to be a femboy, that's all, I already have 4 weeks of training cardio and ass+legs, I'm also thin-ish, or at least I was last year.
Any advice without actually crossing the line to be a girl?
>and can't find anything to do
He has depression, its not that simple. That said, hes cutting every support he has, and ends up regretting it afterwards. Like when he threatened to blackmail brenda romero, revealing he keeps logs of every conversation he has in case he ever needs some dirt on people.
Like, dudes got so many issues and if you offer him a hand he slaps it away.
>what a loser
>he should do this thing that only a huge loser would do
Are you serious lol
I know Sup Forums has its issues with Notch, due to their disappointment with what could have been. But it fills me with joy that a fat fucking neckbearded loser like him became a billionaire.
It's nice to see one of our own reach the highest of classes.
while the example is bad, spaceflight is a good hobby for people who feel they are above most problems.
Let me correct him.
Sup Forums WAS pro gamergate until it became cool to hate on gamergate once reddit joined in
>Sup Forums is pro goobershit
I love that meme
oh wow, my opinion of this "thing" has risen slightly.
I love seeing truth and action set in and jolt these fuckers into reality.
Hopefully all these special snowflakes will have all turned inward and eaten each other soon.
>literally posted on Sup Forums in the past
I'm slowly starting to accept that the more the outside hates SJWs and feminists, the more Sup Forums loves them. Give it time and Sup Forums will be filled with regressives who talk about how men are evil
Anita makes my dick somewhat hard.
Do you think she actually cares about muh feminism or is she just getting her pockets lined by Jon McIntosh
I'm cautiously optimistic. Either that or he's going to pivot it into cis women are privileged and it's just the trannies that are oppressed.
Also, people realized Kotick was right about Tim Schafer.
thats honestly the only reason to buy vr right now
I think the telemarketing video put that question to rest. If she really cared she'd do debates or talk at conferences. She won't. All she does is speak at events where she can control everything that is said. It's the telltale mark of a charlatan.
she turned on McIntosh
she even turned on Hillary Clinton
And surface level SJWs (neogaf and such) are turning on her because she turned on Hillary
He must have handed the business decisions to somebody else because they have been producing things fine since those two, maissive, fuckups.
>Literally a tumblr filename
I don't care if you're trans but
>if you go against me ur a bigoted transphobic
I'm actually going to start using Reddit if we get more of you fucks in
You are right, he should have backed kickstaters like this!
Notch used to browse here, then he got greedy and made tons of money but his retirement has slowly drawn him back here. Dude is loaded and red pilled as fuck
Because the things they've been producing have publishers and Tim's not in control of the money anymore.
Well, aside from his kickstarter ripoff scam site.
I dunno, I'd be pretty happy if I were rich. People who were shallow enough to get jealous of him weren't his true friends in the first place. Besides, it's not like he's ultra-famous, he could go ANYWHERE and meet people who don't know he's rich if that's his biggest concern
>tumblr filename
>implying anything about the views of Sup Forums