What do you think of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood?

What do you think of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood?

bretty gud

Castlevania 1999 when?

Did they have suits back in 1792?

>Castlevania 1999 when?
>wanting modern konami to handle C1999
Regardless how you feel about Iga's actual contributions to the series, do you REALLY want to roll the dice and have something that sounds really cool utterly ruined by incompetence and/or mediocrity?

Not as good as 1 and 3.

It's probably the best classicvania but it was still a bit underwhelming to me.

Haven't you heard of Italian suites?

who pachinko Maria here

It has great graphics and is easier than all other classic Castlevanias, which are why people tend to call it their favorite. And yes, Rondo is easier than Super Castlevania 4. Rondo simply does not have the dangerous stage obstacles that SCIV has.

I still love Rondo, though. I also love the PSP remake for giving us the Annete boss and a bitchin' 3rd Dracula form.

Dracula X on SNES is not terrible, but easily the worst of the mainline classic Castlevanias. It's pretty janky.

i never noticed how retarded this pose looks

No, educate me. Only this comes up

It's a wizard of a game, a true star. I wouldn't call it a favorite of the Classicvanias for me, but it's great. It got me into the series.

I personally don't understand the fixation with it anyway. I don't see why people would think it really be reflected in the game anymore than the story of any of the games is reflected.

And we pretty much know what happens anyway. I'd be down for it, I just don't think it's all that interesting or some big tease we never got.

Even if it's easier it's still hard by most video game standards. Getting knocked off edges by flying heads and one-shotted by headless knights got my blood boiled. Also the final boss can go fuck itself.

Superior to SotN

I think it's that killing Dracula for good is pretty fuckin significant, so people would kinda like to play it rather than just an "it happened"

Yep. To be fair though, that whole event has a shitton of mystique since we can't play it.

Even IGA didn't want to make a '99 game since he didn't think he could live up to the concept.

It has best girl.

Surprisingly disappointing. SCV4, Bloodlines and then this shit reverts back to the CV1 formula but does everything way worse, especially the difficulty. Maria doesn't even come close to CV3's character selection and finding hidden routes is just a massive waste of time, the bosses are pathetic and the music sounds better on the SNES port. No wonder they went full Metroid.

It's significant, but I don't see it playing out all that much more differently than any other game in the series did. Dracula gets his shit wrecked by a Belmont, but dies for real this time because some priests seal up his power in an eclipse.

I'd be down for a game with Julius, especially if it were a Classicvania. But there's not a ton there that I think is extremely compelling. It was just backstory.

That's actually a pretty good reason for not doing it actually. The idea of what could be is probably better than if a game was released, and instead other story can be added; well in theory, don't know personally about lords of shadow, but i haven't heard the best and I think the story is kinda out there

I'm not too interested in 99.
But there was a LN that takes place after DoS where Julius has a apprentice with a Danasty descendant as a friend It'd be a cute throw back and I'm sure they could bounce off that without destroying too much.

On Rondo
Nails it.
Although it does have my favourite version of Dance of Illusions in.

Yes. Our tastes are in perfect synchronization except I enjoyed CV64 so that ruins it

I still think it's a great Castlevania game but...

I actually think Dracula X is better.