The endless shitposting. The constant complaints about the sequels. A Max Payne thread funny as hell...

The endless shitposting. The constant complaints about the sequels. A Max Payne thread funny as hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of.

Other urls found in this thread:

I always imagine some newfriend that sees the New Vegas threads and then thinks he's got Sup Forums all figured out now and decides to make his own version of it and it always fails horribly

Anyone still playing MP3?

aww come on :(

multiplayer sucks and is dead, only populated by mexicans. its a bargain bin game now

But I like Mexicans.

Its fuckin great. But for it it still stands:

2 > 3 = 1

if they make a fourth game, where should they set it?


I am playing through the campaign again because it is fun as fuck.

Beaten 5 times now, I think?
I beat it Old School most recently

Am I the only person who thought MP2 was shit and the worst in the series?

Worst in the series? No, not the only one. Shit? Yes, you are the only one.


You make me sad

They are all good but personally
MP2>MP1 w/ Kung Fu>MP3>MP1
I didn't like the bullet sponges in the first

Game play wise

> 3 >>>>>>> 2=1

Everything else


You're alright

solely new york city

I feel like Max is done, one more ways than one.

I don't really know to be honest. I mean the setting change in 3 was an interesting dynamic to affect Max, and it was good to have some levels from America as well.

I don't really know how they really could make a fourth game. I won't be too mad if they don't, I really liked 3, I just wish that the series would end with Max's death like in Though in 3, I vaguely remember Passos mentioning some job involving waitresses or something before the Panama Canal level. If Max got a little frisky (which would be a bit out of character) that really loose plot-line could have Max having to deal with being a father or something like that in a future game.

It seems really contrived, but it could work if given time and polish.

Or they could've scrapped that idea and included parts of it in Michael in GTA V.

They had some Max-like qualities for Michael
>bullet time
>dark past

Let Max Payne retire in peace. Ignoring on whether you think the third one is the best or something that should've been aborted at its conception, it wrapped up things decently enough for Max. No more sequels, just make a spiritual successor starring Raul Passos or something if they do try to continue/make something past MP3