/RWBYge/ - Grimm Eclipse thread



So can I play as Ren, thats cool



FUck yeah

>Pyrrha's model is a pile of ash

>her combat moves is just blowing into Grimm eyes, blinding them

I'm really hoping this game will continue to grow as time goes on. Improve with time, much akin to the show.

Ruby is best girl.


Too bad I returned it. Shit was just not fun. Call me when we get a RWBY fighter.
SFM models are still trash, sorry.

You mean from garbage to mediocrity?

>SFM models are still trash, sorry.
it's k.

>I'm really hoping this game will continue to grow as time goes on
Guy who bought the game during early access here. it's not.
This is the best it's going to get. They obviously shifted form improving the actual game to making dlc packs and modes.


Well gosh diddly darn, that sure ain't swell.

fucking KEK

I would love to see velvet added just to see how badly the devs fuck it up.

There's really not much more they can do.

Nor can they do much with the main story, due to it's place in canon.

wouldnt velvets fighting style be everyones fighting style with non of her own?
besides high kicks?

Ain't that super ass racist?

>There's really not much more they can do.
Yes they can. They can look up other action games and see what they did right. Fucking hell, just copy Sengoku Basara since this is supposed to be a musou.

Velvet would be simple to add in. Give her a bunch of other characters animations and skills that are already done.

Finished. Easy.

It's guys like Jaune (who has only basic level skills as of now) and Ren (who's abilities are a complete mystery) that are gonna have trouble.

As it was they basically based Blake's moveset all around something she used a grand total of once.

it's exclusive to her team though.

if the team is four (4) Velvets, GOOD LUCK.


It's time.

>There's really not much more they can do.
Yeah, they've proven themselves to be complete amateurs who don't know how to make a good action game.
>uh, we'll make it so when a player hits an enemy there's a chance they'll stun it for another player to do a flash finisher on it. we'll call it a team attack
>wait, ok. We'll add a bam ham style counter system for no reason
>all the characters play the same

>As it was they basically based Blake's moveset all around something she used a grand total of once.

What's it based upon?

>Ain't that super ass racist?
on the topic, I bet in the world theirs fake faunus girls in a play boy mag or something
cat girls are the rave

>4 velvets
It becomes Dive kick, the game

The elemental clones she used only in that one fight against Torchwick (because it required using special ammo Weiss only gave her once) at the end of Vol 2.

Vol 3 they didn't come up at all (unless she used it once and I blinked). Which granted she only fought like twice in Vol 3. But still.

angrily signs delete this

Why are the end hits kinda floaty and slow?

>Vol 3 they didn't come up at all (unless she used it once and I blinked)
There was that Ice clone in the first episode

In their defense, this was a cheap ass fangame by complete amateurs that was going to be free that Monty insisted RT back and make official. Which they accepted because the devs would be stupid not to, but they aren't up to snuff and it shows.

This IS probably the best they can do.

the fun part is figuring out what youre mad about

I know you don't actually play video games or anything, and you have literally no idea how game development is done, but no, they can't just magically turn your embarrassing shitfest of a game into Sengoku Basara. It takes time and money to do anything, and it takes talent and volition to actually make something worthwhile. This game, like the show its based on, lacks all four of those things.

>end hits
They're heavy attack. All you do is spam the same 3 combos; LH, LLH, LLLH. Ruby and Blake's LH is fucking useless but regardless of what character you play, your most efficient combo is LLH. Especially yang since she can FINALLY FUCKING COMBO out of it.

Just one. They later added actual game devs but they weren't much better.

>tfw you'll never get your $10 back

>Ruby posing with CR
What a dork!

>No ashley effect
aw man, lame

Likely because they were stuck trying to salvage his inital work. Much like with Monty and the animation equipment they used to make the actual show they were trying to make something professional with a garage band setup either because they didn't want the inital stuff to go to waste or because they were unwilling to change.

Unless they throw everything out and start from scratch like Vol 4 is, they can't really fix it. And they might as well just leave GE as is and make another game then.

Yo mugen user if you're here, how are you doing?

>implying Jaune/Ruby

They did start over though, there's nothing similar between the initial fan game and grimm eclipse.

The fan game and the official game are pretty damn different. One felt very KH while GE is closer to Warriors.

>but then I was like

>Implying implying
unless Jaunes into sniffing Ash that is
Sides, they were doing fine untill Pyrrha butt in
>yangs right leg

>Why are we here? Just to suffer?

>One felt very KH
KH1 or 2? This is an important question

They'll be quick to give her a cybernetic arm cannon or something. I'd prefer her to overcome her obvious weakness without getting one though.

1, but way clunkier.

They're better as friends, c'mon. Ruby and Jaune getting together romantically would be an awful experience for both of them.

It's so painfully obvious she's gonna get a robot arm with some upgraded punching power after she stops moping around. She's gonna show up last minute to save Ruby from some life threatening beatdown.

It's sad how predictable this shit is.

relax, im not being serious, theyre just two sociably adorkable dolts
And I enjoyed KH1 combat far better then KH2

Ignoring that the only nation that's been shown to have the level of tech to make a robot arm is basically cut off from the rest of the world, what if she just doesn't want one? She look brooding and bitter as fuck in the art they showed.

Is there a character that has a good one arm fighting style?

>1, but way clunkier.

>I enjoyed KH1 combat far better then KH2
I don't see this everyday

>Ruby and Jaune getting together romantically would be an awful experience for both of them
It would be whatever it's written to be

well I mean realistically its the only good option you can go with in terms of where her story goes from here

I get that allot, it was fun to be a scrawny kid lugging a giant ass key over my shoulder
in KH2 the key feels too small
sound like a sage their user

Goddamnit, I know I shouldn't be but I'm still pissed. Why maim her? She doesn't deserve to be bullied so hard.

I honestly wasn't expecting edgelord: the character to literally disarm my waifu.

Nigger, she's gonna team up with the current big bad and her cronies to beat the primordial source of all the monsters. The legless guy will share his cybernetic tech.

That would be the easiest option, if anything.

Because she's a nothing character.

Oro from street fighter and Baiken from GG come to mind. Oro is canonically one of the strongest fighters in the sf universe. Can't say anything about Baiken since I played a little of AC and only got fully into GG with Revelator

>Says she's in it for the thrill
>Gets fucked over the hardest of anyone on the team
She learned that day.

think if she gets depressed further shes going to dye her hair black like Raven

She made Ember Celica so she can probably make a prosthetic

>in KH2 the key feels too small
I understand this 100%

It was too early if you ask me

but she's a title character

I'll look them up

You do know ember is in cahoots with the grimm lady, right?

I need source that looks like some good corruption/femdom shit.

WR > all

Is this what Monty wanted?

So how much do you think they'll charge for JNPR?

>I need source
You're kidding, right?

too much.99

Be fair, pretty much everybody in RWBY is a nothing character.

That was no thrill. They just maimed and killed the best characters.

I feel like it was just them doing that whole thing where "Watch character get beaten hard to show how super stronk edgelord mcVergil here is" Definitely too early though. The correct length of time should've been never. ;_;

Calling it now, she mopes for an episode or two before they slap a robot arm on and never mention it again.

Why not?

Ember wants to absorb all the goddesses to be strong enough to kill Grimm lady.

>Ember wants to absorb all the goddesses
I bet she "absorbs" a lot of things.



Because the writers are lazy and decided that "antagonist one-shots the established tough guy character" was the best way to show off how powerful Not-Vergil is while also giving Yang some "character development" (read: moping until the plot demands she get over it)

>friend gets dismembered while trying to save her from an ex who just gave her a diy abortion
>abandons said friend
Worst character on the show.


So is being a shit but you're still here.

Reminder that Weiss is queen of RWB/v/.

lol nigga she already got clowned on by neo. Adam is just too busy being edgy to waste time on toying with shit fighters.

>Baiken has a grappling hook on the nub

Still waiting on the reason explaining why Neo can beat most of the characters in the show


And technically Spencer in Marvel 3.

Keep waiting faggot. Rwby is a rule of cool type show.

Shut up, second-worst girl. Nobody likes you.

He just meant the archetype. In actual toughness, she's basically just Worf. She looks tough, she's the boxer type, and she exists to show off the new threat by getting her ass beat hard everytime, like said.

She should've gotten dismembered instead

Can't wait for the tears.

More like rule of "How many anime cliches can we force into a single episode?"

>game is so bad/unpopular that pirates aren't even bothering to upload the updates

Would it kill someone to upload their copy?

Wouldn't be surprised if Oum's plot notes deliberately avoid it. I'd expect Yang to figure out some preposterous Aura Semblance bullshit that materializes a phantom limb of pure fire.

He's the guy with the bionic arm right? He wouldn't really fit since he has something in place of his arm. Then again, I think Baiken has tools in her missing arm as well. But she still has great swordmanship with just one arm

Well there's always this fucker, though I don't think his flying and energy blast style would apply too much to Yang...

Well we have characters doing anime sword waves with aura so can't say I'll be too surprised

You're assuming that RWBY has competent writers. So far, they've done nothing to indicate that they've done anything other than throw darts at a list of anime tropes.

I really want that Pyrrha model to practice animating with.

Not lewd stuff but fighting.

That honestly might be Oum's handiwork.

Remember, before RT picked him up all his animations were basically "HEY, WOULDN'T IT BE AWESOME IF THESE CHARACTERS FOUGHT?"

Fair enough, I guess.