This character represents everything wrong with modern GG

This character represents everything wrong with modern GG
>Edgy weeb bullshit instead of heavy metal
>Ripped straight out of Gayzblue
>Playstyle is just gorilla mash into knockdown for braindead setplay oki in a series that's supposed to take skill and execution
>Clashes with the rest of the roster in every way imaginable

Why even bring back GG if you're just going to turn it into BB 2.0? Who even wanted this asshole over Baiken and Kliff?

>Edgy weeb bullshit instead of heavy metal
Aba, Chipp, Baiken

>Ripped straight out of Gayzblue
May, Aba, Zappa, i-no, Pochumkin, Slayer, Chipp,

>Playstyle is just gorilla mash into knockdown for braindead setplay oki in a series that's supposed to take skill and execution

>Clashes with the rest of the roster in every way imaginable
No, he doesn't.

Stop being such a faggot dickrider. GG hasn't changed.

Literally the battle cry of closet BB fags pretending to be OG Guilty players. He's literally Ragna dressed as Hazama, fuck off and quit defending this shit.
>May and Slayer are ripped straight from BB
HAHAHAHAHAHA fucking kill yourself.


Fuck off.

>Mad Blazbabby
Why can't you faggots stick to your toddler fighter and stay there? Why did you have to ruin a once-good series?

Never said I was OGGG, but it's clear you just jumped the bandwagon. I don't even played GG back in '06 but that's how it always was. :3

You are definitely a BB player.

OP posted the same shit a day ago and no one responded, was hoping the same thing would happen but oh well.

Japan hasn't gotten the memo that edgy characters are a joke in the west.

This is Sup Forums, people fall for even the most blatant bait here.

>Whaaaa mummy stop criticizing my precious neo-GG

I think they realize it as well. Considering he makes all those O-faces when he gets IK'd.

Lets be real, without Blazblue GG wouldn't have come back.

lol at people pretending they play guilty gear

I'd rather it have just stayed dead than come back as the abortion it is
>Faggot new characters like Bedman, Raven and the Valentines
>Shitty redesigns for old characters like Potemkin, Ky and Baiken
>Replacing FRC with YRC because Blazbabbies have shit execution
>Worse graphics, ditching sprites for 3d horse shit
>Music and story have no soul anymore
>Hellfire comeback mechanic.

>>Faggot new characters like Bedman, Raven and the Valentines
Raven was already a character, he just turned playable now.
>>Shitty redesigns for old characters like Potemkin, Ky and Baiken
>>Replacing FRC with YRC because Blazbabbies have shit execution
Opinions as well.
>>Worse graphics, ditching sprites for 3d horse shit
Xrd graphics >>>> anything 2D by ASW
>>Music and story have no soul anymore
Opinions. SIGN themes were mostly whatever (Magnolia Eclair, Starry Story, Jack a Dandy were fine replacements, and Marionette/Diva of Despair were great), but the REVELATOR themes are godly.
>>Hellfire comeback mechanic.
This one is dumb, as is Danger Time.

>Raven was already a character
Thanks for proving you never played GG. Now I don't need to read the rest of your post.

Kill yourself.


Nigga what the fuck is that shit.

>GGfags butthurt because BB was made instead of more GG
>GG gets a new game
>GGfags still butthurt over BB


Raven is a fucking shit but this guy is right as well.

>GGfags mad because BB was made instead of more GG
>GG comes back but BBified to the extreme
I wonder why GGfags are mad user.

Xrd is simplified but it still plays and feels like GG.

I'd rather it stay dead if I had known bandwagoners and secondaries thinking coming into from Accent core and up gives them the right to say how the series should be when they got no fucking clue what they are talking about. +R was a mistake

It plays like a shitty mashy version of GG for BB faggots.

+R is the best fighting game ever made. You're just a faggot mad that you have to actually get good to play it.

Raven was a character that appeared in GG overture, and briefly in the past games as That Man's comrade. Literally one minute in Google search.

>He appeared in a shitty non canon spinoff that nobody played so he counts

Overture is the most canon GG though. Where the fuck you think Sin comes from?

He's literally Ragna dressed as Hazama

Looks like you never played the other Guilty Gear games.

>It plays like a shitty mashy version of GG for BB faggots

k keep playing your dead older versions, no one will miss you

>Motif inspired by black poetry
>Spike through head
>Ironic use of cross symbolism
>Lavishes in self-mutilation
Are you sure you know what it means to be metal? Like I'm not sure what you're getting at by claiming he's ripped from BB since he doesn't really play like anyone, and him being unga is whatever since he's hardly the first or last, but as far as being metal or 'clashing', nah. He's pretty metal, and while his choice of weapon is goofy weeb shit (although not the goofiest, to be sure), he doesn't really stick out from the crowd by any stretch.

They better nerf those pits

A. Where do you think Xrd gets it's plot from, you fucking clod?
B. To better reiterate what said, he was present in multiple characters' story modes in GGXX, particularly in Axl's where a shoddy localization made false implications that the two characters were one and the same.


Was going to say it when you posted the same garbage thread yesterday but that one stayed rightfully dead unlike this one, unfortunately. You actually did not even play the older games. I bet if I offered to play XX Λ Core Plus R right now you would not even do it. You are a complete fraud.

Both series are great. Both series are fun. Cut this garbage out.

>He's literally Ragna dressed as Hazama

Wonder how OP's gonna react when he finds out that Daisuke came right out and said he wanted to do a GGxBB crossover right after the new BB?

Also post Ramlethal.

Ram is cute! CUTE!

No surprise. Both him and Mori worked on GG and BB.

Are you actually retarded?

Since this is the most obvious shitpost bait I've seen in a while can we just disregard this thread?

We can just fix it instead at this point.

>implying metal isn't for edgy weebs

If you'd have played AC+ long enough, you would realize the balance in that was just perfect and +R are is just needless patch that upsets that balance and introduce Blazblue fans into the series, which is why we have so many niggas bitching impatiently about mains not being in the newer ones yet, unlike honest fans that were just glad to see the move forward with new blood after 10 YEARS of GGXX and Accent Core iterations and ports with the same stagnant roster, story etc.

If you compare top JP player Slash and AC matches to top player Xrd matches, something is clearly off.

That's because Melee players are some of the most skilled gamers in the world, user. Can you imagine how insane their hand-eye coordination must be?

Xrd is simplified, no shit.
But honestly, I think that Guilty Gear should've gone the way of Darkstalkers. Bringing it back while making simpler didn't work because Xrd still embraces GG's old school gameplay design that a lot of newcomers to the genre won't like.

He looks like raven from like all the gg games excet no reaper edgelord mask.