What's the lore behind Brinstar...

What's the lore behind Brinstar? I only just now realized that half of it is just overgrown wilderness while the rest appears to be a set of abandoned ruins.

The area is specifically named "Brinstar - Red Soil" so clearly there's something special about it.

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How do breakable blocks reform?

Maybe it was a man made tunnel. The people from the ship were scientists and the dead guy before Kraid was one of the scouts. What I want to know is what's going on in Draygon's room? Are those boxes in the background? What are in them?

A tunnel to what, though? I think you might be on to something, maybe there was valuable ore deep in Zebes.

In prison

Maybe they were poaching dangerous animals for experimentation, or for their pelts, or to used as weapons of mass destruction. They managed to get Phantoom locked up on the ship and thought they could shoot for Kraid too but maybe things went haywire and Phantoom destroyed the power for the ship and killed everyone and the team that went for Kraid got wiped out too.

Humans didn't make anything on Zebes, it was a Chozo world.

Rule of thumb with Metroid: if it looks like someone used to live there, it was probably the Chozo.

Its always the Chozo.

Chozo were wiped out, humans see an opportunity to plunder.

>no metroidvania set in a giant prison complex

nigga super metroid dope af

Wrong. The architecture changes depending on how far you dive. I'm almost 100% certain Lower Norfair was built by the space pirates, as a triumph to their conquest of the planet.

imagining a neckbeard narrate the game like this as he runs thru it lmao actually i saw a video exactly like that on youtube a long time ago and he had a generic nerd lisp

So i just got a Wii U and had a nintendo gift card laying around for YEARS. This was the first thing I bought on virtual console. Oh my god does it look like ass on a 47inch screen. I've emulated it before and the filters made it bearable to an extent, but this shit was ridicoulus. I had to resign myself to playing it only on the tablet controller.

Anyone else feel kinda bummed out ?

Also this metroid lore is the deepest

Buy a crt you stupid kid.

True. But Brinstar was probably them, thats what OP was asking about.

look at this video i just found youtube.com/watch?v=Q2sTv-_DHhA

Read the manga. Super lore

Why does there have to be something special about it?
Brinstar wasn't even originally choked with plant life. If anything, that's the "special" area.

The geothermal heat from Norfair below turned the soil red.


What was once Brinstar in the original Metroid became flooded with water and became Maridia.

was just like trileaner filtering with some af x16. works wonders on anything

Except that doesn't even make a lick of sense.

Is this bait? I can't tell anymore

Boy I'm gonna give you something to lick alright

I played Metroid Confrontation today.

It was fun.

Red soil is an actual thing. Must be in 'Straya.

Who's excited?


How long is the current version? 20 minutes of gameplay?

Over half the game.

it's Sup Forums LMAO


fuck that's good


Chozo weren't wiped out, and they were on Zebes until very recently because that's where they raised Samus.

Batman: Arkham Origins: Blackgate