Do you play video games with your girlfriend?

Do you play video games with your girlfriend?


This is Sup Forums, user.

Don't you get tired of making this bait thread every day?

Me and my girlfriend (male) play video games all the time.

Yes i do play with my hands when i play Vidya

It would be pretty hard not to.

I play video games with my wife. We actually met on a video game 10 years ago.

I play them with my boyfriend. Not a femanon, by the way.


>I'm a male who plays video games with other males.
Wow. So special. Glad youshared.

no, my girlfriend 'plays' me while i play videogames

He's turned on by women playing vidya.


>tfw you got dumped yesterday and had to go into work today.


Why would I want distractions from my vidya?

>Make once in a 1000 year trip to Facebook to see what family is doing
>Remember old crush I had as like a 14 year old
>For some reason we are no longer facebook friends even though we were friends
>Decide to readd her
>Browsing her profile
>Suddenly after looking at a few pics those old feels of the heart beating fast and the blood rushing return

This is so weird guys. Have you ever had something odd like this happen?

Hopefully soon, there's a girl I like that I'm gonna ask out to coffee when I get the chance. Hopefully she will turn out better than my Satan spawn of an ex

>tfw when you've never had any meaningful social interaction with a girl and you're currently unemployed

Just started showing my wife Silent Hill 2 tonight. We take turns playing a different game together every few weeks.

>Me and mate play vidya together
>Mate and his GF play vidya together
>She's a nice enough girl, we all get along well
>Hey mate, why don't we all ever play vidya together?

>For some reason we are no longer facebook friends
You know the reason, user. Just stop before you hurt yourself.

They probably fuck while they play.

She accepted my friends request.

My ex started to get more into gaming after she met me, first sarted with some old JRPG's. I thought having a "gamer" gf was pretty cool
One of her friends introduced her to LoL, hoping to bond with her, I played for a while with her. Eventually, she said she wanted to play "competitively", and I dropped it bc of lack of interest.
She became a shitty person, overall, and that eventually became the first step of me dumping her.

My current gf likes casual stuff, Mario Kart, sports games, LBP, and sometimes she likes to watch me play flashy action games (DmC, Souls).
I'm pretty happy with my casual gf.

The downward spiral begins

That's an odd question to ask a bunch of permavirgin homosexuals.

She also deleted you in the first place. It's very rare for a person to outright refuse a friend request, since some people take it very personally. Quit while you're ahead, user. I don't want to see you hurt.

Why you readded m8?
The fact you two were no longer friends means she deliverated deleted you.
You are better than that, user.

Nah I don't have a crush on her anymore I guess besides she has a boyfriend.

Just wanna be friends, it just felt weird for a minute when browsing her profile

No but I still have sappy romantic dreams involving my first girlfriend, I assume because my brain is trying to attach a face to a feeling so I'm not cuddling with a featureless mannequin in my subconscious.

Probably. Fuckin' rabbits, both of them.

I dunno just to see what was up I guess. Some people have magically dissipeared from my friends list before and re added me themselves or whatever and told me it was by accident or something.

Even if it's nothing like that it's been years so I don't see why not

A little. She's not much into games, but I think she wants to get into them because I like them.

I play Mario Kart and Just Dance with her. It's fun to have someone.

Yes. She plays MMOs more than I do.

This is probably the best. Casual gamer gfs won't bother you for playing too many games, and have less of a chance of being a terrible person at the same. I think the trade-off is worth it

Me and my gf play a few different things. She liked Bloodborne. Now we're playing Nier. She likes racing games the most

Does your girlfriend get angry at games?


user please

don't remind me

Never played League of Legends but it seems like most people turn awful after playing it some.

I remember some guy at school senior year wouldn't stop going on and on about how it was "The most competitive game ever nothing is more competitive then this" I just nodded or whatever to him and let him keep talking.

He asked me to take over a match for him while he went to the bathroom, I just sat there and stared at the screen doing nothing. He didn't even leave the room.



something close to this has actually happened to me. Thanks for reminding me.

Also, my ex got progressively fatter after getting more into vidya, even denying proper sleep schedules in exchange for "team practice" with her shitty teammates who never even got out of Silver.
My current gf persuades me into going jogging/skating, and eating healthy WHILE keeping my vidya hobby safe, she even has offered to gift me a game, but given the current prices, I've declined her offer.

Sorry to making this into my blog, but I just like sharing how happy I am right now.

>GF leaves you for a guy she met on a video game server you showed her.

>she even has offered to gift me a game, but given the current prices, I've declined her offer.
Why? She coudl buy you something used/on sale

Yes. Even though she kinda sucks at FPS games, and her favorite is pokemon. I still do some co-op with her, like in Borderlands 2.

How the fuck is that odd? You were creeping some girl's profile and now you want to fuck her.
Good for you.

I'm just really shy about having people spend money on me.

What are video games

who no gf virgin here
I don't give a shit anymore
I just fap to lolis, go to work and play videogames all day

I play with my wife. She's very competitive, but doesn't have as many years of experience. I enjoy it

We've played ARK and Secret World, Baldur's Gate 1-2.

It'd be better if I'd conceal my autism and didn't bask in it's glory and shit on her for casual nature.

I bought FEAR for the 360 today cause my girlfriend mentioned she wanted to play it, she's a big horror fan. I'm excited to watch her play it while drunk.

We never have good >WikiHow threads anymore.

Is it because most of Sup Forums is too new, or does everyone get the hint and just ignore it because they don't like it?

Sometimes with my wife, but only if our daughters are also playing.

I'm the latter

Of course, I don't see how I could play video games just with my left hand.

I used to


"no" At this point I'd take a bottom boy.

Who cares about girls
i can play all the racing games i want






no one should have to suffer this much and yet we all are forced too. And no one even gives a single fuck. If you can't get a GF it's your fault you stupid fucking faggot. God damn it all why don't we all just mass-kill-ourselves in a circle one day to make some kinda goddamn statement about this shit?

>tfw no bf to play Rance games with

>God damn it all why don't we all just mass-kill-ourselves in a circle one day to make some kinda goddamn statement about this shit?

Sure, you go first.

>God damn it all why don't we all just mass-kill-ourselves in a circle one day to make some kinda goddamn statement about this shit?
What statement are we gonna make with that? "A bunch of losers committed mass suicide because they filled themselves with expectations they wouldn't fufill"? I'm like this too, user, but nothing's going to change human nature.

We play league of legumes sometimes. Swore that shit off two years before I started dating her but she got me playing it again.

I've never played video games with a girl unless it was animal crossing new leaf or lucky on cod black ops 2. Its also never local but online so they haven't seen my digusting african face. At times i wish i was white instead of black and african.


Been single for a year and so. Feels bad pham

what is the point of having a girlfriend when masturbation exists

You think you want it but you don't. Trust me. You do not understand the burden

why is he holding her around the neck like that?

yeah but shes not very good at them
she didn't like system shock 2 but she likes vbtm

>tfw have old high school friend that you had a enormous crush on for years before falling out of touch
>meet again at a party and hit it off pretty well
>plays video games and actively wants to play with me constantly. Its mostly normie games but I couldn't care less
>get her a job at where I work and start trying to spend more time with her
>go on a few dates and see a few movies, play vidya, start to think I may actually have a chance to be with someone I actually care about
>randomly gets mad with me one day after we were supposed to game and says something very slightly negative that pushes me into anxiety mode
>have a complete panic attack and proceed to say self-hating tripe that I constantly project onto myself that completely ruins her entire image of me to the point of just saying I'm annoying and not to talk to her.
>absolutely refuses to communicate with me anymore and now I have a girl who decided to hate me working at the same place as me and reminding me every single day of how I will never maintain a meaningful relationship because of my own inferiority complex
>Haven't eaten in 3 days and can only think about how much I fuck everything up

where did everything go so wrong, Sup Forums? I wish I could just turn back time and not speak to her one day and everything would have probably been peach. How do I work on keeping my cool and not panicking in sticky situations like this?

I play video games with my wife's son, does that count?

Just be yourself.

I'm very sorry to tell you this but you just blew your first and your last chance having a girlfriend

I've never interacted with a female outside of casual chat.

kidnap her fAM

She sounds like a bitch.

I've had one gf and she really enjoyed watching me playing 3D Zelda titles and Souls games while snuggling up to me.

I feel like shit thinking about that.

Sounds like a typical case of wasting time with 3DPD.

>says something very slightly negative that pushes me into anxiety mode
What did she say?

nothing about Lezard is casual


Small dick

Girl gamers are repulsive sempai

it's hard to remember since I started to freak out pretty quick, but it was something small basically saying no because they didnt want to do anything with me that day

Ooh, Felt that all the way across the internet,friend. sorry that happened to you

Dude, get out of there. Delete that request right now, before you hurt yourself thinking theres a chance. Don't be like me.

I mean who needs a qt, weeb as fuck, delicious brown gf anyway? I bet she never even held a controller

I just don't think being happy and literally having one person love/care about you is an unrealist unexpectation... if everyone else get's to have it, literally everyone else, how is that unrealist expactations? that's the definition of expected. It's expected of you by others, it's expected of you by yourself. And when it doesn't happen no matter what you do, man fuck it all.

Lower your standards

I don't even know the last names of people in highschool so I can't search them
I've had my account for two years anyway and haven't gotten a single message, so I doubt anyone gives a shit or remembers me

Just a bit. Our tastes differ too much

Speak for yourself loser, making friends and acquaintances is easy as fuck.
Here's my little advice: don't be yourself. Yourself is a sperg and a weirdo and nobody likes that.


I've been single for two months and I am already sick of it. Thanks for reminding me.

>two months
try your entire life

How do you act?

This whole gf thing confuses me sometimes

>"chads" as r9k calls them can get any girl, so they dont care
>normal people that can get a gf, really dont care about getting one at all, they know they will in fact eventually get one

Why is it that everyone who wants a gf, doesnt have one? Does the world just like to spite people who want the thing they want?

I mean I want to be the best artist I can possibly be yet all my artist friends who are better than me by far, is just like "meh, its a thing I do." yet im pissed that my art skill has pretty much peaked.