V whats a good videogame to play when drunk

v whats a good videogame to play when drunk

most aren't but platformer-esq games are probablly your best bet

Just Cause series
Elder Scrolls

open world stuff where you can go "oh hey whats that i'll check it out". Games that are more structurally loose


>thursday morning

>vlavored rum

You! The fella there with the DS! What are yeh havin?

chokolet m-milk

Shit posting is my go-to drunk activity. I get really good at it

Any social game

Open world sandbox (Minecraft, Rust, GTA etc.)
Kart racers
Couch co-op games
and simple FPS like Halo and CoD

Dumber is better gameplaywise when drunk

it's almost midnight over here in the center of the universe (jersey)

>find my last name on a bottle of vodka
>buy it on a whim
>its actually pretty fucking good


>organic vodka

Ignoring all the dumb labels I thinks it's kind of cool that it's made from grapes instead of potatoes like most vodkas


Driving to the Liquor Store Simulator 2016


i'm not being a butthole but how are grapes more organic than potatoes?

I like driving and fps games

Nostalgic games

Theyre not
I was just saying its cool because I'd never heard of vodka being made from grapes

Last week I had some vodka and cranberry with pic, and played Left 4 Dead 2.
It was pretty fun

hows the taste? i imagine grapes would give it less of a bite

This with TF2, Overwatch, or a Build Engine FPS makes for a fun night.

It's pretty smooth
Buy the plain stuff
Flavored vodka is absolutely the worst

FPS games are fun as hell drunk. I play BF4 everytime I am drunk and destroy people. I have 600 hrs in that game and was drunk probably 50% of the time.

are you by chance in a college sorority getting pounded by Tyrone every other night?


I just like the taste compared to some other things I've tried.

My negro that shit is good




Cinnamon anything is fucking awful
I would rather drink any other flavor than ever put that nasty shit in my mouth

Multiplayer games where people use voice chat. CS:GO and L4D2 are favorites of mine. I always wake up in the morning to like 5 steam friend requests and never play with them again.

>Rum in general

Top pleb.

I dont care too much about taste when I wanna be silly.

enlighten us, patrician

You should try the cinnamon jack Daniels, it doesn't have that nasty syrup feel too it.

I play either Overwatch or Rocket League when drunk, also Mass Effect.


If you dont care about the taste then why would you drink anything but everclear you fucking dumbass
If you dont care about the taste why the fuck would you drink cinnamon flavored garbage

i will enjoy a cup of strong coffee while playing breath of fire 3