Je Suis Monté Hunter Thread.
Je Suis Monté Hunter Thread
Hunting a Deviljho, HR7+
30 0476 6873 3853
How do you feel about this shit?
Sad, because it'll never get released outside of nippon.
How many khezus could a khezu khezu if a khezu could khezu?
>tfw no mhgenerations on vita
Would you keep posting this if capcom straight up said never ever?
I already lost hope, kind user
that's why it's so painful
Is the pink hoodie symbolic to you?
>The have a SnS that's basically a fan and your fist.
>Strider's DS are just the Cypher and his hand.
>SnS literally has a shoryuken
>No SnS that are just basically Ryu's fists.
>It could even have two upgrade paths, one Electric with more Raw for Ryu, and one fire with more Elemental for Ken.
Capcom pls.
Tell me about the cat... why does he wear the hood?
>Dreadking Rathalos
Oh dear god
I started playing Generations with my brother. Is Insect Glaive a good weapon for him to try? I was going to stick with Charge Blade.
I bought the regular Dinovaldo plushie butt that one is 2edy4me.
this cat is cracking me up. It looks like a cousin from Katamari
Although the game is enjoyable, what do you guys think they could do to make it better? Been playing since PS2 and Freedom and I don't know what they could add to make this fresh again.
Monster transformations.
Is Mizutsune the most weeaboo armor set? I don't care about abilities just looks
more content and removing gathering quests
Oh, I didn't mean that's something I want. I got caught on the idea of making the game fresh.
To what extent?
A fuckton of new monsters
Bring back underwater fights but make them not suck massive cock
More monsters that aren't winged wyverns
Toukiden and SSD weren't quite on MH's level in the gameplay sense but one thing I felt they did right was how the monster had very distinct phases as it got hurt. Some monsters in MH change a lot but too many just get faster or hit harder in rage mode.
Probably like Hunter Arts now, or an item. Just a short cooldown.
Silverwind Narga is up there, Ludroth armor is literally Naruto.
Agree with you. Even though gathering as a cat isn't terrible, I really don't like gathering as a whole.
Is everyone okay with the way drops work? I feel like if they made it easier to get stuff it'd feel too easy but at the same time I feel like there could be another way that still involved hunting.
Playable wyverians
I hadn't even thought about underwater combat. I have no idea how they'd balance that with all the new systems.
I was going to say that they're just old people. I had no idea they were half wyvern and actually lizard people.
You know, I'm really bad at conveying my ideas. I meant transformations for the hunter, as a joke.
That's already going to be a thing.
>Dreadking 1
>Fucker with a switch axe actively refuses to fight, just runs around
>Still carts twice and fails the quest
That baby Stygian Zinogre does wonderful things for me.
I wish we had something like a colaborative black list
then again that shit would be abused to hell 'n back
So what are the better Fire / Lightning weapon paths
Rathalos or Glavenus?
Lagiarcus or Astalos?
>Silverwind Narga 3
>DB named Kirito joins
>Oh boy here we go I thought these fuckers were myths
>He's actually an entirely competent player and doesn't cart once
>Everything went better than expected
>Kirito decides to attack us all and prevent us from carving when Narga dies
I want ride-able monsters as a new weapon and the only way to unlock more monsters is through egg quest
Mizutsune if you're looking for posh shit, Narga/Silverwind Narga for ninja sluts and Drilltusk Tetsu for samurai shit
Garuga if you want to be Lu Bu
guys Frontier is down for maintenance im bored
someone link me some songs and ill chop and screw them
What is bottom right?
What's the best style for long sword?
Edel I think
Adept but I personal like Striker with Sakura Slash, Critical Juncture and Absolute Evade.
Adept or Striker.
Adept can keep it's gauge in the red really easily depending on the monster and doesn't disrupt people as much, whereas Striker let's you use more Arts, which is great because all of LS's Arts are amazing.
fuck, but I have to git gud with adept.
I mostly just want a different weapon/style than striker switch axe because that shit is braindead as fuck. As soon as I get demon riot up I just need to make sure I can keep energy charge up and its done
This cost $450 to make.
Adept is way easier than you think, you just need to start throwing yourself into attacks and hitboxes instead of away from them. The dodge window is retardedly huge.
I guess i'll give it a try
last question, is the Glavenus LS good or what should I make first?
Seregios is my pick, but Petrified and Obsidian are good too.
You'll no doubt make the Mizu one at some point along with it's set just to feel like a super weeb, I know I did.
just killed nibelsnarf and im on 3 star quests
when does the game get hard or fun?
at least is better than the 3 houra of gathering it made me do before this
The monster that shows up in the "Deliver 2 Wyvern Eggs" quest should satisfy you.