It was perfect in practice

It was perfect in practice.

So what went wrong?

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What are you talking about? Metal Slug is one of the best arcade franchises of all time.

Shitty framerates and slowdown thanks to the focus on fancy graphics, otherwise it's good.

That's part of its charm you autist

Nothing, you stupid underage nigger.

That "charm" makes the game unresponsive as hell. That's a crime for an arcade game

something something SNK's refusal to make new iterations past 7

Your mom's unresponsive the slow mo was a feature to allow the player to avoid the worst shitstorms.

the only game with serious framerate issues is 2 you dumbshit. All the rest of the games are perfect.

SNK is constantly running on empty and these thinks don't exactly sell

Games after 3 happened

>YFWyou first played 3's final mission

They are all locked at 30, you mongoloid

>Metal Slug 2 is infamous for its poor performance on the original Neo Geo hardware (and accurate emulators), resulting in near-constant slowdown which makes the game crawl along at a pace unlike the rest of the series. While this is partly the result of a poorly optimized engine, there is also a bug in the main program's framerate-locking code, found in 241-1.p1 (MAME ROM naming). Metal Slug 2 is locked to a maximum of 30 frames per second, updating only on odd frames. The bug in question crops up when slowdown causes the game to consistently miss odd frames, since it will then wait a further two frames before updating. The result is that when the game should be dropping to 20 FPS, it instead drops to 15 FPS and when it should be dropping to 10FPS, it instead drops to 7.5 FPS. When genuinely dropping to framerates which don't cause the game to miss odd frames (such as 15 FPS), the issue is not seen.

eat shit you stupid fag

That does not change anything I've said you faggot, all the games I've played (up to 5) are locked at 30 FPS so even though the massive frame drops of 2 don't happen, they still run like booty

if you think every single game should run at 60FPS then you should consider suicide. Metal Slug plays absolutely fine at 30 FPS. I agree with you that anything below that is shit thought.

Good game, shit thread.

>they still run like booty
Try using a better emulator then you dumb motherfucker.

Some games are fine at 30 FPS but fast paced 2D arcade games ain't got no business being locked at something that low. If the games did not demand precision and didn't throw a bunch of difficult challenges at the player, the huge amount of input lag wouldn't be a big deal.

Metal Slug's not really that fast paced
It's not a twitch reflex kind of game, jumps are floaty as fuck, bullets travel at a snails pace.

It's really not that big of a hindrance.

There hasn't been a new one since 2008.

There was absutelly nothing wrong with metal slug.

However the arcade community died out, the machines were super expensive. Snk ended up losing lots of money after 3. Also good pixel art is extremely expensive and hard.

Now that we know the truth, post fio.

I agree with this completely, even though Metal Slug is among my favorite games of all time.
The same goes for Sin and Punishment, which is my absolute favorite game of all time.
Both would definitely be much better at 60 fps.

The games are nothing mind blowing, they are a fun little distraction at the arcade but it's clear the game was made as a quarter eater

Nah, 1 and 2 are quite fair. It's not until X really that they start getting a bit ridiculous.


>but it's clear the game was made as a quarter eater

If it's eating your quarters that's a sign of a good game.

Besides these games are all best played in 1CC runs anyway.

Fucking casuals I swear.

you can easily beat 1 in 2-3 coins. And 2 in 4-6. The only one who really steal your money is 3, but is because the multiple paths and how long the game is.

Basically the series went the way of Mobile Jewing with Metal Slug Attack.
Which is a shame because Defense is actually semi-decent about it.
To tl;dr
>Literal $99 Pay2Win-Tier units bundled with Premium Currency that effectively feed SNK Money thanks to Koreans and Japs, most of the units being shitty donut steels with ridiculous abilities
>rather than simply acquiring units via Ingame Currency Shop they went for a Gachapon System for a majority of good units, rates are obviously stacked against you sometimes, i.e. trying to get the Broken-Tier Ikari Warriors or something to that extent
>obviously this creates an uphill struggle to progress in Player VS AI Teams of other Players once you reach the point everyone has maxed units, and it takes awhile for a Non-IAP to afford a 10x Roll
>Events out of the ass to entice Eastern Players and people with too much money to continue buying the next Overpowered OC each time, lest they falter in the meta
They had exactly ONE Event that was universally good because every player got like 40 Free Rolls, but then they saw how easy it is to profit when people started buying the $99 Packs.

>Shitty framerates

I prefer to think it's going in slo mo because the game is too damn badass. Same with EDF. It's not like the slowdown kills you

>1 game out of 8
That's why Metal Slug X was made you faggot.

X is a remade 2 that runs like butter

1, 2/X, 3 all amazing, and 5 (sorta decent).

4, 6, and whatever the fuck else were all trash.

Also I still hella mad as fuck they changed the character select art for the current re-releases.


What was 4 again?

5 was kinda decent yeah, I only remember it because of the fucking SWEET soundtrack that blows all the other ones out of the water.

>the machines were super expensive.
That's flat out wrong. The whole reason the Neo Geo was popular in Mexico and laundromats is because it was cheap as fuck compared to the competition.

>What was 4 again?

The first one made by Playmore (Worst Koreans) and they added a Korean character Travis with the worst fucking kick move that got you killed all the time.

did you even read the thread you piece of fuck, that is what i was proving to him, that only 2 has issues, stupid shit

It didn't have the best character yet.


All the games have the issue that they run at 30 fps at their best, which isn't ideal for action games like these.
The other games have slowdown as well anyway, just not on the same level as Metal Slug 2.

Not enought Fio.

I prefer the jazzy music of the first game.