It's shit, so I put it where it belongs.
It's shit, so I put it where it belongs
Down it goes.
>reddit repost
Fuck off
clean your fucking toilet jesus christ
Doubletapping just to make sure. Also pissing on it webm soon.
Clean that fucking toilet, holy shit
That's a nasty ass toilet fuck man
Im sorry? Are you fucking mad your game is shit?
>there are people who treat their stuff like shit
>there are people this filthy
>inb4 drain fly vomit
PS: Try searching it upon leddit. This is legit oc. Sorry you cant handle it bitch. This game is shit.
>living alone and not cleaning your toilet
>posting stupid shit online for everyone to see and not cleaning your toilet beforehand
this is how I know you have no self-awareness and smell IRL
What is wrong with you? clean that toilet faggot, shit is nasty
What the fuck is wrong with you slob
>putting your bare and exposed orifice/genitals anywhere near that filth-ridden shit seat
I wouldn't expect any less of /plebbit/
Are people really this dirty?
Also, why not just sell it for profit?
Whats Sup Forumss obsession with trashing indie developers?
You can trash any other garbage game from ea, ubisoft, bethesda but nope, you throw the most amount of shit at indie developers
This is worse than people who post battlestations with fingernail clippings littering their desk.
Clean your fucking toilet!
For OPs credit, NMS looks bretty shitty for $60 USD.
He's not using his genitals anyway
>that disgusting toilet
Clean your shit OP
Did you play it?
Rest in peace. Toilet and game.
Why Toilet you say? Because its gonna be broken.
Oh my God, your anus hygiene, please clean it.
tell you mom to clean your toilet. also don't forget to tell her to buy you more hot pockets.
nigga just throw a tablet in your reservoir, or better yet just top off how disgusting that thing is and just start taking shits inside of it.
Continued use of this toilet will make you sick. That's fucking disgusting.
>that fucking toilet
Fucking disgusting faggot.
>sony-backed studio making a AAA priced game
>independent of anything
Take your "w-we're the little guys!" narrative somewhere else.
Clean your fucking toilet you degenerate
Why don't you return the case you swiped back to GameStop?
Clean your toilet you fucking animal.
Do you live in fucking mexico or something? That toilet is disguisting
>I share a board with niggas who don't even scrub their toilet
>getting triggered over OP's toilet
Who let all the fucking normies in here?
>not having a trash can to throw your toilet paper in
what the fuck
>being clean is considered normie
You unhygienic clitnugget, clean your damn toilet.
I don't like the game either but holy shit
>Sony-backed studio
they are a team of 13, they just agreed to allow Sony to market their game in exchange for console exclusivity
As I expected, the average person has the iq od a fingernail and will trash the least deserved developers in the bis.
I bet you unironically play bestheda, ubisoft and ea game as well.
lets see here...
>99% People About His fucking is dirty toilet
>12% about the game
>35% people about selling it
>10% of people talking other stuff.
yeah user is great.
>At a friends house.
>He goes to take a piss
>I go in for a shit and theres droplets of piss visible on the seat, the floor the counter next to the toilet.
>did a 360 and walked away and decide to wait till i go home
>his daughter goes in and uses it. (people live like this?)
this is why i only piss sitting down at my house. My restroom is clean as fuck, then i have fag friends over. Sure enough, after everyone goes home theres piss all over the place in my once immaculate toilet. I started having people less and less over. Anyone know that feel?
Half of us don't use toilets.
>notch thread deleted
>literal shitposting isn't
>destroying a game when you've already supported the devs and publishers by giving them your money in order to do this
>living with an AIDs ridden toilet
Are you in a truckstop restroom or something?
I'm pretty sure he's gaining an immunity by using it. It would probably kill anyone else in the thread unless we start licking doorknobs around the house for two months straight.
There's really nothing wrong with that toilet.
I can be a social outcast but at least i have good hygiene
>basic sanitation is "normie" now.
Damn son, try cleaning your toilet one in a while
I'm gonna pirate your game, Sean.
More like No Mans Toilet, clean that sumbitch user.
>implying normies do anything aside from wiping piss off the seat
déjà vu
I swear I have seen this post before
it just won't stop
you saying "clean ur toilet" isn't going to make it more clean
>he doesn't drop his logs in his designated shitting street
What the fuck
Is that a band-aid on the floor?
Siege is fun
>Having a clean toilet makes you a normie
(You). I'm a NEET and even I stop to clean up regularly.
i thought i was the only one
>literally a third party with an exclusivity contract
>still saying they're an independent studio even though they're contracted to sony
You didn't need to click this thread if you weren't getting paid. Why subject your blind ego to these dissenting opinions?
The thumbnail of this actually looks like a screenshot from No Man's Sky
Do you guys want to see my dirty toilet as well?
comparing this studio to someone like Pixel or Toady One is a fucking fallacy of cosmic proportions. Kill Your Self, also choke on niggerdicks first
shitting in the open must feel pretty good desu
I want to see you get fucked while taking a shit on your toilet
i like to see the cavemen pissers who think their toilet doubles as a urinal get upset. I have posted it before, but words are always different, but similar, never copy and paste.
Did you just run statistics on this fucking post?
Pour some bleach in there for me, and your toilet.
>All these butthurt faggots about a dirty toilet
>Its literally the only toilet that No Mans Sky deserves
>he wasted 60 bucks to piss on a game so he can share his epic moment with Sup Forums
Well if you live like a pig then you must have the brain of one OP
>Used game
sure user haha
what does it smell like? haha just curious
>tfw someone at work shit all over the walls, the floor, the seat, and pretty much everywhere else
>shit themselves so badly that they left their underwear behind
think yellow pee pee monster but with shit instead
It's filthy, way past due for a cleaning.
Yes i did.
>He doesn't know how to get new games for free
Jokes on you faggot, they already got your money
Unless you stole it, if that's the case enjoy getting your asshole drilled with sixty niggers
>Thinking water does anything to optical media
I bet you're going to pull that out and sell it on Craigslist.
You know what when I was in my early 20's/late teens I would sometimes go a couple of weeks without cleaning the place.
I've never gotten it that dirty but... I could maybe understand it happening if you're not noticing it.
But how on earth do you decide to make a shitpost. Bust out a camera. And focus the lens at that disgusting fucking mess and not think to yourself "Maybe I should grab the brush and the scrubble bubbles and put in literally 1 minute of work to make my toilet presentable before sharing it with the world."
There is actual mold growing on that toilet seat. And the grout on those bathroom tiles isn't support to be black.
You have issues user. Please start putting in a modicum of effort to fix your pathetic shambles of a lifestyle.
Post the one where you ejaculate onto it
In case you missed it
>one brown "ring" along the middle
>virtually no other dirt, and the seat is up
Sup Forums - germophobes
That's an awful husky shadow you've got there.
>that piss arc
how's your microdick treating you?
Drink more water. Fuck.
This, holy shit
Are you fucking blind? I can see the shit flakes everywhere
Clean your toilet you filthy nigger
>pay $60 for a video game
>instead of refunding it flush it down the toilet for le epic internet memes
Your retarded m8
>wearing shoes indoors
the real crime here
Shitposting to the next level: The thread
interesting thread
So what was OP trying to prove with this thread, other than he lives in a ghetto or a third world country
>have money to buy a game just to throw into the toilet
Man I'm fucking dirty as shit but fuck you are making me sick.
post shitting webm next
just curious