How much true is this Sup Forums?

How much true is this Sup Forums?

Do you think this trend finally stopped or is it gonna get worse?

Console games sales are still dropping. Companies are going to keep playing it safe until either sales recover or consoles aren't worth developing for anymore, which is nearly true already if you're not an AAA title publisher.

not even close
jack from Quantum Break had a light stubble and his hair looked nothing like that
>pic related

Isn't it kind of racist to say all white dudes look alike?

>western developers are bad
>japanese developers are good
is basically what I got from this post. Both are still making games.

So back then every character looked like a generic anime character? Also

He looks like a young Matt Damon.

get your logic out of here

The Genji sequel was rubbish, sadly. Okamoto has been trapped in mobile Hell ever since ;_;

Is this just shitting on western games or something?

Cause fuck Enchanted Arms

The new Genji was such a fucking disappointment compared to the previous game. Goddamn you just reminded me how hyped I once was

>upper half is PS3/360/Wii generation games
>"this is how a generation ends"
>bottom half has PS4/X1/WiiU generation games

Nigger you what

i fucking hate video games
whats your favorite video game?



>that horse just looking over like "what the fuck, whatever"

No. He looks like Shawn Ashmore.

It's not going to get worse because games have stopped coming out.

I deliberately set up a metacritic account specifically to mock any and all releases of games I don't like. I haven't posted anything since Overwatch. Before that, Uncharted (Which Sony promptly deleted, THIS IS NOTHING NEW FOR THEM GUYS) and Undertale.

That's it. Nothing else has fallen under my radar in the past year or so, and I'm a very dedicated troll. There is simply nothing coming out.

I really think we are in the beginning stages of the video game crash, at least for Playstation consoles. All of the big companies that keep Playstation on life support, Capcom, Square, Konami, Ubisoft, and others, are showing various signs of decay, and I personally feel that Capcom and Ubisoft will become irrelevant in the industry before the end of the decade.

My opinion is that this is the beginning ages of the new renaissance of gaming, where the talent and consumers realize there is a serious problem with the way things are now and set out to fix it. The dark ages of gen seven are behind us: We are simply in a transitional period.

aw dude what the fuck lmao

i don't care about 30 something white male mc's as long as the gameplay is good

Haven't played any of the games in that image so i don't know if they're any good or not.


>The game's cast of actors was revealed at the Gamescom of 2015.
>Shawn Ashmore as Jack Joyce

>I really think we are in the beginning stages of the video game crash, at least for Playstation consoles.

t. nintoddler


normies you're sposed to just save beastiality and move on silently

N-nice one man

So why doesn't Capcom just make a versus series 3v3 with their own IP's? Do people actually give two shits about Marvel heroes? I'd rather have niche shit like Batsu, Maximo and Soki than foot dives and magneto.


Ubisoft already released 7 games this year. It's never going to end because retards will keep buying these shit games and dlcs without realising how money grabbing these companies are.

Normal looking dudes are shitty MCs for video GAMES regardless of skin color. Come on give us something more interesting. Even cawdadudy or Battlemarine 17 would be cooler with a hot chick or cyborg super soldier as MCs

I'm waiting for a big ass mega crossover like SF vs KOF vs DOA vs Tekken

2007 was the beginning of the end.

Screenshot taken for future metacritic user review threads.

i cant wait for the day when people start liking 7th gen again

Hey OP, besides Kameo all the protagonist of the beginning phase are middle age white men.

>I really think we are in the beginning stages of the video game crash
>My opinion is that this is the beginning ages of the new renaissance of gaming

Nintendo, please release some more Wii U games, look what you are doing to your fans, they're so few games for them to play they have to resort to this.

Anyone have any pics of generations 1 - 6?