Why does this get so much praise?
Why does this get so much praise?
Other urls found in this thread:
The better question is why is there a select few (perhaps just one person) completely dedicated to shitting on this game, with minimal substance in any of their posts (the most you'll get out of them is "the game was just bland and forgettable!" or that it's "not muh REAL 3D Mario"). It's a pretty solid remimagining of the 2D classics with 3D design elements.
It's fun and extremely well designed.
Contrary to the popular belief, game has some balls to wall hard levels at the end of the game
>It's a pretty solid remimagining of the 2D classics with 3D design elements.
Thats pretty dumb though, why not just make a 2D game then. It doesn't really gain anything from having a very minor 3D space.
>extremely well designed.
what specifically do you mean by this?
>It doesn't really gain anything from having a very minor 3D space.
Almost all obstacles wouldn't work in 2D space.
Not him, but see youtube.com
It uses 2D sensibilities, but it does use 3D space heavily in its level design. Free exploration isn't the only way 3D space is implemented, it's not even really something that you can only do in 3D.
>It doesn't really gain anything from having a very minor 3D space.
Crash Bandicoot 1-3 are 3D Platformers with minimal space. That doesn't mean they didn't play well and/or were received well.
I now am curious to see a Crash 2Dcoot
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Mario World
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Super Mario 64
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Mario 3D Land
Super Mario 3D World
Super Mario Bros. 3
New Super Mario Bros.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Super Mario Bros.
New Super Mario Bros. U
Super Mario Bros. 2
New Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels
prove me wrong
protip: you fucking can't
Doesn't seem as well designed as the Galaxy games imo.
Was it overdose? If not, what went wrong?
I agree with the rest, by the way.
NSMBU belongs in shit tier.
It stripped the little depth 3D Mario still had in favor of easy "family fun".
How so?
SMG had retarded-ass unskippable tutorials littered throughout like some kind of baby game.
>It doesn't really gain anything from having a very minor 3D space.
Multiplayer gains a massive amount, because players aren't tripping over each other just to move around the level.
Does the multiplayer really add to the game in a worthwhile way? It just seems tacked on.
Depends if it includes LuigiU in that ranking.
don't samefag, OP.
Nope, Luigi U sucks too. Its only slightly better than NSMBU.
Almost plays like a different mode of the game - instead on focusing on speedrunning or perfecting a level, players are encouraged to compete for points in multiplayer for a crown. Makes for a fun time.
NSMBU had more original stuff than NSMB2 (Nabbit, single overworld, challenge mode, Peach's Castle being the endgoal, offensive Baby Yoshis). It also has the better DLC. I do give NSMB2 credit for having the best power-up in a 2D Mario, and for Mario 3 pandering because I'm a SMB3fag.
I just based it on the metacritic ratings
>in favor of easy "family fun".
Nothing in any previous 3D Mario game is as hard as Champions Road. The post game worlds in general are more challenging.
Eh, I liked it. Some of the challenge modes actually were challenging for once.
Its the literal definition of "tacked on." The game is not designed around multiplayer, it does not have any multiplayer-based puzzles or challenges, they just added it in because they realized how simple and boring the game is. Add multiplayer and suddenly every nintendrone praises it to high heaven despite it not even being a good example of mulitplayer platforming
Right. There's no way someone could possibly see this game for what it is on Sup Forums, they have to hop on the brand loyalty train, making me OP.
More like hop-on the shitposting train.
what does the crown do? Look pretty?
Exactly. Any and all criticism to current Nintendo titles is shitposting.
>it does not have any multiplayer-based puzzles or challenges
I guess doesn't count?
The semi-locked camera/perspective is proof of intentional design for multiplayer (and the doublecherry)
Yep. Welcome to /Nintendogaf/- Its Okay When Nintendo Does It
Does the crown serve a purpose? If not then no it doesn't count. Its just a pointless aesthetic. All you're doing is seeing who gets the highest score, you don't need a fucking crown to tell you that.
Adds an extra hitpoint, can be stolen by other players. Basically it's a goal to compete for between players.
How is any of this thread criticism?
None of the posts explain their points at all, they don't even try to.
See >INB4 that doesn't count for
>Basically it's a goal to compete for between players.
aren't you supposed to be working together? This game design is all over the fucking place.
I'd say that Super Mario 3D World was practically designed for multiplayer. Players can freely jump into stages, grabbing a controller and being pulled right in. Players can freely jump out of a stage, just pausing and selecting an option and then there isn't a dead character just sitting there that everyone else needs to kill/babysit. The user brings up a video which isn't quite related to their point, but it does show how a player can be expected to not only get the point of a level on the first playthrough, but practice it enough that they can be expected to complete the level reasonably well with just a few minutes of practice.
Mind you, I think that has a bit of a price. SM3DW is a lot easier as a result, and if you are playing through it single player it will feel fairly dull and basic. When you learn about the exploding soccer balls, you're hoping for something more complex than just kicking them into walls - something challenging to take up a bit of time. But because the level is designed to allow chaotic multiplayer game to progress, that's generally all there is too it. It's why I consider SM3DW to be a great multiplayer game, but a rather poor (if very well done) single player game.
so what you're saying is, Super Mario 3D World is more of a party game than an actual platformer?
You said its designed more around "chaotic multiplayer action" etc than single player. So its a party game.
Not him but a lot of platformers have co-op multiplayer. Are they all party games as well?
The only way to collect points is to progress, and since the game is beatable solo it makes sense that multiplayer is thus more competitively designed.
I guess it "counts," but its not a worthwhile addition to the game. It barely adds anything.
Why waste time explaining further just so you lot can go "no, you shitposter"? It was already said it stripped depth in favor of accessibility. That cannot be refuted. 3D Mario was once the peak of 3D platforming with its richness in movement, now it's a shallow copy of itself and a really poor imitation of 2D Mario in an isometric, pick up and play multiplayer format.
I wasn't the user that made that long post, but I really don't get how that made you jump to such a conclusion
Those games have actual platforming, not "chaotic multiplayer action"
It's like any Co-Op multiplayer game. Some people can work together, some people can screw with the others for fun. They put incentives for both kinds o players in the games. What happens depends on the kind of people you play with.
It's the 3D Mario I wanted on the N64.
It's a couch multiplayer game, like Gauntlet Legends or Power Stone or any sort of multitap game. I'd say a party game is something like Mario Party or WarioWare, where skill really isn't involved. It's a couch multiplayer platformer, since those terms aren't exclusive - it's what NSMB has been trying to do, although as I said, the 3D element helps that a lot.
If your idea of "multiplayer" is "party game" then sure, call it a party game. You're probably already calling Smash a party game anyways, so don't let me stop you here.
that cheeky little shit
>implying you were even alive for the N64
user, we were in your last thread, where you admitted to playing to world 6 and proved, without a doubt, that you are unwilling to have a discussion.
It's fine to be ignorant, it's not to flaunt it and to call anybody who knows better than you shitposters.
It's just a small extra to an already large game.
>It was already said it stripped depth in favor of accessibility. That cannot be refuted.
It can't be refuted because it doesn't mean anything without context - why do you feel that way about 3D World?
>Those games have actual platforming, not "chaotic multiplayer action"
Rayman Legends has a soccer game you can do on the side that's just for fun and as far as I know doesn't give you anything and that's a co-op platformer multiplayer game.
>an already large game.
lol ok
3D World has more platforming than any other Mario game, since it has almost double the levels of all the other games, and is focused entirely on linear platforming design.
There was a gameboy advance one that was pretty good.
Just make sure you don't mix it up for the Mini-game fest that was the Spyro crossover.
>3D World has more platforming than any other Mario game
Sick meme, underage.
It has by far the most content of any Mario game - with 12 worlds in total.
>12 worlds
*full of short, simple levels
Prove me wrong.
Their are no mini games to do like in Galaxy 1 and 2 with the stars involving the Ball Rolling, Manta Surfing, Fluzzard Bird racing, garbage disposal, and so on. So in a way, it can be argued it has more then those games.
You made the claim. Burden of proof is on you.
Prove 3D World has more platforming than every other Mario game.
Better yet, there were two!
Huge Adventure and N-Tranced. Both are pretty great.
3D World fans are by far the dumbest Nintendo fanbase. Yes, worse than the Smashs ones. I'm out.
Wrong, they're as long or longer than the average traditional mario level.
How many total levels does it have?
>3D World fans
*Wii U fans
For context He's literally been at it all night, no breaks.
We already explained to you that the 6 first world you played are shorter and easier, retard-kun
hilarious. I guess that's the best way to prevent further butt devastation
Around 100
You haven't explained anything to me.
Pretty good list. I'd knock Sunshine down to OK tier and bump SM64 up to GOD tier though.
I'm not actually sure. The minimum levels per world is 6 (except World Crown since that contains a gauntlet-style level that's far longer than usual). Most worlds average 8 levels; world Fireflower has significantly more (as it's the last before World Crown).
This philosophy stuff is stupid, most people I know don't understand how to play a game such as this. More than once a sibling, parent, or roomate went, "I'd like to learn how to play" and except for one guy they all went "This is too complicated, I wish it was just jumping and running"
cool shitpost
Wrong thread...?
Seriously the fuck you talking about?
Reminder that Tropical Freeze is the only good platformer on Wii U
What's wrong with all the other ones?
YWW is God-tier
First 6 worlds are 45 level, there are 93 levels not counting captain toads and mystery house challenges. Further worlds levels are also longer and harder, outside 1-2 who are race against the clock.
They exemplify everything wrong with neo-nintendo
There's 93 standard levels.
What about Woolly World?
I'd say Sonic Lost World, but this thread is bitchy enough as is.
>sour grapes
Why don't you actually explain what's wrong with them?
And also you said all platformers on the Wii U. That implies you think games like Rayman Legends is also not good.
Could you explain some more? What is 'neo-nintendo'?
>nobody in my family understands how to play this game
Does anyone actually do this?
Does anyone actually have family members that play video games?
b-but they're all terrible i swear!
They can't scream rehash or neo nintendo since it's retro's.
Basically, too hard for the average retarded shitposter to attack
>Sonic Lost World
You cannot be serious.
I'll accept Yoshi for the comfiness, but Sonic Lost World is literally shit. You just have bad taste.
It's a good game.
Fuck off retard. Get some reading comprehension.
I guess I should've said exclusives.
Compare MK8's art style to Mario 3D World. That's what neo-nintendo is. MK8 is one of the few EAD games in recent years thats actually good.
Not him, but I thought Lost World was okay. I had fun with it. I don't talk about it because people lose their shit over it and I don't want to be that "one guy."
Holy shit, be more butthurt.
>people always say this game is far too easy
>start having trouble with some stages as early as World 5
I'm not shit at ALL videogames, I swear.
I just have problems with spatial awareness or something.
Oh now I get it:
What I meant was, I was wondering why the other platformers were bad, and WW and Lost World were what came to mind when I was thinking of examples.
(I regret not remembering Rayman Legends)
I've never even played Lost World, man.
That was my other point (except the fun part).