What's Sup Forums's opinion on Chaos Legion?

What's Sup Forums's opinion on Chaos Legion?

Fucking great concept. Too bad the gameplay in itself isn't that much of polished. Though, it was still impressive at the time, specially when the engine could generate a gazillion ton of hordes of enemies without starting to drop its frame rate. The lever design was a bit tad poor. It got repetitive pretty soon, and once you got all the complete Thanatos Chips, it become dull and sterile. The art design was fucking dope, and the music was epic. Too bad Capcom never made a sequel and that probably never will.

I enjoyed playing it enough, but I had no fucking clue what was going on with the story.

One of the cheapest bullet spongy final boss ever.

The only thing I remember about the game are the girl's thighs.


Mediocre DMC clone with a decent(although also derivative) aesthetic.

I thought Chaos Legion was pretty cool.
Many of the levels were rather dull and monotonous however.
Liked playing as both the guy and the girl, especially given the significant difference in the way they played.

Whoa, I figured this was one of those games that no one else ever played. I don't remember much other than kicking the exploding bomb summon was pretty cool. Gluttony i think?


Sieg Wahrheit is the most ridiculous name in all of vidya

Had a very nice atmosphere and some good ideas

White hair guy trying to destroy the world because red hair guy killed blond girl.
White hair guy found out in the end that he himself actually killed blond girl.
White hair guy commit sudoku.

Edge Maverick.

Did they model the girl's panties?

Sieg Wahrheit is german for Win Truthfulness



What color were they?


Of course the nun's panties are white

Its black actually. I rechecked.

Okay mildly surprised.