Why dont cartoon movies ever get video game adaptions anymore?
Why dont cartoon movies ever get video game adaptions anymore?
>Square Enix
Because people have cottoned on to the fact that the games suck maybe?
because thq is kill
because now you can just shit out a trash app on mobile in a fraction of the time and cost
But is the movie any good or is it the Suicide Squad of movies?
this kills the stand up comedian
what the fuck this can't be real
I swear they're just using common words/phrases for movie titles on purpose at this point.
They do. They're shitty phone games.
100% on Rotten Tomatoes, but only with eight "critics," two of them top critics. It'll definitely drop when the movie releases next week.
This, Activision is the only company that fully pays for a license to a movie property for a tie in game, since they know how to slave drive developers in a short development time, the rest of time, the studio itself will just get some cheap dev to make a mobile clone of whatever game is popular
>100% on RT
Looks like a new Ted cancer.
>tfw you'll never ever get a good vidya game of one of your favorite movies
At least there's Battletoads, r-right?
thq made them. no thq and midway anymore :(
Devin Fagaci liked the movie. That's all you need to know that it's shit.
>food orgy
>food starts killing humans
This genuinely could be the worst movie to come out this year. I had a friend who was unironically excited about this shit. I had no idea what it was, so of course he forced me to watch the trailer with him, watching me to gauge my reaction. I also just rewatched the trailer, and I it uses the word "fuck" after every sentence. I cuss like a sailor and even I think it felt forced as fuck.
I really want to see this movie. It looks so incredibly shitty that I need to witness it in person.
Assuming this is even remotely accurate:
I didn't know the Drawn Together fandom was considered a feasible audience to aim a movie at.
And this is coming from someone who likes the show.
>I don't think anybody has posted the synopsis
>so here I go
>posts the entire plot of the movie
Did anybody explain to this cunt what a synopsis is?
Anybody remember the old Over the Hedge game? Maybe I'm delusional because I was ten when I played it, but that game was the bomb.
Oh I get it. It's like he's a penis.
I like DT, and also liked Conker's BFD (it's my fucking fave game) but this movie looks like shit
I agree with you on how it looks, but everything I've heard about it is positive.
The plot of this movie sounds like something a fourth grader would write
Fuck me, i feel old
Dude, weed. Lmao?
>everything I've heard about it is positive
Everything I heard about that fucking deadpool movie was positive too, but it turned out crap.
The entire script was leaked a while back. Good god it is the stuff of nightmares. If it's anything like that script it will actually make Food Fight look like Citizen Kane in comparison.
Two hours of constant sex and racial jokes, I'm guessing?
add some food puns too
>movie with a big twist that looks to be for kids but actually isn't
>this is revealed within the opening trailer
Way to play it safe, cocksucks. Why would I even bother paying to see it when I already know exactly what they were planning to do?
That's the synopsis of the entire script you asshat.
It's rated R obviously it's not for kids.
Even if they would have had the rating right there on posters and trailers, that alone would have generated some buzz and confusion among crowds. The first wave of people to see the movie and find out it's not kid-friendly at all, could have shocked viewers and entice people to see whats going on.
Instead they just played it safe as hollywood usually does and put in a bunch of dick jokes. It's a wasted concept.
I played it with my nephew like six years ago, it was okay.
>advertise movie as a kid movie
>only people who come to watch it are parents with their children
>they see it's rated R
>they go to watch a PG movie instead
>only people who watch it are hipsters
>mfw I have to watch this if I want more "adult" animated movies to come out
Oh well, it may be good but also it could put me in a coma
Wait is suicide squad bad? I wanted to go see it.
>movie is a hit
>inspires many more adult animated movies but they're all shallow comedies with dick jokes every 10 seconds
>movie flops
>no one makes any more adult animated movies
which option is worse?
It has a 27% on rotten tomatoes.
I'm going to see it anyway and form my own opinion because I got free tickets.
First one because a fest of family guy-tier movies would be awful.
Because you'll get an endless runner instead.
The movie ends with, and this is a direct quote from the script:
>it looks like our adventure is only beginning
You are only guaranteeing adult animated movies are never made.
Drawn Together actually had some wit to it. Sausage Party looks like it has literally zero
>Dat OP Image
It costs a lot to make a good looking game nowadays. Basically, the high dev costs don't get along with the fact that most movie-based games are shat out to make a quick buck, so most licensed games are now rushed to mobile. While this means less shovelware clogging store shelves, it also means that exceptions like Goldeneye, Toy Story 2, and The Spongebob Movie (full-fledged movie-based games where the devs actually seemed to care) are just about extinct.
I was about to redirect you to Sup Forums but I just realized that this isn't a Sup Forums thread.
Is this the new Chicken Little?
Fuck you
Now I have to go back and play Toy Story 2 again
>Barry escapes to a nearby park, finds a piece of shit with zombie corn pieces in it and a used condom who acts like a rape victim
>cue rat asshole fingering scene
>Frank defeats Douche and shoves him up Darren's ass before sending the bucket up a shelf ramp and through the glass ceiling where it explodes killing them both
So this is the power of critical acclaimed movies
I have people say they want to see it because it's an adult animated film
What the fuck about this is adult. The curing and crudity? Cause that sounds more like this is a teenager movie then.
Was Ted 2 that bad?
I remember the first one being an OK movie.
The ironic thing about "adult" comedy is it's almost always incredibly juvenile
I enjoyed that game. Even though it barely followed the movie, it was still a good platformer with great music.
That's the reason many adult swim cartoons almost never get into a real channel that can show that stuff, they are style style over substance most of the time.
Camille Toh is the only positive in the movie. Physical wise, though.
Wow that's like 10 actors I used to be kinda ok with that I'll now actively avoid.
I couldn't get through it
The pissing, casually killing cows and implied Cog rape is pretty low brow though.
But stuff like the Catfish who treat you like some foreigner who can't speak english is actually funny. Or Conker being too stupid to think a little girl with a knowledge of enemy weaponry in the middle of a weapons platform is suspicious.
I honestly can only think of the baby dino sacrifice as bad taste.
But bfd mixed the raunchyness with some wit and it worked. This movie just seems mean spirited
Just avoid the real shits like Rogen
Most actors are just there because they're getting paid to, and they have kids to feed
I watched Movie 43 to see how shit it was, so I guess I'll watch this, too.
As Seth Green said, he wanted to take a jab at Pixar, because no one else was
Also he tried to pitch this movie for 7 years, but no one wanted to produce it
>graham norton
It just keeps getting worse
>cue rat asshole fingering scene
Gee I wonder why every other producer rejected a movie with a food orgy
remember me?
No, but it sounds like a good way to reaffirm my self hate.
I feel like I do but my mind is trying desperately to block it out.
Because we grew up and stopped buying them and the children that replaced us only want to watch minecraft of youtube and never play anything.
I saw children get dragged out of deadpool, some parents are retarded
Whenever I see previews for this movie I can't help but think of how confusing it is.
When does a food product gain sentience? Wouldn't a cut of meat have come from some fucked up sentient corpse being butchered? Why are containers considered alive just because they contain something even though it isn't really part of them?
I fucking know you're not supposed to think about this autistic bullshit in a retarded junk movie that leans on the humor equivalent of shouting PENIS at the top of your lungs as the punchline to a knock knock joke but still Jesus why do I fucking care this much maje it dyop gguck
Adding on to that
if condoms, gum and toliet paper are living, wouldn't that make the weed they smoke living too, are they smoking sentient things for a high?
And they're in the right because for some fucking reason packaging something as food brings it to life? I guess humans should stop eating because even processed food is alive for some reason.
I hope it's just this one supermarket and it burns down in the sequel.
We can only hope it flops
making movies based on movies would be pretty redundant