So how are you all enjoying it?
Just got a 98 hit combo on the lizard boss
Don't really feel like I've earned with just mashing
Tales of Berseria Demo
Knowledge I've found that's not obvious at first:
One top of your Souls having to be "active" (having the white border) to chain attacks, attacks also have a Soul Gauge cost, with each Soul being woth 10 points. When your Souls are turning red, that's the Gauge being depleted. Even if you have three active Souls, if your souls are all red (empty), you won't be able to combo anything, because using an attack that costs more Soul Gauge that you have will cause the enemy to instantly parry that attack (They block the first hit and your character stops the attack even if there were more hits.)
Dashing/dodge counts as an attack. They use a Soul and cost five Soul Gauge. The benefit of this is that they also let you skip attacks. So you can do Dash -> Dash -> Square and use the third Square attack straight away instead of the first one. Or Attack -> Dodge -> Attack and skip the second level attack.
Tilting the stick slightly in battle lets your character walk slowly instead of run, if you do it with Velvet she does a chuuni walk that looks kind of cool.
Interested to see what the progression will be like in the ful game and the end game. I hope there is more than one or two extra dungeons.
Baba is coming back as producer for the next one if this game doesn't sell in Japan.
How does the girl in the long dress fight? She good?
>The benefit of this is that they also let you skip attacks
You should also note that ToB has the same casting speed-up that ToZ had, so you can dash up the chain to quickcast.
She has long range and is able to hit multiple enemies at once. Her soul break heals her. Not too bad, but I wouldn't consider her the strongest party member.
>Soul Gauge
So how do you regain this? By not attacking I assume?
Don't have a PS4 so I can't play. Be honest with me guys, how is it? Is the camera working? Does the game play good? Give me your big, thick, hot opinions.
Considering they give you full slots of artes and the demo feels like its on easy mode yeah its understandable to feel that way
You have 100% percent camera control to spin around in battle
Not him but I've been mostly playing her and I think she's the easiest character to play. She has a lot of ranges in her attacks letting you hit multiple enemies at once. Each character has a gimmick that looks like it will require skill to use, but hers is just a launcher that lets you extend combos so it's pretty easy to use.
Music is meh
60 frames is lovely
The camera is good but environmental shit can still get in your view
The game is really generous when it comes to combos and combos on groups of enemies
I enjoyed it but wish I could speak moon
>You get a magical slab surfboard to fly around on
Reminder that Eleanor is confirmed purest girl
2hu also wear bloomers, and yet
Kinda sucks knowing Aizen turns into a fucking dragon later on in the games history.
Are the other party members viable this time? The only usefulones in Zesty were Sorey and Rose and the rest seemed to "locked" to their elements.
>Sup Forums told me it would be shit
>it wasn't
Fuck you, and Eleanor a BEST.
There's no demo on the store, is it JPN only?
You can use all characters in battle.
Explanations of the Break Soul mechanic (R2 button) for those trying to understand it. First link explains the mechanic and how it works for Velvet, Rokurou, Magilou and Laciphet, second link explains it for Eizen and Eleanor
JPN and PS4 only
No, I mean, do they feel good to use?
You can play anyone in any kind of combination
Also everyone can handle themselves pretty well and aren't garbage like the seraphs in Zestiria
You can play as anyone and still have a good time, tales hasn't done that since graces f
just make a jap account already
That's super lame. Don't feel like making a JP PSN account just for a demo.
Any good streams or vids, or even webms?
The fuck is the point, I'll use it like once a year
Oh shit niggas go put Laciphet as your on-screen avatar and ride the hoverboard, shit is too cute
How is he in battle?
What's his pantsu?
They usually have the better stuff but eh do whatever
I don't speak Jap and I never plan to so "better stuff" means jack
I don't need exclusive Gal Gun DLC, I just want a damn demo of a game that looks fun. Imagine it'll be released in the US/EU soon enough tho, game's not that far off
I really want this game to be good but I can't get over the protagonist's character design. I can't imagine a game with such a retarded looking character to actually be good. The retarded scraps of clothing are bad enough but that wrapped-up "demon arm" is just too much.
Do you guys think this looks good or do you like the game in spite of it?
It may just not be the game for you if the character design bothers you so much?
I mean, Xillia 2 was good and Ludger looks like a jackass
Lloyd is 70% buttons and Symphonia still succeeded
Every single character in FFX looks retarded and that game is widely beloved
I could honestly care less about looks
Especially in a game where costume customization is a thing
I don't speak Jap either, I enjoyed the demo, you did not so you do whatever
So keep limiting yourself with imaginary barriers or just make the jap account
good day to you sir
this is autistic as fuck but kinda real desu
Ludger looks fine other than his retarded hair coloring. Lloyd's outfit still looks more plausible than Velvet's though.
It's not exactly the character design itself that bothers me so much (velvet is still cute in the stupid outfit), it's the idea that the game is being made by people who thought the outfit is a good idea. Can you really trust people like that to make a good game?
Velvet is worse.
And it doesn't matter if those games are "beloved", I'm worried about it being good.
The idea that they made the costume bad on purpose to sell dlc is even more worrisome.
If the enemy yoh are targeting isnt visible on the camera the game places a line of arrows on the ground from you character pointing to where it is
You can rotate the camera to find it or tap Guard/L1 to snap your camera in the direction of your target
>The idea that they made the costume bad on purpose to sell dlc is even more worrisome.
I mean if that's your worry then you should've abandoned the series permanently after Zestiria. For that game you could go full conspiracy theory and plausibly claim that they removed an entire character for dlc. There's no coming back from that, at least from a game integrity standpoint.
D O W N L O A D S I Z E?
super small
He has enough physical artes to be able to go melee (In fact in the demo he has more physical artes than spells) but he's really better off staying back and casting spells. The good point is that the mechanics actually seem like combo-ing spells will actually be fun and interesting. I played around with it a bit (he only has three offensive spells in the demo) and basically, everything about this and works when cancelling spells into each other, letting you combo them easily, but the bonus part is that unlike melee attacks, spells aren't blocked even if you don't have enough Soul Gauge to cast them so you can just go over the cost and still combo. There's not a lot to do with it in the demo due to the limited spell but I was still able to make a simple combo with all three spells (Starting from the longest-cast one to the smallest)
Better than Zesteria? Played that recently after taking a break since Graces f and I thought it was pretty meh.
>350 MB
Is the camera fixed and can you play co-op in the demo?
Kinda and yes
everything is better than JUSTiria
well except symphonia 2, its just on it's own tier of shitness
Have you played coop yet?
I tested it by myself with two controllers but I didn't have a human partner with me.
That's cool. Last Tales of game I really liked was Vesperia, with Graces F being pretty cool too.
Zestiria was a decent distraction but the level up system was shit, and the characters were awful.
the seraphs were the most broken characters in the game though and they each had 3 elements.
Yuna is arguably one of the best designed JRPG main heroine though. Also, only Tidus and Wakka look stupid.
>Can you really trust people like that to make a good game?
Eh. Yeah, I suppose I can trust them.
I mean, supposing character design reflected the quality of the game as a whole, then I'm sure we can find examples of other games out there where there's zero correlation between the two.
Really? Maybe I just suck with them, I don't know. Always though they felt like shit.
I've thought this before for previous Tales of but it's really time they implement some kind of training mode. I just want to have an invincible enemy that doesn't attack me and just lets me practice combos and the mechanics. There's a lot of depth to the battle system and I've been doing a pretend-training-mode by restarting the demo so I can play in the tutorial but in the full game I won't be able to do this.
Unfortunately I don't have a Bloodborne station so no demo for me. I'm interested in seeing if they improved the battle system enough from Zestiria, because the gameplay in Zestiria was simply not fun.
There's an item that makes all your attacks do 1 damage in every game. Are you retarded?
>Play through Berseria demo
>Put in Zestiria to compare
>Holy fuck Zestiria is awful
I havent played Zestiria since it came out. I played through it once to the end and never played it again. I knew it was a bad games but I had forgotten just how fucking bad it was
I dropped Zestiria shortly after getting Edna and I've been playing the demo for the past 4 hours just trying stuff out and playing with the mechanics. It's really fun and there's a lot of depth to it, and that's just from what I've figured out without even speaking the language.
Yeah but the enemy still moves around, attack, block, gets stunned, etc. not to mention there's often multiple enemies per encounter.
That sounds promising. I've played Zestiria on and off since its release. I still haven't beaten it because when I pick it back up after a long break I go through a dungeon or two and then immediately get so put off that I have to take another long break from the game.
wew lad gud game
>wanted to make a webm demonstrating how shit the camera is
>Forgot that the game blocks all the PS4's recording functions
I swear you Tales fans have Stockholm Syndrome. They could have served you a pile of shit after Zestiria and you all would've eaten it up.
Holy fuck does the skit art look bad.
It's like they hired someone from Deviantart (or Inomata) to do the lineart then just barely fulfilling the requirement of having some shading on the lifeless coloring.
A Tales without Baba is already a good game.
>no webms
Fucking faggots.
is it only for jp?
demo, yes. The game is being released stateside next year.
thanks, downloading now
What the fuck is that called? Weistres Mayhem?
Dempsey Roll.
Hows the party AI? Still shit?
>stateside next year.
Welp, this is where I abandon the thread and ignore Berseria threads for the rest of the year. Too far away to start getting hype for this shit.
So, how would you describe the combat in this game compared to other Tales games?
>So, how would you describe the combat in this game compared to other Tales games?
Free. Much more free.
That is weird. This one makes more sense.
Does Berseria have that annoying shit from Zestiria where enemies would iron stance fucking everything?
Only in the 'Scenario mode' that's on the beach. If you choose the 'Battle mode' (right option at title) you can screenshot and record to your liking.
I guess they didn't want people to spoil that part of the game...? Nothing happens aside from a bit of exposition from Bienfu.
Everyone was so broken in Xillia 1 that you could do that though
2 had Ludger who outclassed everyone by miles but the others were still fun to play
I was talking about Zestiria not Berseria
>Has the typical Tales swordsman moveset
>but everything is fucking over the top and HUEG
I lost my shit during that comparing demon fangs win quote
I like that ToB goes back to using face cut-ins for lv1 MAs. This demo left a good impression on me, and I'm really curious where the combo system is gonna go when aerial artes are introduced.
Oh, right. They added the 'no record' flag to the whole fucking game. How ridiculous...
>Has the typical Tales swordsman moveset
>but everything is fucking over the top and HUEG
I loved that. He takes the typical swordsman artes and injects them with steroids.
>That counter move.
>Orange Ranger
This fucke for real?
Is there even going to be air combos. I thought Eleanor was the only character able to launch enemies.
Does Berseria have skits wherever or is it still only at savepoints?
They had to user. Because music rights for all the sakuraba shit. Not that the game was garbage and anyone showing off gameplay would kill sales
>Zestiria keeps using rearranged vesperia music
>Berseria doesn't even bother and just copypastes zestiria ost
Fucking amazing
Skits anywhere
Thank fucking god
wistless mayhem