seriously, what happened
Seriously, what happened
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Someone stopped giving a shit. and then it caught on.
Japan stopped caring about making good video games when they found out moe nonsense and mobile garbage sold just as well. And their industry died.
A basic rundown, from what I understand:
>Capcom's CEO goes old and senile
>Blows all of the company's money on personal shit, including buying an entire winery.
>Retires, passes the company down to his son
>Son has no idea what to fucking do: The company has shit for cash in the bank and sales aren't great.
>Promotes a bunch of game designers, directors, and producers to executives to help him with business decisions.
>Turns out they're no businessmen. Some suggest outsourcing their IPs to the lowest bidder to lower development costs
>They do so, resulting in them not needing as many in-house devs so they fire a shitton of them
>The outsourced games turn out to be complete shit, sell like shit. Capcom also rushes these games out the door, half-causing one of these companies (GRIN) to go under.
>Never really recovered from this horrible downturn.
>Old guy is probably drunk off his ass daily and not giving a fuck.
Im just having a hard time pinpointing the moment where it all went south
>>Blows all of the company's money on personal shit, including buying an entire winery.
Resident Evil ports.
Now remake.
Then 7.
Might be a one trick pony but it's still a good tick.
Google "Kenzo Winery".
this feels like it shouldn't be legal
What's sad about this is they could get their money back if they just do what the fans fucking ask for.
He spent some dividends from his shares of Capcom stock on his own personal stuff, which is totally legal. The guy is independently rich as fuck anyway
All of this is true except that the CEO is retired.
But don't worry, he'll get all of your money with RE2 Remake, RE7, MH5, and MH Generations Ultimate, Marvel Vs. Capcom 4, and DMC5
>But don't worry, he'll get all of your money with RE2 Remake
This fills me with a strange combination of innocent eager childlike wide eyed hopeful glee and a sense a complete, utter fear and dread that can only come from bitter adult experiences that comes from seeing all that aforementioned hope crushed under heel before my own tearful eyes as I lay powerless to stop it.
>MH Generations Ultimate
If it is for the NX I'll buy it.
I'm sick of 240p and charging our DSes every hour.
Just give me another Investigations game please!!!!
Which fans, though? They have a ton of beloved IPs they're letting gather dust.
Literally ALL OF THEIR FUCKING TALENT left due to gross mismanagement at the end of 6th gen. Complete and utter mismanagement of their existing IPs, Inafune being in charge of anything, gross DLC practicies, and all around just fucking stupid decisions.
All Capcom has left is Itsuno and his team and the MH team.
I want a megaman 11
Fucking Investigations games got a better cast than the regular Ace Attorney
What's sadder is that they probably can't afford to do so, and that's assuming the fans' requests are feasible.
>Capcom went from the undisputed king of 3rd party games in 4th/5th/6th gen to what they are now in one console generation
It's fucking sad man, I remember going to the games section of any store and deliberately looking for the Capcom logo, and just doing that led me to some of my favorite games of all time.
What a travesty.
2013 happened.
>MML3 cancelled
>Resident Evil 6
they will never recover.
screencap this post.
Devil May Cry and MML were always shit anyways.
Western success made them, and other japanese studios do one of two things.
1. try to copy their success
2. die off, or make mobile/handhelds
Everything you like is shit
>just as well
Try hundreds to thousands of times better for 10% of the effort.
>western success made them
Not at all, if anything Capcom fell into hard times under Inafune because they wanted to do nothing but try and pander to the west, that is how we got DmC.
It's less the series being dead that bothers more so much as it was raising my hopes in for the place
If they made something like a New Darkstalkers without cutting any corners I'm sure it would sell a lot better than sf5. 5's biggest issue is that they rushed it out the door and chopped so much content that should have been at launch cause they thought they could get ahead of the curve.
Resident Evil 6 is a great game
08-09 seems to be about when it went to shit or started to. When the Bionic Commando remake was being made or shortly after I remember the higher ups at Capcom complained that working with Western devs wasn't worth all the problems. This was around when they were whoring out their IPs to the lowest bidder and sometimes pushing the titles out to die without any announcement.
>half-causing one of these companies (GRIN) to go under.
That was kinda sad since the guys who worked there seemed cool from what I heard of them. I think they overexpanded way too quick. I recall them having a Barcelona studio and Indonesia/Malaysia branch around when they shut down.
And Lost Planet 3
And Dark Void
At least Bionic Commando: ReArmed was good.
I don't think it's that, making video games has just gotten so outrageously expensive, most AA devs that blossomed during the PS2 era are pretty much dead because of it. Once things start becoming too expensive to create you need to start doing the safe bet games instead of experimentation.
Dmcdmc got like 3 years dev time.
Also you forgot all of the cod audience pandering.
>it would sell alot better than SFV
Come on man, I like playing VS as much as the next guy, but the overwhelmingly vast majority of "gamers" has no fucking idea what Darkstalkers is.
At least the core of GRIN reformed in to Overkill.
I think I remember the other half-reason they went under. Square-Enix hired them to make some kind of base building and defense game, only to drop the contract mid-way through development. I remember an article about a SE exec asking them to "just fax the source code" over to them.
They'd know what it was when Capcom made a new one and advertised it.
Most Capcom fans would get it though. Right now they just need something that people want which is the exact thing they are ignoring.
reminder that capcom is broke as fuck and that's why RE7 is a FPS - easy to make and put out for 60$+ tax
Capcom really missed the chance to make a new Darkstalkers back in 2008 when zombies, vampires, and other monsters were briefly a fad.
It would still likely not sell because Darkstalkers designs do not jive well with the "climate" of video games in the west.
Besides, ask yourself do you REALLY want another Darkstalkers game made by current Capcom. Really?
Itsuno is a fucking genius. I wish I cold hire him and his team, give him infinite time and money and see what gem he would spit out.
I dunno. I mean I would certainly love for them to make a new one, but I really don't trust them to make it without their usual bullshit attached.
They'd probably launch it with a gimped roster and start selling characters as DLC before the game was even out.
Dragon's Dogma PC port was the last great thing they did.
Didn't people dislike how RE6 went too far in the action side though?
Edgelord babby detected. Enjoy your
>fuck you
>4.4 million dollars
They should re-focus on smaller teams making a variety of games. Lower budget, less upper management involvement.
See what does well from there, and expand.
When so much of your talent and capital is gone, you gotta start from scratch at times.
I'm just talking options Capcom has. Personally if we got a Modern Darkstalkers I would like it to have an artstyle similar artstyle to MvC3 and play more like an old fashioned fighter than 5. One thing I don't like with 5 is how slow it feels in comparison to older sf titles.
RE6 is widely disliked by RE fans.
That didn't stop it from selling 5+ million unites though.
That's the thing though, almost every single developer that made Capcom a household name is no longer with the company. They have sparse talent.
Yeah. But one can hope.
I approve of any one who pick's Hsien-Ko as their Darkstalkers girl.
fuck yeah, muh nig
The CEO's should take a pay cut until the company is out of it's current funk. That's how the rest of Japan does it.
Or close shop forever and everyone loses their job.
>don't like Devil May Cry
>so that means I like DmC
Are you retarded?
I know there's been plenty of Mega Man games, but I'd love to see a "modern" Mega Man game. Ideally 2D with nice spritework.
They'd outsource it to Inti Creates anyway, so I don't see why not.
Well we had Mega Man 9 and 10 do that.
they forgot about deep down
Those are more like if they made new 8-bit games.
I'm talking like beyond what we got with MM7/MM8/MM&B.
But hey at least he gave us Dead Rising.
>doesn't like devil may cry
No, but you are.
I wish they would realize it's the exact opposite why people like Capcom.
>seriously, what happened
it was wrecked by PS3 just like the rest of japanese third-parties
Inafune's had some great ideas over the year, but he's also had some fucking terrible ones. Plus he got too powerful later on, so he didn't have anyone to tell him "Alright, this'll work" or "No, that's a terrible idea, what on earth are you thinking?".
>liking CUH-RAYZEEEEE shit
>not retarded
I can't say I liked his raging Zero boner. I mean I liked ZX but it's really hard to think of it as a Megaman game when your character basically turns into Zero
>go to look up list of Capcom game release dates
>arrive at
If this isn't one of the worst articles on all of wikipedia.
I'd say Japanese devs were having trouble keeping up since Gen 6 started.
EH PS2 had a lot of really good shit, if nothing else they where making new IPs and taking more chances
>yeah let's make resident evil with samurai
I hop e nothing bad happen to Monster Hunter team
All Capcom has to do is:
>Use old as hell IPs like Star Gladiator, >Cyberbots, and Rival schools
>Remake them into 2D or whatever
>Keep the same gimmicks as the last game to make it interesting and fun
>No season pass or any of that
>Have a story mode
That's it. They won't do it.
That shit won't sell at all though. Majority of people never heard of this titles.
I wouldn't want Rival Schools to be 2D
I would like to see RS2 complete edition released with all that extra content we didn't get translated
click on the contents they are sectioned up
wait...the ds is only 240p? Why is that even allowed
Shit like a new Star Gladiator or Tech Romancer or whatever would extremely well to even make back its budget in today's day and age.
Not in the start. Just in the later years of the 6th generation.
I reall think the start of it was when DX11 came out. Stuff like Tesselation, Ambient Occlusion, Lighting, and actually using multithreading at the CPU level, that was when they fell behind.
It's about to get more brutal when you think about how much stuff they have to start implementing this generation between Vulkan, Asynchronous Compute, Conservative Rasterization, Raster Ordered Views, VR, etc.
I'm not surprised so many Japanese companies dropped their in house engine development and instead go with Unreal Engine 4 going forward.
So people never try out new games anymore? They only play what they've already played?
Listened to Inafune, outsourced games to western developers, lost shitloads of money, have to fund games by selling countless remasters.
At least Inafune's been exposed for being a con in front of everyone.
I know Red Ash failed and that was good but I still worry he's gonna try this again and fanboy idiots will still fall for his shit thinking "Oh he's learned, he had to have" the only thing he learned was an easy way to scam idiots
Like the shit they make now sells well? Unless it's SF. If Capcom promotes it people will buy it, especially people like and . I'm not talking about TvC but just a remake of the games I mentioned or any of the old IPs. Capcom has a ton of them and they just play it safe which doesn't work. Besides SF.
I believe Red Ash actually got picked up by a company, don't know which though. The Kickstarter was just a gauge to test public interest.
Well, I dunno the answer to this user but what I do know is that there are less new IPs and more sequels and even more remakes, reboots and remasters of existing IPs. This gen is literally a remaster of last gen.
I liked RE Revelations 1 and 2
Ya gotta figure the dev cost for rereleasing the older titles can't be terribly expensive so there effectively sitting on some fast cast for little investment.
maybe they won't sell 5 million copies but a few ten to a hundred thousand here and there adds up quickly.
>Darkstalkers designs do not jive well with the "climate" of video games in the west.
I'd say the same about Overwatch, but that sold like gangbuusters.
No the concept is fucking fantastic, how it was executed like a 3rd person action with absolutely no horror and using icon characters like a bad action B movie was atrocious
They had the idea, executed beyond poorly
They put out amazing shit for like 10 years straight, they had to go downhill eventually, you can't keep that up forever
They where pretty great for almost the entire 80s and 90s and where putting good shit out well into the early 2000s. That's the reason I hate seeing them like they this, they weren't some one off success
Capcom stopped being based 15 years ago... jesus, where did the time go.
No idea if this would fix shit but it would be a start
>work with Nintendo to release most if not all 8 and 16 bit popular releases on Nintendo stores and disc based physcall copies, charge more more than 30$
>release a dmc collection, good port, leave out dmC remake
>resident evil classic sets, disk and download
>remakes with RE classic on disk
>stop making Street fighter garbage and rushed trashed, patch it. Quick
>DMC 5, release 1-4 on same disk special edition
>RE7 into classic type survival horror, fixed cameras with options to switch to 3rd person for casual fucks
>capcom vs snk
>demons crests bundle with previous games
Oh wait. Nah jk
How did Capcom go from such a recognizable third party company with so many games, characters, and Franchises that rivaled Nintendo to just fucking nothing since 7th Gen ended
in fairness it's not like Nintendo is much better
Well now obliviously but Capcom doesnt have the excuse of having shit systems and not keeping up with modern gaining and yet they still died. was it really all this CEO business or what
Yeah by 10 years I guess I meant from Final Fight 1 to RE4.