Need a new MMO

Since GW2 is pretty much in the grave, with the expansion costing more than some games, what relatively new MMO title offers a more lively experience?

There are none, play private servers of older, better MMOs and wistfully remember the better days.

MMOs are dead

Well, I guess its back to runescape private servers for me

Pick (You)r poison.

All are shit. Though I might resub FFXIV.

Rumor has it Pso2 is getting localized sometime.

Try out HeroWarz

or wait for revelation online, or Albion

or pay for FFXIV

Revelation Online is going to flop.


Is that shopped or am I stupid. What class's downed skill are those

Please play wildstar.

looks like some obsolete form of the mesmer ones, maybe beta

literally just googled "is guild wars 2 dead" and got that as the third image. Been too long for me to remember whos skills this could be

Shit, boring and obsolete combat.

Its sequel is actually good though.

PSO2 is already completely translated and playable without any kind of VPN. Localization's just gonna make it lame, we can't even have bunnysuits in our MMOs without Playboy pressing charges or something.

Play WoW on a RPPVP server.

>Playboy pressing charges or something.
or before some feminist demands it to be censored .

You know what I hate about this threads first is if you do not replly to this post your mother will die immunity cat and dog does not work
Second. It is mostly nor vidya related

Yea, MMOs aren't games anyway

Immunity cat always works, dumbass.

I bet you were the type of shithead kid who would make up rules when playing with friends.
>No, you didn't get me, I dodged the laser. Yes I did. Shut up or I'll tell my mom you're the one who peed in our trash can.

In your dreams fuckboy



Khadgar really let himself go

Tibia has had some attention as some dude has reached level 999, and there's a door with that level req that's been around forever.

I love Dead Frontier, personally.


Bunnysuits are fairly tame compared to a lot of things, especially when they tend to come with hosiery.

But TERA actually ran into problems with Playboy, and ended up stripping a lot of parts off their bunnysuits. Foreign versions still have the cuffs, collars and I believe tails. Every other MMO here with any kind of bunnysuit never plays it straight, either.

It looks like mesmer 1, memser 3 in the 2, and thief 3. So must be beta or something

Then just kill me now.
I feel for the Rider Of Icarus meme last month.
Accidentally stumbled into a fucking in-game extortion ring downing world bosses and making sure no one else could get loot. Inflating prices and forcing everyone on the server to pay them a tax or pay an obscene price. Bots, hackers, goldsellers all rampant. Made Gw2 and Rift look almost look inviting even after they both hurt me.

mmo is truly dead bury it

Play wildstar

>free week of WoW
>actually having fun
Eh it's okay. "10/10 -IGN"

Playboy literally owns the rights to the bunnysuit design. If your game or whatever uses it in a game released in the US, they WILL sue you.
That's why every game that has a bunnysuit has to get rid of the ears in the US version, or some other modification.

Battle Bunny Riven?

>play wildstar pvp
>that one guy who uses a movement skill while carrying the mask causing them to drop it

I haven't seen that one in a while, they probably changed it enough to get around the copyright.
Or they just paid Playboy royalties.

Replace WoW with whatever shitty MMO you play rn. FFXIV is god tier.

WoW or FFXIV. Both are still shit but a head above F2P MMOs and you have a choice of an eastern or western flavor,

Now that I think about it, the bunnysuit in PSO2 comes without the ears or tail, those are seperate accessories that you can put on any outfit, including this. You could make it a kittysuit, or wear it with a hat and headphones.

I wonder if that'd get through. If not, just come to JP version for cute bunnygirls and other things that trigger our own culture nowadays.

I played ffxiv during beta, it was boring as shit.


Just so you know it's still boring. Every quest is a "talk to fuckface mcfantasyname" or "collect 8 cactus dicks" or "kill 4 green cactus, kill 4 pigs". Even WoW is moving past that shit, ever so slowly with more cinematic quests. Hell, even fucking story quests in XIV are the same shit. OH NO IT WAS A TRAP WE GOT AMBUSHED FIGHT THEM OFF or [locked behind a dungeon]. Most jobs still barely do anything off the global cooldown worth noting. Fanboys will defend it saying cooldowns are off GCD but HOOOOLY FUCK 10% CRIT CHANCE! PLAYING AT LIGHT FUCKING SPEED 600 APM ACTIVATE THAT INCONSEQUENTIAL 12 SECOND BUFF LITERALLY DOING CALCULUS AS I PLAY.

Bunnysuit is pretty alright.

Behold, foxbunny.

I'd have given it a shot already if it wouldn't take me 2 and a half years to download. How the fuck did they ship that shit anyhow? Selling bethesda brand garbage bags filled with DVDs?

but is there an MMO that doesnt do this?

It's 50GBs yes and the launcher isn't very descriptive as to what the fuck is going on with the download either. You basically set the bitch to download and do something else for a day, or set it just before going to sleep.

It wasn't the questing that was bad to me, it was just really really boring as a whole. Maybe it's because I'm not a FF fag but everything was just so bland. Although some people call that polished, apparently.