PCGamer UK's TOP 100 PC Games...
Don't shoot the messenger.
PCGamer UK's TOP 100 PC Games...
Don't shoot the messenger.
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>No exclusives on the cover
Such master race.
Is this going to be another pointless wank of half life 2?
faster faggot
Are you retarded?
Glad to see some really great Indie picks. These games are what gaming is about: using gameplay to connect to theme. Shoutouts to Hotline Miami, Undertale, and Papers, Please for making the list.
>let's get a few of the hits from the past few years, a handful of fondly remembers obscure ones, and the required classics and we got a list!
It will take too long to post everything so I won't stick around, but if doesn't have Wizardry VI~VIII it's an objectively wrong list.
number 1 is half life 2, doom 2016, or sims 2
>92). Undertale
I'm having a giggle m8
>DA2 above Stardew
Wouldn't surprise me. I miss PC Zone magazine.
inb4 fallout 3/4 is higher on the list
Fallout3/4 are practically guaranteed to be higher than NV
oh man
>dragon age 2
Shit list confirmed
if Thief 2 isnt in the top ten then I will never visit this website again
Well they're off too a good start. Truly the Top 100 from three decades of gaming.
>Dragon Age 2
>top 100 anything but "top 100 most unfinished games"
if dorf fortress doesn't make it i'm peeing into my own mouth on stream
oh shit they're talking about us in new vegas everyone scatter
>Dragon Age 2 is just barely lower on this list than fucking New Vegas
Small indies getting blown the fuck out
>Psychonauts is higher than Fallout New Vegas
welp, fuck this list.
>path of exile
well this is better than I expected
FONV - Last position 10
Does this mean its gone down ten positions or last year it was #10? Because if the latter, what the fuck.
>Dragon Age II
The rest of the list is invalidated already.
>most of the games are just console games that got PC ports
Shit list
means it went down 10 ranks
>Euro Truck Simulator 2 is higher on the list than New Vegas
Psychonauts is a 9/10, m8.
80 days was good but no way it was better than fallout nv
also it's a mobile game pcgamer pls
A literal mobile game is the 76th best PC game of all time.
FTL, Monkey Island, and Nuclear Throne. Now we talking.
>A truck simulator on this list
phil and samuel can go hang themselves after they've finished writing their psychotic ramblings that they seem to have substituted for an actual critical review
Judging by and Stanley Parable, it means it was rank 10.
can you link source or upload to mega
It's a better game to be honest.
Place your bets, where is Gone Home gonna be?
>The best Monkey Island game
>The Stanley Parable
Nah, fuck this.
>Final Fantasy IX
Top 10. It's going to be right up there with Fallout 4 and Witcher 3 so they seem hip and credible.
>A fucking PS1 port is in the 100 best PC of all time list
"Pee cee" games
>euro cuck simulator
>final fantasy 9
>wow this low
hahaha sheeeeeeeit
>Doom is higher on the list than Doom II
at least they got something right
#1 is gonna be Mass Effect 2, isn't it?
What's the fucking point?
>Dragon Age 2
Great PC games you got there fags
>Worst burnout game above fucking WoW
Loving every lel
>better put one of those "pc rpg classics" on the middle to look credible
And I thought we were long past people praising Dragon Age 2. Pathetic.
>indie garbage this low
>people considering super meat boy a great game
>pyschoFUCKINGnauts getting outclassed by a driving simulator
Post your face Deus Ex isn't in the top 10.
Being in the top 100 is pretty damn good on a platform with as much shit as PC.
but it ain't better than New Vegas.
>Euro Truck Simulator 2
>Higher than Warframe
>Higher than Stardew Valley
>Higher than Hotline Miami
>Higher than Papers Please
>Higher than Tumblrtale
>Higher than Europa Universalis
>Higher than New Vegas
I am quite peeved.
>they hunger
>euro truck simulator 2
>super meat boy
What the fuck, is gaming this shit or is their list this bad? Keep in mind that ETS2 is maximum comfy, but top 100 best games list?
>far cry 2
calling it right now, d3 will be higher than d2
>diablo 2 that low
>3D CYOA stories
>Life is Strange somehow on par with Rollercoaster Tycoon 2, Homeworld, and Diablo 2
Video games are dead.
I'm getting an uncanny feeling that this is just advertising.
>Life is Strange
>came out last year
>Yeah its about as good as diablo 2 that still has tons of players today
>life is strange better than 2k4 or wow
did you honestly expect PCGamer Uk to have good taste?
>Homeworld: Remastered
>adoringly remastered by Gearbox, rescuing a classic from obscurity
I haven't felt this angry in decades.
It wasn't even ranked last time apparently
>Diablo 2 in the first half
Fucking dropped.
Far cry 2 had a better fkn story than all the newer farcrys faggot.
It's kind of hard to know what makes a good RPG or platformer when you've never played one, which is why Meat Boy, VVVVVV and Undertale amaze PCucks.
Gone Home will be in the top 30, mark my words
>this list
It's not even halfway over and my sides already exploded
I'm gonna piss my pants if Watchdogs makes it on this list :D
Chucklefuck wins again
>This intelligent and ambitious game
>new entry
>bioshock infinite
>new entries for old games
What the fuck.
>HALF LIFE 1 AT 60th
Okay tough guy, name 80 better games that we all agree on.
>Life Is Strange
>One of the 100 greatest PC games of all time
>Number sixty-fucking-four
No, I can't.
I have better things to do with my time then get irrationally pissed off at games media.