Battleborn is still dead

So I guess we Can Call Battleborn
>Daily reminder that this is considered Badass

Other urls found in this thread:

looks badass tbqh famalan

is that guy ok?

Gearbox ruined the work badass for me


But for $9.99 you can help him out by buying his Trading Cards

These designs slightly kill my soul bit by bit every time I see them. I'm not mad. I'm not sad. Just more dead inside. How could anybody look at any of the Battleborn roster and think of them as iconic, cool, intimidating, attractive, appealing, terrifying, or any combination of the above? How could anyone subject themselves to the abomination that is their aesthetic design choices, more fitting for a PS2 launch title, than an attempt to break into the FPS MOBA genre? Why and how did Gearbox make this. It doesn't make sense. It baffles the mind. Help me Sup Forums. I'm truly a broken man.

>battleborn Threads will never come back in old Form

Let's hope No Man's Sky will fill the void

These guys can help you out

I have used them in the past and I have no doubt they can help you too

I can't tell if that's a bad or good design. I'm gonna say it's mediocre but it's trying to be creative.

Lol what papa johns?

Oh Shit your right sorry

Try these guys

What was the battleborn general on /vg/ like? I never looked into it.

I don't think there was one. It died before it could get one

It died 2 months ago

Overwatch shitposting literally killed it.

Truly, I have seen the light, cast by the reflections of the lakes of garlic butter of the Crust Crevices, in which I can quench my thirst from my arduous journeys

I have felt the warmth and cushion of the cheese of the Mozzarella Plains, where I may rest my head and dream of better days and brighter futures

I have breathed in the tangy marinara, spewed from the mantle of the Sauce Scars, calming my bloodlust and grounding me back into the ground of the 'Za

Papa Bless

He looks fine, the gameplay footage looks like trash.

85% overwatch shitposting


This. The reason we're not all playing Battleborn instead of Overwatch isn't because of MUH BANDWAGON or MUH BLIZZARD SHILLS. It's because Battleborn looks like shit. It's roster looks like garbage, with characters like OP posted that are a mess of objectively ridiculous proportions.

Look at that fucker's neck. Who the fuck thought "What we need is some kind of minotaur guy. Let's give him a giant robot arm, tiny little legs, huge horns, and a HUGE PULSATING MUSCULAR NECK 8 TIMES LARGER THAN HIS HEAD.

Seriously, look at this fucking bullshit.

3 archived threads in the last week in a list of 1100+ archived threads are for Battleborn. Highest post count was 15, most of which were probably the op bumping his own thread, and only a few posts laughing at it.
>48 Overwatch threads archived. All with 700+ replies.

Woah! Hey guys.

Source of your stats? Not that I don't believe you, but I'd like to be able to search those stats myself, to test a hypothesis that the Destiny General is more active than Blunderborn

This is pretty much the only design in the game I'd say I like because the theme is readily apparent.

Bruh. You know how to do this.

Overwatch fanboys really mad their game wasn't all that it was cut out to be, so shilled in bbg instead.

It was kind of funny because you open owg during that time period and it's just peple complaining about the same characters and waifufags. I'm still in the battleborn discord, it's alright. We have fun, although I'm pretty burned out on vidya in general, with OW being the nail in the coffin as to why I don't play BB anymore.

They tried though, they introduced a MAJOR balance change and some new maps recently. It's a lot better honestly.

Who designed this fucking garbage?

His neck looks like a thick veiny cock



Is the "Theme" you're referring to "mediocre designs made terrible by shrinking/inflating the proportions of head/arms to bizarre degrees"?

Because that seems to exemplify all the male characters in the game. The female characters all have identical Sassy Action Girl body types not to be an sjw, but every single female character having the same skeleton compared to the almost fetishized proportional fuckery of the male charters.


Phoebe and Marquis look okay.

Now listen to him speak:

I like it

the character designs look like they just hit the "randomize" button for every aspect of their body, weapons and colour palette during their design meetings.
everything's so disproportionate, asymmetrical and clashing that they're borderline disgusting to look at.

after having listened to a bunch of these character voice vids, it honestly seems like battleborn only has one actual character in it, that being a screaming, bloodthirsty lunatic.
they then took that character personality, put it on to a bunch of different models and voice actors, and called it a day.
seriously, why are ALL the characters in this game the same screaming idiot as the last?

Feminism is awesome!

If it was japanese you would call that design cool

If it were Japanese it would look different because Japan has a very different set of design and artistic sensibilities.

>dislike design
>swap where it came from to like it
Okay user.

He sounds like a Warhammer orc

If it was Japanese it'd either be scrapped or designed to not look like utter shit.


how salty do you think the battleborn devs are that Overwatch has this huge fan following with fanart everywhere and praise, while all they see on the internet is how shit it is compared to Overwatch

see, the funny thing is you can tell that the Battleborn devs are huge TF2 fans (for good reason, from a purely game design perspective its damn near flawless) and at leat know that the most important part of a character's appearance in such a fast-paced genre is silhoutte, because its the first thing the brain recognizes, and they obviously took some pointers from the artstyle (namely how the heavy class has a smaller head and legs to make the rest of his body bigger by comparison). Sure enough, Kenny from the Walking Dead after using one weird trick for 4 weeks certainly has a unique shape, but he goes way past reasonable. I can believe that the Heavy's legs can support him, but just. barely and as a result he moves slow. Kenny here couldn't get up from lying down if he wanted to.

More or less depressed

A lot of people were trying to market the game as INCLUSIVE and DIVERSTY on Twitter. They tried to gain the auidence Overwatch had as well as SJW crowd

Ultimatley it didn't work, lets be honest if you spent millions on a project and realised you had competition around the corner, you'd get excited

Then the day comes when you realize you were overconfident and look at the sales on the first day


This is your biggest project and you had such confidence

Then your rivals product comes out. It compleley destroys you. Its over

The company is paniking and layoffs are on the way and all your hard work means nothing know as the Millions of dollars sunk into the game now mean nothins as you will never make back a profit, and the Only attention your game gets is the ocasional thread on Sup Forums and people talking about how your rival killed your game and how shitty all your work was and the whol industry looks at your product and then smacks you on the head

There is a meeting next week

Layoffs most likley

You cry in your office space realizing taht this might be it

This is Gearbox right now

>it honestly seems like battleborn only has one actual character in it, that being a screaming, bloodthirsty lunatic.

Pretty much yeah. That sums it up.

the dick necks problem is that its completely rigid, even in concept art. is it gradually shrank as it reached his head and was able to move and bend it would look and animate much better.

as it is its literally a giant throbbing cock.

I can't blame them for feeling rough at something outside of their control. Obviously being such similar games meant that only one of the two could exist, especially considering they released at damn near the same time. IT doesn't help they were going up against a frankly massive corporation who even if Overwatch was the lesser game of the two (and I can't say or prove that considering I've played neither) the difference in quality would have to have been massive because Blizzard could just make up for it through raw exposure and advertising. Although I guess they could have just made Battleborn suck less, considering even looking at some of the UI and the menu I want to throw up.

It's obvious by design he's meant to be some kind of berserker class with one arm clearly meant to be more menacing that the other, but if you look at something like the Charger from Left 4 Dead again its obvious by silhouette which infected he is but again its nowhere near as overdone as whatever OP is. The horns are way too large even if he has some kind of charge attack and unless his neck has some kind of special function (and frankly even if it did) its just way too big, considering most strength-based designs have a character head shrunk in a bit to show off the shoulders.


What the fuck are you doing, Little Caesar's is absolute garbage. I'd rather get a shotgun blast delivered to my face than one of their pizzas.

all fast food pizza is garbage

you either make pizza yourself, go to your local stone oven pizzeria, or dont eat pizza at all

Good. They deserve it. Gearbox was always shit.

Games were shit.
Writing was shit.
Overrated as fuck, if you ask me.

It's good to know that Gearbox will probably die out in my lifetime and not too far from now either.

we got a real pizza connoisseur here

t. a teenager who has never consumed a decent pizza in his life

i cant say their all shit, scooters ex va is pretty cool, he was the writer for bl1.

burch and that other retarded fuck are the real problems.

roundtable is pricy but best.

oddly i have great tolorence for all quality of pizza, except that tony cafateria shit.


The new walmart by my house makes some great pizzas. A little light on the sauce but they're all real ingrediants and they're give you as many toppings as you want.

it literally looks like is out of some game like Okami, Zelda or stuff like that

you are just being biased because Gearbox

I would pay money to see a recording of the conversation that Randy Pitchford and some suit at 2K definitely had over Battleborn flopping so terribly. Randy must have had a new asshole torn into himself for letting BB happen




>walk into EB games
>Look at the 'best sellers' shelf
>Battleborn is there next to Overwatch
>sue the store for false advertising

>Fat character on pin legs
Ok, usually ugly as shit because it doesn't look like it could support the weight, but-
>Throbbing penis neck with huge chin and massive, pointless horns
This is getting pretty fucking stupid
>Fap arm longer than he is tall, bunch of fucking spikes sticking out its entire length
The idea that someone was paid to design this is embarrassing.
Children have doodled better designs. Even the angsty ones, because they're ok once you take the piss out of them a la Reaper.


Benedict is the only well designed character.

>an attempt to break into the FPS MOBA genre
I used to work at a vidya company that tried the same. It just doesn't work.

do tell, play us youre song dear user.

That Samus looking one looks pretty alright.

Mushroom ninja is the only decent one.

Basically, my old company specialized in the glorious F2P market; browser games, puzzle games, all that. Then upper management realized just how large the MOBA market is and created a project to get a slice of that cake.
We made essentially a top-down shooter MOBA hybrid; fast-paced and with less focus on the old lasthitting and grinding.
You can already guess the outcome - it didn't bomb, but just performed poorly enough to not warrant further investment. Everyone who wants to play a MOBA is already invested in Dota 2/LoL/Smite, so you won't build a fanbase unless you already have a ton of loyal fans (Blizzard) or invest crazy amounts of money into marketing (also Blizzard).

What left me salty is that the game itself died not because it wasn't good (we won multiple awards, yadda yadda), but because management insisted we had to go for the MOBA and Esports market. It's like trying to open a grocery store next to a Walmart.

Wow this UK dub for Dragon Ball Z sounds really good, I can't want to see the Final Flash scene

Go to sleep battleborn dev you've got a lot of bankruptcy paperwork to fill out tomorrow.

What was the game? It sounds kind of familiar

I like him, the gentleman robot and Benedict.

Shards of War


Solitude, mindfulness... ass-kicking XD

I don't get what they were planning with her design. Strong? Cute? Badass?

All the characters in this game look like they belong in different games with different art styles.
Theres only a handful of heroes that don't look like rancid vomit and she's one of them.

>Design a decent, not terrible character to fit a sort of "calm, collected, spiritually mindful" character niche
>Have a chance to add a different personality to the roster
>Instead write her as a teenager with more "epic kick ass" garbage

It's like they want to flop.

Ying looks real cute. Having her up against Alani its like night and day. Asian elf best elf!

He can probably sell all those packs at like $1 each


Shitty pizzas, but goat garlic knots.


>tfw this game has a handful of decent to great designs
>only one or two of them ever get used in promotional materials

Fucking incompetent morons deserve to fail.

To be fair, it doesn't matter. People cherry pick whatever they hate most and spam it endlessly, with our without reason or knowing context. Battbleborn could do a serious 180, fire all their designers, redo 100% of their dialog, fix their menus, and soembody will still post "le femenism is awesome XD" in the next thread.

>you will never live in a world where Borderlands didn't go full retard

Coulda been a good series.

Instead they made the aborted twins that 2 and the moon thing were then they move on to this fucking atrocity.

I have also yet to forgive gearcucks for colonial marines.

>liked how the dapper robot looked and played (robot owls)

>After careful evaluation of Shards of War in the last couple of weeks, we have ultimately decided to shut down Shards of War and focus on new challenges.

Such is vidya games, sometimes you just have to make the best of a failed project and let it go. Still, it was fun working on it.

I thought his neck was a veil and his head was an ornament. What the fuck...

What can you tell about Dark Orbit?

Overwatch's newest update and gamemode buried Battleborn even more.

battle what?

How does that guy jerk off?

Who would want to buy them though?

Most pretentious post right here friends. Pretty much meme tier