Fatfags mad.
Fatfags mad
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Thick juicy thighs
Chubby Mei would have been cuter. Oh well. BIG
C U T E !!
I want to sniff her shorts and sports bra.
>Implying that's not fat
That's as fat as they come. Borderline obese.
Your definition of fat must be very loose
>Confirmed to be just a Healthy Girl and not THICK
Ah yes let it burn.
>tfw pharahs summer spray
Why the fuck does her character portrait look fat as fuck but her model is alright?
anyone have and pic of Rein's new spray?
>not fat
I thought Americans were asleep.
t. Starving Europoor
How's that americum taste?
Bare feet widowmaker skin when?!?!?!
Because concept art Mei is just how Mei wishes to get her body one day. Images of her being thin motivate her
In picture related is a 7 time alpine skiing world champion. 100% muscle, 0% fat.
I imagine Mei has a similar body type.
its impossible to have 0% fat faggot
maybe in your case yeah
That suit have also a lot of padding so she doenst freeze to death while skiing.
Mei is built for cuddling during movie night!
The correct term would be below 2% body fat, but thats just nitpicking senpai.
>100% muscle, 0% fat
That's bullshit because Mei seems like too much klutz and a dork to manage a pro skiers body like you say. Be more unbiased if your gonna try and reason shitIl. It's like 65% fat,35% muscle, considering she doesn't act like she uses her muscles no more than she needs too
65% fat,35% muscle
but full sex material
Footfaggots sent to the ovens when
What? We never said she was fat, just thick.
Fat =/= thick
>he doesn't like feet
I pity you.
Those suits are surprisingly thin. Here's another picture of the same athlete.
She looks better a bit thicker but tumblr must be livid and that makes everything worth it.
How is anyone surprised by this? We've known she was thing before the game even came out. Surely there aren't people fucking stupid enough to fall for fatfag memes.
I keep forgetting Olympic ping-pong exists.
>I find a something that is 100% non sexual immensely attractive
>I enjoy pieces of meat that touch the floor, dirt, unclean carpets and sit around in sweaty socks
>I like to smell and place these within my mouth or around my genitals
Mmmm. Gotta love all the dog shit, dirt, spilled food, and whatever else your shitty, smelly feet have walked in. Oh yeah, so hot. Can't wait to lick these toes that stepped in dog shit and walked around bare foot outside. Oh yes. So sexual.
You know fat fags aren't gonna stop making her fat right?
I don't care. the image of thiccy wiccy mei goddess has been implanted in hundreds of artists minds already. there's more fat mei art than not. my balls are drained and i'm happy.
>all these people who didn't see her artwork posted last week
You're the one with the self-demeaning fetish.
Why'd you post a picture of a penguin?
That's why you wash the feet, silly. Then dirty them again with your tongue.
Not everyone lives in a 3rd world country where owning shoes and a bath makes you royalty. Dumb nigger monkey. Enjoying the sickly sweet scent of a womans foot is one of the most hetero things in life. Faggot.
Still a bit chubby.
Still worst girl.
For all you THICC lovers out there.
I'm not even a thicc fag and I still fapped to this.
I hope all the fat sjw bitches cry over this
Fat =/= sexy
i wonder if this made all those fat lazy mei cosplayers salty lol
Meme-free version: hitomi.la
Fat Mei is gross but I really want some pizza now.
Hey this looks pretty decen-
I'm out.
>full censorship
So close, and yet so far.
Fat user is gross but I really want some Mei now.
Disregard that I was looking at the wrong one.
I'm back in.
Not a THICCfag either but you gotta admit this body type is fucking perfect for Mei.
This is cultural appropiation, fat people have lost a video game character that represents them.
>No second chapter with that sensei
That was great though
>tfw "plump" doesn't actually seem to exist in the real world
>girls are either too skinny or overweight to the point of being unsightly
Why is it so hard to find a cute girl with smooth, thick thighs, wide hips, fat tats, and a soft, squeezable tummy?
It's ok Pajeet.
It probably is really disgusting where you're from.
I feel a primal need to fill Mei's fertile womb.
Send help.
because what you are describing is FAT, and dressing it up with positive language won't change that.
you forgot no cellulite. you said that last post.
fucking lmao youd think blizzard could afford non deviantart level artists
>Love the art style
>notice those tags
is this actually happening?
To be fair that's an accurate reaction when seeing Rocket Monkey
And I'll post it again, too, until I achieve my dream.
I have come too far to be stopped. The future I have planned with not be jeopardized.
We meet again sad panda
how hard is to google how to get past it?
Out of curiosity, why does everyone assume Mei is fit?
Her bio just says she's a scientist, and the only argument I've seen is HUURR she climbs mountains! but given all the technology we've seen and her ties to Overwatch she probably has some sort of vehicle and wouldn't even have to walk.
I hate thicc, I just don't understand the logic of Mei being fit
I'll leave this gif, it's the only Mei anything I have.
Enough that I'd rather just not bother.
>Out of curiosity, why does everyone assume Mei is fit?
Concept art which was this Her being fat is just a meme
I once knew a girl like that, and we liked each other. Then I fucked everything up by being too clingy
none of them actually were in her real outfit anyway, lazy ass casual ass cosplay
I would hardly call that "fit." In fact, her disproportionate midsection aside, everything else points to her being moderately overweight, or otherwise of average build.
>winter sport
>0% bodyfat
full retard user. You realize having a very low percentage of bodyfat in a WINTER climate will kill you by hypothermia or a stroke?
go back to school and learn basic biology.
Triggering me.
Both skinny and chubby Mei are GOAT.
I like chubby more.
Girls can still have an ass and tits without being a beanpole, these nu-males sometimes.
Fatfags are complete degenerates, desu
Decent bait
Looks pretty thick to me
I think the actual in game models hold more weight than some hastily whipped together concept art
I bet you still have meat on ya, you obese fucker, check out this girl I just boned last night. A lot better than any ham planet you could get
>tumblrtards trying to normalize thick girls as skinny
you realize that fat is a natural insulator for heat, right? Being fat as fuck won't make you immune to cold though, unless you are a seal (the animal not the soldier).
this faggot cant draw fucking eyes goddammit
she's equipped for the arctic
so like at least half of her fat is padding and shit
Fat Mei is built for hitting with a baseball bat.
If by baseball bat you mean my dick then yeah
Layers don't accentuate an ass like that
Then it's working as intended.
>Having hips, tits and ass is fat
Beanpolefags are worse than tumblrbabies
>so like at least half of her fat is padding
For my dick.
All that really prooves is that mei has a fat ass and thick thighs, much like her concept art.
>All that really proves your point
This fucking pisses me off. I live in Canada so everybody looks like a fucking sausage roll, so when people draw Mei like a slam piggy, it pisses me off. OF COURSE SHE'S FUCKING THIN IT'S BLIZZARD PLUS YOU HAVE TO BE EQUIPED FOR THE ARCTIC DICKASS. Sorry.
I'm saying the opposite user, unless we're on the same page that it isn't fat.