What is the best JRPG of this generation and why is it Xenoblade Chronicles X?
What is the best JRPG of this generation and why is it Xenoblade Chronicles X?
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Because it's overworld is GOAT-tier. Shame the story missions kinda suck - it's best to play all the affinity and social missions.
It's not even as good as Odin Sphere remake - let alone Bloodborne
Is this thing on?
Has there even fucking been another jrpg this generation other than idea factory/compile heart shovelware?
Tokyo Mirage sessions?
I agree, I thought it was very fun and I hope Monolith make a sequel soon
And Takahashi needs to get Joanne Hogg back and fire Sawano. The vocal tracks were so shit. Also Rebel is objectively the best rook voice
This is the worst ost I've ever heard in a jrpg. I'm not fucking lying. You can ironically like it for its meme value but it is objectively bad. Take any song from the first Xenoblade, even that shit that plays when you change the future and ruin the battle music, it's better than anything in Chronicles X.
>13 year old girl wielding Old Fucking Painless.
TATSU....... FOOD!
Elma is a boring party member.
>playing Pro Alien Propaganda
I hope Elma sets those scumsucking xenos straight. Earth cities for earth humans.
>mfw Elma Is clearly being setup to be the Miang of Xenoblade but all of you fags get butthurt when I explain it because you can't stand the thought of muh delicious brown waifu being evil.
>Complete lack of the gnostic themes that are iconic to the Xenogears and Xenosaga.
>Butchered by NoA
>Terrible soundtrack.
Either L or Elma is gonna turn out evil.
>>Complete lack of the gnostic themes that are iconic to the Xenogears and Xenosaga.
Who the hell actually cares about this
>implying anything interesting will happen with the characters of X
>implying it'd have an impact even if they did
"Remember stoic autist the ayylmao? She was a villain all along." would have a lot more impact if stoic autist had any character in the first place
L seems like a total bro.
Am I all alone?
People who don't want cringe story and characters
Because there was no competition. XBCX wasn't that good, it was just ok. Everything else was shit.
Yeah I agree her character is shit and she has personality of a brick wall, but the benefactor of humanity turning out to be someone who weaponizes their biomass from the lifehold core would make her at least somewhat interesting.
>Implying those games didn't have cringe stories
Gears didn't. Can't speak for saga.
SMT IV apocalypse is comming soon
If we're gonna include Apocalypse than the original IV is better than XCX too.
If she turned out to be wellmeaning while still doing incredibly questionable, morally reprehensible things that'd redeem her as a character. She already showed some signs of 'ethics smethics, why do humans get so angry when digitized and put in robot bodies' anyways. "It's for the good of the universe why are you guys so mad that I'm using you all solely to wipe out space nazis, geez get over it".
I can't even think of another JRPG this generation, but Xenoblade Chronicles X is painfully mediocre on every front.
I'll give best JRPG to Undertale because fuck you.
I was so fucking pissed at the ending.
>Lao comes back to life and was rescued by an unknown being. Even though there's a post-game we're never going to mention this again!
>By the way, you were all dead the whole time! How the fuck are you even alive right now? I dunno, Mira's magic or some shit. By the way, we'll never touch on this again.
>The game has the audacity to put text on the screen that says "This story has no true ending."
It feels like a contrived hook for a sequel that will never actually happen.
apocalypse is a sequel, not a re-release
I know. The original IV was better than Apocalypse.
>it's better than anything in Chronicles X.
Xenoblade X might have a bad OST overall, but not every song is bad like you're making it out to be
So why does Elma care about Humanity?
>no postgame sidequests where you explore every fucked up aspect of Mira to try find answers
Off the top of my head
>Auto translation
>Constant influx of arrivals who don't know how they got there
>Impossible to leave
>Remains of countless civilizations that rose and fell
>no aliens actually NATIVE to Mira (L doesn't outright say he's from Mira and Nopon are revealed to have arrived there from somewhere else in a sidequest)
Each one could easily be it's own sidequest involving multiple NPCs. Professor B trying to work with other aliens to break out of Mira, Curator teams trying to find a common link between all the ruins etc.
Odin Sphere isn't even a JRPG, it's a beat em up like Dragon's Crown.
It's a awesome game, solid 9/10. However it's only the best JRPG of this generation because it's had barely any competition.
You moron, Miang is part of the Deus system and Deus doesn't exist yet in Xenoblade X because the Zohar, which powers it and allows for it's creation, hasn't been found but the Zohar is probably on Mira and the cause of all the crazy Miran specific anomalies
I thought the story missions were great but yeah, most of the best content is found in affinity quests.
okay but what about the Lifehold Core and its artificial humans? And how Elma gave them all of that technology and was the one to defend its methods? Too big of a coincidence to overlook.
I thought it was pretty catchy for the first couple hours just because I never listen to music like that so I was thinking "alright, this is kinda nice for a change" but after playing the game for five hours straight I wanted to never hear those songs again. Even after playing it now for around 140 hours I just keep the volume down and play my own music
The thing at the end of the game was basically Kadomony already.
Yeah, that shot got real old
It's almost like people expect thirteen year old autists to be fountains of comedy gold.
>affinity quests.
I think you mean Normal Missions
Most of the optional affinity missions are pretty trite with the exception of HB's, Frye + Phog's (their combined ones, their solo ones are bad) and Murderess'
Not like there was any competition.
Like at all.
But Persona 5 will probably take it.
Anyway does Bravely Default count? I'd prefer over XCX
Pick one, alternatively use the ones digit of my post number (half any number over 6)
1. She has low self-esteem and the only way she can feel important or loved is to save entire species.
2. She loves that human cock and can't get enough of it
3. She's actually evil and wants to manipulate human beings for her own gain.
4. She's actually well-intentioned but has incredibly questionable ethics and wants to use humanity to wipe out the entire Ganglion with no regards to how humanity feels about it
5. She's a boring milquetoast character with strong ideals and code of honor and there's nothing more to her.
So is New LA the only human settlement on Mira? Or did that french ship mentioned in a sidequest manage to land on Mira?
That's only true if we don't count handheld JRPGs.
Because no other game has explored the concept of free roam open world games in utterly alien environments even a fraction as well, and despite the anemic story and nonexistent characters the joy of discovery (and the terror of bumping into that level 80 Tyrant) make for an incredibly unique and memorable experience.
And the Skells are just sexy as fuck. Look at this majestic beast.
Doesn't the artbook imply that there is some sort of massive facility on the north pole that keeps people from leaving?
Yes and?
The kadomony is separate technology, also created by humans, that Deus uses. Miang on the other hand was created by Deus, she can not predate it.
I agree that this looks like it's going to tie into Gears eventually, but if it does it's placed WAY before.
Why did you add an X?
What about Hope's? Yelvs? Nagi's? You can't tell you didn't like those.
I think it'll incorporate some ideas and general concepts from gears but end up being its own thing. I mean they can't use any actual stuff from gears since Square Enix owns it.
this is
>That Wrothian Catgirl doesn't join your party.
>Current Generation.
>tfw kill all of slovity pagus's friends by accident
anyone know what changes if you dont?
I was really surprised we didn't get the Wrothians. Everything was setting up Jiarg to be playable, and all the best Longswords are katanas so it seemed obvious.
My bet is on 4.
Her actions in her affinity missions and Heart to Hearts seem to show that she has genuine care towards parts of humanity, friendship even.
But there's just too many coincidences surrounding the details of the White Whale for it not to be an anti-Ganglion weapon.
>She says that some of the arc ships have actual people on board and not just a giant vat of protoplasm, but the one that she just happens to be the only "living" crew member of sure does.
>She keeps her own body in direct contradiction to the stuff she says to Doug about trans-humanism
>The Lifehold Core is literally shown churning out bio-weapons
This is actually the worst fucking game I've ever played.
>"This story has no true ending."
When does this happen?
I don't think she'll be outright evil. Her ultimate goal will probably have something to do with finding the origins of the Samaar. Regardless, I do think she'll be the final boss of whatever the last game in this particular story is.
i was surprised they introduced all those cool xenos and we dont get to party with any of them except the unique ones
>painfully mediocre
t. sonygger
>Over a dozen party members
>No Nopon party member (no Tatsu doesn't fucking count fuck Tatsu)
>No Prone party member
>No Wrothian party member
Celica and L are cool but they still missed some huge opportunities. I'm going to guess it's because they're lazy and didn't feel like modeling armor variations for races with different body structures than humans.
I like Xenoblade Chronicles better in terms of character and story.
But X has those sexy fucking anime mechs brah
Alright, I fucked the wording up a bit, but still. This appears at the end of the epilogue scenes after you clear Chapter 12.
I couldn't beat it. It was SO fucking boring, and my god that fucking awful HUB music at night.
I was baffled that that shit made it in the game. I played for around 30 hours, and couldn't stand to continue.
i really wanted a manon and one of those rubbish people
Japs sure have a weird interpretation of american culture.
Ok, Nagi's was damn good
Sorry, Hope is a character I keep forgetting exists, but due to her being mechanically ineffective, not due to her actual character.
Her 2nd and 3rd affinity missions were alright. Recruitment was stupid though.
Yelv gets a pass because his final mission is actually main story relevant, making it one of two optional missions that does.
The other being "The While Lifehold" which opens new dialogue with Lara Nara (or was it Mara? I can never keep those two straight) that tells you about the communication logs with the other ships, specifically it tells you that the French and Japanese ships safely made it away from Earth
>the Xeno- series will never end
What's wrong with that?
Although it's a shame Takahashi and Saga hate Xenosaga, and we'll never get a good HD remake...
She's also pretty ruthless when it comes to the Lifehold. She clearly would not regret shooting both Lin AND Lao if it meant the recovery of the lifehold.
Also, the bit where she goes on about continuity of consciousness and it's importance in existing as a defined being while Cross 'I'm an Elma Person' 'Sharpest BLADE in the drawer' 'Emotionally Dead Inside' the amnesiac savant is literally across the room from her is too much for me to handle. It's like the 360 noscope of hypocritical bullshit. The entire lifehold core post-final boss chat is 'I really don't want to have this conversation any longer than I have to: The cutscene'.
>The only humans left in the galaxy are Frenchies, Japs and Yanks
>No Brits
I didn't remember that as well, but it implies a sequel. I'd actually play a sequel that continues the story and actually explains things like how the mims are still alive, why Elma is helping and what happened to Lao.
Xenoblade NX when?
>Everything was setting up Jiarg to be playable
I disagree, he's like the wrothian Vandham, and Vandham ain't playable.
I was thinking we would get pic related at the end of his fucking quest chain, since his quests are set up very similarly to Mia's, and ever reward a fucking super weapon blue print like all the party member's top end Affinity Missions, but nope
Probably just snuck onboard with the yankees
Classic voice has to come from somewhere
>Yanks aren't brits descendants
Is this what they teach you in schools?
I really wish i could like the game like everyone else here seems to. I really tried to get into it but so many things were stopping me. I felt like i was still clueless on how the mechanics worked 20 hours into the game, and even cheesed most of the boss battles.
Yanks are a mix of a bunch of things
Actually there's probably more americans with irish ancestry than british
No offenses user but you are really dumb.
They are no rocket science.
I liked XCX but #FE was surprisingly good. I'm not into Idol culture but the gameplay was great.
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
>best anything
Shit is the worst buyer remorse I had in years.
It made me so fucking mad I wish I had the devs email so I could tell them directly how shit the game is.
what didn't you like about it
I should have expanded on my post i guess, but a lot of the mechanics were explained through text boxes from what i remember, and the text was incredibly small as well. and stuff they did explain through cutscenes (such as the plot) dragged on way too long to keep me interested
>tfw you stopped because you were getting your teeth kicked in every minute
I want to get back into it but I can't get fucking good at the combat
Best part of this game was having your PC be a jackass.
>Every single "Mutiny" option
>Blatantly hitting on Elma
>Xeno racism
>No selling tragic backstories
>"Claim that you will kick more than enough ass for everyone"
As bad as Tokyo Mirage Sessions is, it shits ALL OVER Xenoblade X, period.
If you told me years ago that a idol jrpg no one asked for would be better than a goddamn Xenoblade sequel I would die of laugh.
FACT: This game has the worst OST in the history of video games. I was angry the whole time. I'd rather have that whatever the fuck sonic song played for the whole game than that shit.