ITT: Greatest games of all time

ITT: Greatest games of all time.

Pic related and DS3

That game was shit, even as a kid.

If it's so shit then why are the visuals so good?

Ģrand theft auto SA
Dark souls
Call of duty modern warfare
Half life
Supermario world
Pac man
Orcarina of time
Fallout new vegas (trigger Sup Forums)

>nv the only trigger

oh dear, you actually believe you're right don't you?

Educate me

it's a pretty meme list friend

shitty game. He loses all his rings like sonic.

>Dark Souls
Put Demon's Souls
>Orcarina of time
Put MM aswell then.
>FNV (trigger Sup Forums)

The meme debate of fallout 3 vs new v

>Put MM aswell then.
As expected from someone with taste shit enough to like Persona: Edgy Attorney

>Persona: Edgy Attorney
>you can build relationships, therefore Persona
>since despair is a theme in the series, its edgy
Also, just because someone posts an image from a series doesn't mean they like that series.

>No Bloodborne

Oh, so never played it then.

The'res that epic sonygger meme



Uncharted 4

Was my first Uncharted game and one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. The others pale in comparison, yes, even 2.

>spongecuck memepants

Hey senpai


don't forget to salt my wounds

You and me both man.
>Someone thought it was a good idea to do this
>Crushing the hopes and dreams of people like this
>And to make them wait 7 days in hype for it

>don't forget to salt my wounds

Please, that's enough user.

>he thinks it isn't edgy
>he thinks it isn't deliberately apeing Persona's aesthetic
>he thinks he's fooling anyone

Is that super sponge?


that's not boat-o-cross


w-what is this

it's a sponge

>Witcher 2
>Witcher 3
stay mad faggots

Bloodborne is not that fucking good. DeS and DaS are a lot better.

t. platted Bloodborne

why does geralt look so well in a suit?

im curious whether games tend to receive GOTY awards more if they were released at the end of the year rather than at the beginning
people don't really criticize game if it just came out

>witcher 3 never released an expansion to finish the scoia'tael conflict
So you're telling me the guy can buttfuck the wild hunt but he can't change the politics because that would be "influencing the world too much"?