I doubt anyone gives a shit about this failure, but if you were thinking of playing this, then don't...

I doubt anyone gives a shit about this failure, but if you were thinking of playing this, then don't. Here's the status of the game if anyone is curious.

>No idea when new content is coming.
>Most of the content coming is just more grind spots that probably won't see any use.
>No idea when weapon awakenings are coming.
>Almost no communication with the people managing the western release.
>We have no idea what's happening with the cash-shop, what's going to be added to it.
>Guilds are crashing and burning currently. Because the guild-leader has to put in hundreds of hours of work, they get burned-out. Because GM's are more important to guild functions than most other games, work can't just be distributed to officers. When a GM gives up, the guild dies.
>Guild recruitment is very slow. Almost all guilds seem to be experiencing this.
>No encouragement for people to stay in guilds. For my guild, for every one person we gained, two or three would leave.
>All the servers except Edan is a ghost-town. We have no idea if there are server merges incoming.
>Grinding to +15 all your gear is a pain in the ass. You need to grind rougly 200M silver if not more.
>PvP is extremely gear dependent. You WILL be one-shot.
>30$ costumes.
>option 15$ subscription released.

It's crashing and burning anons, stay away.

Other urls found in this thread:


I just want to use the character creator, man.

F2P soon?

Pretty likely they'll drop the 30$ price tag, yeah.

It's pretty absurd they don't even offer like a week trial or whatever. Do they seriously expect people these days to take a blind dive with a MMO?

>Grinding to +15 all your gear is a pain in the ass. You need to grind rougly 200M silver if not more.
That's bullshit and you know it. The easiest part of the game is getting to +15 because you get stones thrown at you.

My roommate got this game, every copy comes with a guest pass for like a week or something. Unfortunately, that requires having friends or roommates that you don't hate.

Stones do not guarantee enchants. Once you get to +10, it becomes much harder to enchant your gear. And everytime you fail an enchant, you lose 5 maximum durability. If you have especially bad luck you'll have to buy millions in the same gear to repair your own.

A fucking Liverto is a pain in the ass to +15. It's about 60M in the market place.

Coulda just said
>Faggot ass energy system arbitrarily limits you for no reason so you can't do anything

But I digress. It seems these korean/gorean/chink sandbox open world mmo's all have sweet foundations but its ultimately ruined by scummy ass companies putting in arbitrary fun-blocking mechanics in an otherwise great start

Thanks for the heads up. I was actually considering this because i'm done with FFXIV but this doesn't seem any better.

>Pain in the ass
Because you don't understand how the game works.

You don't enchant stuff like Liverto or Kzarka without building failstacks on your character. Trying to enchant either without failstacks begs to blow a hole into your pocket. And Enchanting Armor is easy even after +10, almost everybody that played the game for 3 weeks got most of his stuff to +13 - +15 after release.

The worst part isn't enchanting your armor and weapons but Accessories because they permanently break if you fail to enchant and there's 5 Enchant Levels. I got a friend that quit playing the game because he broke all 4 of his Pri Accessories with failstacks in a matter of 30 seconds.

There are 7 day trials out there.

They should honestly just do a whole server reset because hackers got such a big lead during the first months and Valencia kind of killed the game for many people like how is it possible that the same place i've been grinding for like 300hours still stays as one of th best spots i don't want to grind the same spot for 300 hours more.
Honestly they should add seasons that would last like half a year, maybe with accelerated leveling and item drops.

Hopefully the sandbox MMO meme dies already. Way too many fucking failures and yet MMO fans keep thinking that's the only way to make MMOs.

>Have a shitty gookshit MMO be around the 80-90s in net cafe rankings with sunsetted games somehow outranking them
>Be surprised when it's doing bad overseas
Did that guild boss video with the flashy effects not teach anyone anything months before it came out?

The only thing I liked about this game is the music and it's a shame an ost was never released.

Pvp is still good, too bad you have to grind about 300-900hours to get there.

I really enjoyed being a Trader and connecting nodes, it felt really fun. I got to 50 and then barely did any fighting at all. However, they had to jew us by adding a facebook timer to energy regeneration which completely takes the profit out of ANY of the Life Skills. Also dropped after realising that the combat boils down to how many potions you have.

>nobody will ripoff Mortal Online but with Chivalry/Mordhau combat

Fucking why?

End game is less about raids and more about GvG PvP. If you enjoyed shit like WoE in RO, you'll love BDO.

If you enjoy the gear treadmill grind in FFXIV and WoW, you'll hate BDO.

That's all there is to it.

You won't love PvP though, because you'll be extremely behind everyone else. You'll literally be one-shot at all times until you are fully geared and leveled.

Top guilds with whales and goldbuyers generally fight each other - you can still enjoy the PvP in the smaller and weaker guilds to control territory.

which user wants a free 7 day guest past? I'm not really interested in this game anymore but I will always remember the black spirit for being a cool bro.

And gearing takes literally hundreds of hours, and when upgrading that gear you might break it and spend even more time fixing it. Even after that there will be some fag with full boss gear who will fuck you up.

Did the game company ever release a soundtrack to the game?

>option 15$ subscription released.

Havent heard about this, the hell is it,.


I said this years before release and the most common response I got was
>durr it's an mmo gear should never be equalized

Basically premium features. Not as bad as ToS, but still gives you a noticeable advantage over free players.

The most noticeable impact is probably the 30% listing fee reduction, which translates to 10% or something.

at least it had a fantastic character creator

also fuck the western pay model, it's free in Korea but they charge $30 for it here and don't update it at all

This cannot be real.

There's an accuracy stat, by the way. If you don't have enough accuracy you will actually miss a lot of your CC, which is fantastic.

As a Blader, I was expected to shell out 60-80M for a Liverto blade, then 30M for accessories. Then I had to obtain gloves that were 80M alone that would have costed an untold amount more to upgrade.

There are arguments for both. Making gear normalized tends to segregate an MMO into PvP and PvE since they do not overlap in that case, but this means that people are free to pick what they want to do. Keeping stats same across PvE and PvP leads to the goldbuyer dilemma, but also supports a more consistent world and makes it so players are rewarded for their grinding/dedication by being powerful enough to influence the world.

All you would have to do is set a trigger on PCs and NPCS. While attacking if the target has the PC trigger it uses normalized stats.

Or horizontal leveling, like getting abilities or different kinds of stats you want to choose from. Sort of like GW2 did in their pvp battle grounds but set it up for pve too. Like x boss drops the items to make crit gear or what ever.

No online game has really done horizontal leveling right. They've all been get levels, do bigger numbers.

>buy to play
>pay to win

It was supposed to be the savior of MMOs, yet it became the rock bottom instead

>All you would have to do is set a trigger on PCs and NPCS. While attacking if the target has the PC trigger it uses normalized stats.

That doesn't really address my point though. By having your PvE stats transfer to PvP it rewards the player who grinds (or goldbuys lol) and lets them become strong enough to participate in world activities like GvG and open world PvP. If you take this away and force normalized stats for PvP, you essentially make the gear grind only useful for PvE and end up with stuff like WoW/FFXIV's pointless endless gear treadmill to kill the fotm raid boss. Sandbox MMOs in my experience tend to go with the former and that was one of their strengths.

No idea what you mean on horizontal leveling since I never played a game with it.

It's when instead of when you level up you get more stats, you level up and get more options.

>asked for a good open world pvp game
>only get recommend BDO
>see shit like this posted everywhere
God damn it why is it this hard, you would think there'do be at least one good open world pvp mmo out there but no. I just want a game where people form rivalries and shit and guilds can get in lasting wars with each other but the only option is EVE and it's slow as fuck

>No idea when new content is coming.
Somewhat False. You obviously stop playing some time ago.

>Most of the content coming is just more grind spots that probably won't see any use.
Not if you want to keep up.

>No idea when weapon awakenings are coming.
They are coming together instead of one by one.

>Almost no communication with the people managing the western release.
There you go again with the old shit. But truth.

>We have no idea what's happening with the cash-shop, what's going to be added to it.
What's wrong with them choosing what to put in instead of going in the same order as KR?

>All the servers except Edan is a ghost-town. We have no idea if there are server merges incoming.
Weird. I've never checked since I'm on Edan and it's always got tons of players. But I heard other servers have players too.

>PvP is extremely gear dependent. You WILL be one-shot.
Don't like gear based PvP? Why are you even playing MMOs?

>30$ costumes.
Vote with your wallet.

>option 15$ subscription released.
Fuck my life. I have nothing to say here. Shit is bullshit.

CC was pretty boss I'll give it that
A bit limiting when it came to races, but definitely the most indepth I've seen.

You forgot to mention the game is hemorrhaging players like mad. Top guilds are becoming totally empty, GM's quitting the game left right and center, and the majority of people who bought the game quit it even before the latest content patch, which almost caught the game up to Korea. The few that are left have nothing positive to say about the ridiculous RNG bullshit in the game, along with the BLATANT P2W that was implimented.

Oh yeah, and if any of these players did decide to come back, they would never, EVER have a chance to catch up to the new curve of "top PvP'er".

Game is a joke.

Currently playing the 7 week trial, what was in the 1.3gb patch today then?

is this game really that bad? I'm 20~25 and ive got about 20 hours, at least half of which was just exploring.

It doesn't matter one bit to Daumhow they are losing players though: they already sold so many minimum $30 copies that they're set. At this point they're just going to milk the remaining playerbase dry, kill the game, and then hand it back to Pearl Abyss.

It's fucking brilliant.

>I'm 20~25 and ive got about 20 hours,
How the fuck are you not max cap yet with that much play time?

>at least half of which was just exploring.
you are joking about 20 hours being cap right?

What? FFXI did it right by giving you different gear for different situations.

We aren't all lonely obese neckbeards like you

it is a sandbox like eve online, you can do what you want, if you don't understand this concept go play WoW :-)


>you took part of a conversation where ww2 was mentioned so we're suspending you for 2 days.


this game was hyped so much if you look into the forum you read so much deluded shit that you get sick from it, sandbox, open world, skill based pvp, they really think only master race plays BDO.

If only you were botting, you could have just said "I'm sorry" and been unbanned.

Good lord how can someone cry so hard.

>listing off some glaring flaws in an mmo that was supposed to be at least passable.

It's some user literally complaining about things that don't affect the game itself, but his sensibilities.

Community mangers have to validate their piss-about job somehow.

I really want a trial for this game

I don't want to pay for it but I want to check it out on my new GPU

Anyone have a key? :^)

I'd love one user if you're still there

and most importantly:


If anyone has a guest pass they don't mind giving up, my email is [email protected]

That user is just parroting what other people say because of nodes going uncontested in node wars. Node wars aren't really representative of a server's population, because a lot of people simply aren't bothering with them. Mass combat is a mess, and there's not enough incentive to do them and deal with the headache.

I play on Orwen, and there's a buttload of people everywhere. Everything else is pretty much true, though.

I actually was thinking it, nevermind then.
any other mmos I should give a try?


I mean I'd go back when there is a new expack.

Wait, wait so you can't even mention WWII now? Are these GMs Germans? Oh man, I find the irony of what they're doing to be exactly what they're against with the Nazi's.

OP just sounds mad he got pked for afk fishing all day.


Black desert isnt for carebears like you

Best MMO out

lmfao how

bet hes a fukken asian

how is wwii becoming more and more of a taboo subject the more time goes by, what the actual fuck

more and more extreme beliefs coming around on every side, some companies try to play it safe by banning anything and everything politically related

I imagine it also has to do with how asia is becoming more and more responsible for putting these products out, and seeing as they haven't exactly gotten over a lot of that stuff, and don't have a culture of tolerance in the same way.

Meh, it just suffers from the same problems every MMO has.

The end game.

Once a player reaches a certain point, they'll become bored, the game becomes a jaded experience of just going through the motions, you need some form of dynamic content to keep people at the higher ends of the game playing, otherwise today's MMO crowd will just power level to it, then get bored and quit.

Black Desert also suffers from Korean MMO problems, namely that everything is just a solo grind with a few bosses that are better done in groups.

You can of course exctend the game's 'lifespan' by trying to patch it with rushed content, but no MMO can survive this way, even WOW screwed itself despite having a near perfect end game before its second expansion.

Which is the right decision. You don't want to see this juvenile "le jews did this xddd redpill lmao" bullshit outside Sup Forums. Which is probably what user was doing to get himself banned. I'm surprised he didn't cry about his freedom of speech and amendments