This is, hands down, THE BEST multiplayer FPS game ever made
This is, hands down, THE BEST multiplayer FPS game ever made
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It is very good. I have ~100 hours and I have to say that coop is only fun for the first few hours or if you don't feel like trying. PVP is godlike.
>sks+2x red dot is 2 gud
also mk18 = destroyer of islam
Red Orchestra 2 / Rising Storm says no
Don't get me wrong this is a good game but the only problem are mic spamming faggots yelling "allahu ackbar"
>Not playing as Security
>Not removing them
Whats wrong with you user
Insurgency is fucking awesome, but RO2/RS is incredible
I can't fucking wait for Sandstorm
I liked insurgency.
Then one day i went to reinstall it and now its a paid standalone game
fucking jews.
Anyway, pic related is my all time favorite multiplayer and source engine mod.
as long as i get to kill muslims im happy
What's sandstorm?
First one was better.
Implying everyone wants to fucking play security forces
That's what makes the game.
Jew cash-in. They're remaking the game on UE4 for consoles (with a PC port in mind). Also e-sports focuseed. For the PC crowd there's a shitty WW2 mod that will be dropped in a week or two.
>being poor
>literally $1 poor
That's not Zombie Master
It just got new update. Gotta play it famalam
Insurgency Sandstorm, the new game from Insurgency devs on UE4. They will recreate Insurgency multiplayer plus new features, and there will be short singleplayer campaign apparently
>Jew cash-in
You know, after making this great game that Insurgency is and providing free content updates with free new maps and weapons they can jew me this time.
>for consoles (with a PC port in mind)
PC version comes first tho
Youre retarded
Sandstorm, Rising Storm 2, SQUAD or Festung Europa? Place your bets.
They pretty much confirmed that maps will be larger, can even be a hybrid of few already existing maps and vehicles.
Based Squad!
Just taking a piss m8's. I know NWI is based as fuck. Best developer at the moment in multiplayer gaming.
I'm just kinda dissapointed they decided to remake the game.
Escape from Tarkov
Squad is a more appealing game than insurgency to me.
I liked RO2 more than either
vehicles really soon™
thats not ZPS
MMO's are not games.
I just wish it wasn't as buggy as it is.
The socom mod is awesome too
The last livestreams of the vehicles looked incredible, could be a real gamechanger. If they fix the performance now it takes the crown from Red Orchestra in my opinion.
>mfw they decide to add some silly as fuck rules to vehicles.
Forget about ALLUHACKBAR'ing people.
Sandstorm is a Jew plan to sell you a mod with a facelift and tacked on single player through the same fucking levels for $40. Going after the console market and systematically destroying the very foundation of the game making it multi platform. In turn, killing off future PC updates for the actual Mod, and casuallizing the game in the process. Those who support sandstorm are not my brothers.
>they decide to add what was already done at an admin level in PR so you don't need an admin to stop underage retards from trying to ruin the game by wasting assets
Was the same in PR, people use vehicles more as assets than valueless transports, and taking out an APC feels much more satisfying because you know you caused an actual dent in the enemies ticket supply doing that. It is a good thing.
Battlefield 4 is objectively superior. Insurgency is for autists.
Will Festung Europa ever come out?
I have little hope for Resistance and Liberation. Remember that Source mod? They're making new UE4 version. Source version was my best squad experience in online games.
>Battlefield 4 is objectively superior. Insurgency is for autists.
Wasn't ARMA series for autists?
This is a really really bad opinion
>Festung Europa
Is this made by the dudes who did RNL?
I wish this were true but between the janky netcode, the p2w DLC, the p2w drops, the casualized gameplay, and absolutely no effort to encourage teamwork in a team game, Battlefield has lost pretty much everything that made it magical.
It's popular, but it's popular with 14 year olds.
So yeah.
It's neat but it's kinda shallow overall. Positioning is king and you can easily beat people by just hitting them from and unseen angle, the map design facilitates this pretty well too.
Still, fun game that balanced arcadey and sim shooting
Yea BF 3/4 and the shitty spin offs are all super casual games. No one would consider the arcade experience autism tier.
>Play bf3 for hundreds of hours
>3.00 kdr
>lvl 100
>No interest in bf4 at all
Am I Jaded by bf3.5?
what the fuck does "ALLUHACKBAR'ing people" mean
you mean car bombs? I'm sure they can still add those to the game without causing a lot of controversy
good summary of the appeal.
also c4 suicide bombing.
Just skip it. It's WAY too late now and wasn't worth it to begin with.
i dont know, a lot of the nu battlefield fans are super autistic
>Hurr Durr Battlefield most realistic game evur
>Resistance and Liberation.
>They're making new UE4 version
Hm. They said what they're charging yet?
>talking about steam mods.
>nobody says anything about how Age of Chivalry was miles better than Medieval Warfare.
fuck you guys the current game is an abomination that current medieval folk would crusade against
>p2w DLC
Why is the aks-74u a lazer beam of death with minimal recoil and a cqb death machine?
Wish shotguns were stronger too.
Day of Infamy is my new shit. As close to Wolfeinstein ET as we're ever gonna get.
I couldn't get through the tutorial. The fence door won't break when they tell me to slide into it.
They're still thinking about. It looks like they're still pretty early in development. They said that the earliest version they'll release will have less features than current Source version.
BF3 and 4 introduced weapons that were flat out better than vanilla. They give you a competitive edge over an equally skilled player. It's a pretty textbook definition. If you don't buy the DLC you will be at a disadvantage in an even fight.
Even fights are rare in BF games so it doesn't manifest itself but when you play 20 or 30 or 100 hours, they happen and you see.
That's the kinda "My toy is better than your toy" bragging that shows the demographic of modern battlefield games.
My Nigga
>400 people online
>buzzword netcode
Muh 144hz tickrate servers with 64 players
What do you people think about Squad? Worth buying into now or keep holding off?
It looks to me like it does everything ArmA 3 should have. But it's EA and fuck dealing with the bugs and bullshit.
It isn't a buzzword when you get killed a full second later and you're nowhere near where you were when you died.
There's no need to be a fanboy user. Multiplayer had some serious issues. Everything from the size of hitboxes to netcode was under expectations.
Yeah, that's probably similar to Insurgency as well. Still a fun FPS.
I'm still getting ridiculed by the new fans for not jumping on the battlefield 1 band wagon
>lel go back 2 cod
I just want my 2142 sequel
not yet
Why the fuck does everyone compare DOF with Wolfenstein?
It's basically Day Of Defeat 1.5 you neger
Mentally retarded devs
No idea how to balance a game.
Zero experience into console shooters.
"Focus on competitive" lmao.
>Rising Storm 2
>playing anything from Cuckwire.
More like BLUNDER.
Pretentious indyshit devs
"Hey our goal is basically add everything from all shooters that exist in one game. We just need 10 years to finish the game don't worry."
I like it but I'm terrible at it.
Next time it goes on sale I'll probably go in but not yet. I hoped you'd say different but I believe you.
I would play it more if it didn't run like hot garbage.
Who Days of War here?
Like I said, it's the target demographic. It's CoD kids bragging that their CoD is better than their friends CoD.
They're the same game now.
You mean the dead mod that's only been populated by furries for the past 6 years
>muh realism
>Hate CoD
Haha epic friends
The insurgency gamemode on Project Reality is still the most fun I've ever had with a realistic shooter.
It covers everything, you can spend the entire match alone setting up traps for vehicles and suicide bombing, or you can work together on either team for great fun. Shit is blast, always.
they're adding vehicles probably this week
i still say no though, unless you don't mind playing a game that is missing a lot of content compared to the game its aspiring to be (Project Reality)
also, PR is free if you didn't know
>it's a military shooter thread
>RO2 posts even though it's awful
every time
I don't hate CoD, but after BO2 they're all garbage.
Insurgency is shit
>source engine
REALLY shitty engine that is still being used for some odd reason when it performs like crap
Sure you can get 200 FPS on a potato but every game made in it, feels and plays like garbage.
Don't have problem with it. It still uses Quake's mouse movement, all that matters to me.
What about Ground Branch?
Pretty sure vehicles went live yesterday. That's why I'm asking.
>Hey our goal is basically add everything from all shooters that exist in one game. We just need 10 years to finish the game don't worry.
you're retarded
>Sure you can get 200 FPS on a potato
For whatever reason, I get shitty framerates in Insurgency when every other Source game runs fine.
>it's an Embassy episode
>it's a Siege episode
I hope Sandstorm has more big maps
Simulated projectiles are gonna be fucking great
nope, that guy must be a beta tester or something
Maybe Valve did something to engine and TWI used it? I remember Insurgency running better and when I played TF2 in December, it suddenly dropped to 40 fps on i5 and 7950. Other people reported something similar drops as well.
I swear to god, I'm sure I wrote NWI
That would explain his enthusiasm. Damn. I really want to see streams of how it works in practice.
I really want Squad, but I really don't want to spend another 500 hours walking two kilometers to an AO like I did in A3.
I have a good enough FPS, but once I use mods - FPS drop by a lot. And those are sound mods and blood decals... So go figure.
I also think NWI can sometimes fuck things up with their patches.
It's a buggy mess.
>slow crawling
its's the same shit as everything else.
The only playable multiplayer FPS these days is Dirty Bomb
Is GB a multiplater only game? Or more similar to old Ghost Recon? Or both?
Eh. I rather have 'roles' than 'heroes'