Shill thread

Shill whatever you want for any reason.

Play FTL: shit is comfy as fuck, godly OST and mods improve variety.

Play Teleglitch: spooky top down shooter that feels like Dead Space.

Play Tower Climb: good music, ultimate rage machine for those with little to no patience, basic but solid mechanics.

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I wish I could discuss videogames I liked without being called a shill these days

I'm having fun with This is the Police after the nonstop Sup Forums shilling tonight. I like noir shit and it doesn't censor itself at all.

At least this way I can learn about new things.

Play Factorio: if you like building systems and conveyer belts, you'll have fun going from having some pick axe to a regional factory. Bonus points if you hate environmentalists because you'll hatefuck the map into a cancerous lump of metal and concrete.

>Play FTL
just started today, first run on normal/advanced and I had some close calls. one where an engi ship mistook me for hostile and nearby chunked my ship but they warped out when I had like 3 hull damage left.
scraped by back to full hull, upgraded shields, enough missiles and drone parts.
then I lost when some invaders crippled the oxygen supply and I didn't repair it in time. fuck.

Try suicide today!

Can't get a GF? Job applications getting you down? Just kill yourself! You won't ever have to worry about saving your NEETbux for a new game just to have it be shit ever again!

>then I lost when some invaders crippled the oxygen supply and I didn't repair it in time. fuck.
scratch that, I just upgraded the med bay to outpace the suffocation damage and repaired that shit. fuck you rebels. I lost two good men.

Yeah alright.

Play Big Pharma. It's a medical sim company kind of game, with the campaign just being "complete these missions" objectives, like earning enough total capital or earning enough capital-per-second.

It's about micromanaging your elaborate system of convayer belts and operations machines, upgrading ingredients and machines so they all cost less, and of course lying to people so they will buy your shitty products.

Want to perfect the ultimate cure for a major profit? Go for it.

Want to sell a shitton of basic drugs for a rapid profit boost? Do that as well.

There's enough complexity here to warrant several hours of wasted time.

DMC: devil may cry is better than the original series. Combat is more fluid and hope to see ninja theory make a sequel.

Hey, TowerClimb is a pretty neato game. Thanks OP.

Play Darkest Dungeon. It's a rougelike, built around micromanaging a team of adventurers as they plunder the dungeons around actual "Darkest Dungeon.".

Managing everyone stress is a major potion of the game, from curing madness to fixing ailments. As you plunder the dungeons killing skeletons, spiders, bandits and other monstrosities, you'll fight dangerous "puzzle" styled bosses, and actual blobs of health and damage bosses to build up your team and hamlet to take on

The Darkest Dungeon.

play snoopy

It's not like Rogue

Play Hand of Fate. A ever present narrator leads you down a treaturous dungeon created with your own hands. Build a deck of monsters, traps, and effects and tackle the dungeon you've created through the cards.

Combat is pretty simplistic, with it basically being a worse version of the Arkham games, but its the narration of the game that sells it to me.

Play The Long Dark
One of the only true survival games in which the name of the game is survival, not fighting zombies.
Get comfy as fuck in the snow with a nice fire and try to survive as long as possible.

Darkest Dungeon is an RNG fuckfest that gets tiresome extremely quickly

the devs are also incompetent fags

Play Furi
A hack and slash mixed with bullet hell meets Dark Souls in a difficult, intense action game that has great character design and an amazing synthwave soundtrack with artists such as Waveshaper and Carpenter Brut.

Multi-hit weapons or bust - the game. Better hope you luck into them soon, faggot.

It's alright. I'm too casual to beat the final boss, but some of the late game levels are just bullshit.

On topic, play Recettear.
It's literally a game about a cute girl being the jewiest she can possibly be to keep her home.

LISA the Painful is a turn based RPG reminiscent of the MOTHER games where you can recruit and build your party of 4 from a bunch of freaks, fetishists, faggots, and other sexual deviants in a post apocalyptic world where women are extinct. OST and writing are perfect.

Can and WILL go from making you feel like laughing til you're blue to drinking your sorrows away in a matter of milliseconds.

DLC exists but is nowhere near as fun as the base game, but brings closure? to the story.

Play pic related

World of Warcraft is for Blizzard fanboys that are too deluded to let go and 13 year old faggots that just recently saw the garbage movie.

You can do just fine in FTL with ion weapons and drones, or a good boarding party. You don't need the best guns to win.

I'd sooner try a boarding party than trying to rely on Ion weapons. Don't get me wrong, I like the game, but there's a lot of RNG bullshit that can happen, and smart planning can't avert all of it.

Great game, but it annoyed me to no end how the Advanced Edition content makes the final boss even MORE bullshit

Play DROD: The Second Sky
TSS is the last installment of the best puzzle game of all time, Deadly Room of Death. Alternatively play DROD 2 and DROD 3: The City Beneath. You can skip the first one and come back to it. It's not as good as the rest of the series.

>3 second gcd

Yeah, fuck off.

Play Tree of Savior. It's a neat little niche MMO that's cute and enjoyable, even if the company making it is shit.

Play Distant Worlds Universe. You like Stellaris, you pleb? Man up and play the real thing. Fuck Galactic Civ, Sins of a Solar Empire... THIS IS THE REAL THING. You want to drive yourself insane with micromanagement and retrofiting, do it.


D44M is one of the best FPS games of recent years.

It's not perfect, but it does well even with all the warning signs that usually doom (heh) games (Being a remake, promise of fast pace gameplay, pre-animated takedowns, Bethesda). The only issues I have is multiplayer and some of the upgrades being unbalanced (What I mean is that some upgrades are always going to be used and others are left to the wayside unfairly). SnapMap is getting better.

Rip and Tear my anons, rip and tear.

>Complains with an actual meme instead of the fact that the game is going to be using the shitty 450 tomestones per week to get your gear to do moderately difficult content for the forseeable future

Play Dwarf Fortress because you're not a casual.

Or are you a casual user?

Meh. Too much micromanagement, the graphics suck and you can't customize your own species/faction. I'll just wait for mods and dlc to fix Stellaris.

I support this shill with my own shilling.
It was a truly good game

Also, play Squad:

>Pay a shitload of money for EA
>Unoptimized as fuck
>Actually have to play in a team with a mic
>muh realism
>Never saw the enemy in most firefights I had
>mg those bushes and ridges
>join a German squad and shout: "Gott im Himmel die Rusen kommen!"

Seriously, good game, can only get better if your computer survives.

You are aware that you can automatize any part of the game you don't feel like micromanaging? There are neat graphic mods (but I don't care much about graphics). The game can be fine tuned to stay manageable (smaller colonization size ect.) Still, I found that I run out of things to do in Stellaris, it's not a bad game desu.

Play The House in Fata Morgana
It's the best VN to come out this year Muv Luv doesn't count because everyone has read it already.

Music is really great, best thing since Umineko.
Story is superb. There are two dragged out parts where you think "when the fuck will anything happen", but they're not that long.

If you like tragedies, this might be VN for you.

Shit, I'm awful at marketing.