Muslim gamer general

Muslim gamer general post your fave muslim fav games

Spec Ops



The next image posted is the prophet Muhammad

Why are you trying to trigger Sup Forums?


Rules : no racism
non muslims allowed
have fun

It's/pol/ false flagging.

Would a game based on Islamic culture be fun?

my favourite game is the game of 72 virgins
really fun t b h
all you need to do is make takbir build you a bomb and then go into populated area and explode
72 virgins wiating for me

then why do they attack everyone that isn't muslim?

Cover the prophet up user

Any culture is a potential goldmine for fun games.
It's a matter of not being blown to bits for making said game.

Mad as fuck

what does smoking have do to with being muslim? it's not nearly as bad as beheading your wife for talking back to you or throwing gays out of buildings


hahaha friends i would never do that please don't be rasism

why would someone draw this

muslims do smoke, they just use their stupid hooka shit


At what?

everyone who does not believe in allah has to get killed

>muh Sup Forums boogeyman

I'm a muslim by conversion and I have to say it's not all it's cracked up to be.
I thought it would be like Buddhism, like just being good to people and being in harmony with the world but when I went to mosque literally all people talked about is how racist the world is and how muslims will be the world religion soon enough.
They didn't even read scripture, it was just a bunch of fat men talking about how great we are.

this thread is the biggest proof 70% of Sup Forums is underage


Bomberman Hero




Truck simulator

Muslims play FIFA and DBZ and Naruto games in my town.

It's the Sup Forums boogy man watch out retard!

Islam isn't a race though

Why not.

You are mistaken friend
Islam is a religion of peace

Muslim reverence for "art" including videogames is a rather touchy subject, and one that's been fostered for many hundreds of years.

Their teachings are ironically best understood through a polarizing outset by comparing it to Christianity, in that Christianity's religion nowadays, is more of a religion of morals and guiding compasses rather than actual day to day teachings, offerings, or prayer.

Islam however is much more literal, and it can be seen in their art as well as their behavior. I truly believe that Islam can, in a way, be a religion of peace and prosperity, however it is the single most intolerant religion when it comes to "other" religions, simply because of how their teachings work.

They have a very strict guidebook of things to do, say, how to act, and what not to do. They have a list of Dos, and a list of Don'ts. And everything in the middle is the modern life of a Muslim person, but I've gotten a bit off track. Let me explain how their literal, not subjective nature pours into art, and videogames because of it-

A while ago, archaeologists along the northern African coast, dating back to the Muslim march west to Gibraltar and Spain, had what was seen as "Muslim King Treasure." Muslims gathered a lot of wealth during this time, wealth AND piety, and the kings and caliphates of the time attempted to replicate their European competitors with wowing art. Specifically, it was important to note that there was a golden sculpture/statue of what appeared to be a hollow cat, but upon further inspection, the cat was merely a foggy shape made by three dimensional golden vine carvings, and it was not "ACTUALLY" a golden cat, but instead a very complex golden vine arrangement which nonetheless was quite pretty, and quite expensive. Continuing in the next post-

You aren't making sense, user.

wouldn't muslims consider anime haram?


Are you south american?

Hey settle down man ok
Dont blow up on us like that

>>>>>>>>>>doesn't smoke

whooaaaaaa boy

>I'm a muslim by conversion

It's always funny to me that whenever a non-white race draws an idealised member of their race it's a white person.
Every anime character is white, all the Koreans get plastic surgery to look more white, and this le moderate muslim is just a white guy.

maybe it's because they don't drink

i did not say that friend i just dont want racism here
i did for get the no bigotry in general rule though sorry
are there any muslim friendly mmo games haha i want to roleplay like my son talks about


remember me Sup Forums?

Qué esta donde la fotografia pagina dieci ocho cuando el burritos eso muy caliente
Entoncés en la manana donde esta la ropa que es muy barrata ? En el pinata del churros senor ahahahaha

Nah i'm western euro

ISIS is good for role-playing as totally not Muslims

Continuing; the discovery of this golden "vine cat" statute was nevertheless incredibly important to modern theologists because it drew a comparison to Muslim teachings, both modern and prior, and how things have not changed greatly. Muslim art is highly literal, and avoids people, and animals, because of the old testimant teaching to Worship no Idols. Idol Worship is incredibly dangerous to the Muslim faith, and is the singular reason the whole "No picture of the Prophet Muhammad" thing even exists. Long story short, they don't show Muhammad because if they did, Muslims might feel compelled to Worship him, not God.

And in their literal religion, you must Worship none but God. Their modern art is usually Calligraphy, and it is spot on, golden letters studded with other precious metals or gems along temple walls, carvings of teachings from the Holy Book of their faith, very literal artistry.

They recognize all prophets of God, from Moses to Jesus to Muhammad, and they do not portray any of them visually, due to Idol Worship fears dating back to the beginnings of Abrahamic Religious Mythos.

To answer your Question, Op, something literal, and wholesome. Probably Civilization, or even some clean Visual Novels.

Yeah once they get a hold of nukes and explode everyone there'll be peace.


This post is gravely offensive to my brothers and I, I would request that you delete it or I will have to contact the Sup Forums moderation staff

>muslims claim Islam is a religion of peace
>Every day you see muslims in different countries doing terrible shit
Muslims in France just firebombed a bus yesterday
How is this a religion of peace?

>this le moderate muslim is just a white guy.
However do you mean?

Arab here

i love you guys

Islam is the most political religion on the planet. You have a shit mosque though regardless.
>being in harmony with the world
Yeah what the fuck are you thinking being a Muslim then? Islam is all about rejection of carnal urges and worldly affairs in favor of spiritual devotion and cleanliness. It's about rebelling against the world, whether that means literal fighting against injustice or work on yourself or work for the benefit the of the community. How did you get harmony out of Jihad?

If Muhammad was supposed to be the apex of humanity he'd be a complete fuccboi.
Him and Jesus would be raped to high heaven if they had actually existed back then.

>no smoking
This is probably one of the dumbest shit i've read in this thread

Christians do dumb shit every day, they're just not organized to the degree that angry mudslimes are.

I see.
I was just asking because thats feel exactly like what BRs, and probably south americans, play.

well I mean, Gandhi had the same idea...

>>Islam is all about rejection of carnal urges and worldly affairs in favor of spiritual devotion and cleanliness.
>Rejecting carnal urges

What would a Muslim Sup Forums be like? I bet instead of calling a game shit, we would call it haram.

Sure as hell don't see Christians practicing Sharia law or other acts of terror

prison converts that did it for the diet reasons and know they're going back to jail later so they keep up face with the religion don't really seem like they're truly members


>Arab with internet

gib your oil money, prince ahmed

Underrated. I understand user.


I dunno, fucking goats doesn't sound like good gameplay

I'm talking about what is spoken about in scripture, not how people actually practice it. They're allowed to fug, but only because Allah said it's ok. A shit ton of things are banned in Islam, more than most religions, and most of what is not banned is considered lesser to spending all day performing jihad in some form.

Who here /gay muslim/ :3

is goats the name of their 7-year old wife?

hmmmm really makes you think

Yugioh. At least I think that Malik might be one.
I'm pretty sure that the Hatred guy is not a Muslim.

instead of getting banned, two guys show up at your house with scimitars and chop off your hands to make sure you can't shitpost anymore

>videogames allowed under shariah law
>but with no music
It's OK I guess.

A game about pre-islam bedouin and arabic culture + myth would be max fun.

It's because Islam's scripture is the ramblings of a mass-murdering pedophile(muhammed) who is telling people how to live.
The Koran and Hadith are books that are so full of shit it's ridiculous.
It's a violent death cult that has the blood of 270,000,000 people on its hands in just 1400 years, making it a very young "religion" too.

I'm a muslim and applying Sharia Law too non-muslims is fucking retarded.

I bet the fucking ginger that supported this regretted converting and want everyone to feel his pain since he can't have fun anymore.

im in USA

glad to be on the other side of the wall :^)


b-but muh crusades

Dont they kill you for that.
Like throw you off a building.

That's what poor young men play everywhere but in the US since you guys aren't fond of divegrass.
And Frace is weeaboo as fuck. Anime and manga are popular since early 80s (like in Italy hence why Italians are top tier weaboos) so that corrupted even the immigrants youth

Which is more full of shit, the Quran or the Book of Mormon?

>If you look good or have soft features, you are white
Where does this logic come from? Anime characters barely look human.

I guess they wanted to catch up to the christian church's body count and went overboard

>He hasn't been below the Bible Belt

No, they actually fuck goats.

Kek. And typing with your wrist nubs would constitute ban evasion and result in public execution.

I want a nice tan arabic husbando. They're very hard to find.

>sharp jawline
>large eyes
>small nose
>varied hair tones
>varied eye tones
Anime characters are white.


>Christians claim to have a family based religion
>rednecks are constantly raping their daughters

Yeah, by several fucking million. Muslims need to be purged.