Skip tutorial

>Skip tutorial
>Don't know what to do

>proceed to complain about the game being too poorly designed for you to understand what to do

>Game tells you to hit A button to talk to NPCs
>Press A button next to NPC
>Talk to them

>tutorial is inaccurate

That's not Jeff Gerstman.

>Game has intel you can purchase that gives you hints on how to complete a mission
>The intel lies

>Tutorial starts taunting you

>skip tutorial
>can never view it again
>tutorial isn't online

>game has a bunch of mechanics and stats that it doesn't elaborate on
>have to rely on a wiki or message boards to fully understand the game

>Use the Bision to punish fleeing enemies.

>tutorial is harder than the story mode

>walk past NPC
>they look at you
>turn around to talk to them
>they look at you for real

>can't skip the tutorial
>can't beat the tutorial

>the tutorial is actually the first level and no one tells you what to do but the level is so well designed that you figure it out quickly

>tutorial is like three fucking hours long

>Play the first game
>Skip the tutorial in the second
>Gameplay is completely different

>can never view a tutorial again
What fucking game does this and if there is one that does this, why not just start a new game?

>There is no tutorial
>There is no hints or anything
>You're just thrown into it not knowing what the fuck is going on

>Complete Tutorial
>Recommended Difficulty XTREME

Professional software doesn't have built-in handholding tutorials either, you rely on the documentation. This just shows that video games are for children who can't switch their brains on for a minute, or they are poorly designed.

>spongecuck memepants

Why did you make this post?

mad redditor

>mission control seems to all the world to be some impartial game entity made to convey missions, tutorials and information to you
>it's actually biased as shit and has been misleading you the whole time

>game has started
>you have already discovered all moves
>tutorial teaches them to you


>tutorial explains something that you had to do to get the tutorial
>start Super Mario 64
>press B on the first sign
>sign tells you to press B to read signs


>tutorial is the first half of the game

fuck you super, even gates had a better pacing than you

>tutorial is outdated because of an expansion pack

>start game after a month of not playing
>don't know what to do or how to do it
>have to restart and relearn everything

Why does this keep happening?


>tutorials occur every fifteen minutes

>beating the game unlocks harder difficulty settings
>harder difficulties do not disable tutorials or on-screen instructions


>game doesn't have a tutorial at the beginning but rather short tutorials any time a new mechanic is introduced
>new mechanics are still being introduced even towards the end of the game

>tutorial is clearly from an earlier version of the game

Fucking League of Legends man.

>play RPG from the '90s
>complain it's too hard and the game doesn't explain anything
>"Did you read the manual?"

Every single Paradox Interactive game
>he doesn't build thornmail ashe