Previous Thread: Alright people let's keep this discussion going.
Archie Sonic Thread
I'm sure Sega won't pull the license due to the new lawsuit.
I'm also sure that Megaman will come out of hiatus very soon.
Are you a fan of Eclipse the Darkling? Shadow's Black Arms copy that's totally not Mephiles the Dark?
except for the fact that Eclipse is no where near as edgy as he looks
Is sonic HQ still around?
he aint that bad, hes got a parental thing going on right now, so his character is divided between being a dad and being evil. hell grow into a role eventually.
Who is this Scott guy and because of what is the comic fucked?
Honestly it's a mercy kill, the comic's been hopelessly boring since the reboot with the new shitty artstyle and boring writing composed of words words words words
Am I supposed to be afraid when he goes around on a rampage or root for him because I saw him baby sitting those monster things?
Fuck it, let's do it.
It's just boring bad, there's nothing to get mad about unless you're one of those idiots that go ''Sonic shouldn't have story, period'' ''romance is dumb'' or ''This doesn't feel like Sonic!''
there are better issues that exemplify how bad the Dark Ages get
>other thread is just every arguing over fetishes and defending scat
have some standards
less we forget about that time when some guy posting a pic of his dirty waste on a picture of Amy.
If the comic finally dies from this I expect one last Ride.
Sonic doesn't cry in this issue, in fact he stays moderately in-character, making Sonic cry in the cover was somebody else's idea
Also the idea of the marriage happening sounds bad but the execution is so shitty it kinda plays like a Sonic cutscene where it's more dumb if taken out of context than just grabbing a random page and yelling ''look how bad it is''
You want some fucking terrible shit, you pick any random Knuckles comic issue
lets start slowly shall we? we can jump into penders fanfiction after we get the mood set.
also omega best robot
Fuck this comic is more than a decade old. I guess you can say that the comic has had more good issues than bad ones.
I'm impressed really, either they'll end it exactly when the Unleashed arc is over or they'll be able to squeeze another one out before they die
It's either that or Sega mellowed out on their licenses due to how well Boom is doing and how positive the reaction to Mania and Generations 2 went
>Sonic cucks Tails
>Sonic later cucks himself
Why do normies ruin everything?
>scatbros discuss their fetishes with civility
>Subhuman normie retard comes in to start trouble
>then takes it to the NEW THREAD when no one is talking about it even though scatbros keep it in the old thread to not derail the new one
I don't like scat but I have no problem with people discuss things in a civil matter, intolerant normies like you are annoying and ruin threads, fuck off no one cares about you getting triggered.
That was true a while ago, however I think it's back to 50/50
Comic's been under Ian longer than when it first issue came out and issue 159 was released
Antoine looks so fucking happy, he gets hooked up with the Royal Acorn Butt AND becomes a King
>Sega pulls the license immediately
>Ride 2 ends here
>What is this the Dark Ages?
That depends. What issue number is this?
>Why the sour puss?
Jesus christ Sega, really?
>Sky Patrol crashing and burning
Yes, finally, get rid of that piece of shit already.
I can almost hear Jaleel White's voice coming from Sonic
Even the dialog is acknowledging how shitty the previous issues were
Sky Patrol really does suck.
[To be continued...]
NTRfags are truly the worst.
>When people say they actually like Ken Penders' work (AKA No one but Deviantart fags who somehow draw worse than him and don't want to improve) I'm constantly reminded of this
>It's not like I'd be marrying an ogre!
It's literally the worst fucking aspect of the reboot other than the new shitty designs and '''''personalities''''', they're now jumping in from place to place like fucking nothing doing the good deed of the day while talking about their personalities in the most inane way possible while Eggman is sitting in his chair going ''words words words'' like everybody else.
So it was cancelled at this point?
The real question is; does anyone give a shit anymore?
I liked the tournament arc they had going, after that and the World's Collide arc they seem to just be finishing the story arc they had going for the sake of doing so.
Sonic intervened, marriage ended, Antoine got sent back to his dimention while the real Antoine was rescued, and things went back to normal.
If by normal you're considering that now Tails gets to go DESTINY, Bunnie is raped by Scourge and a couple of tentacles, and Dulcy commits mass genocide of her own species.
> Bunnie is raped by Scourge and a couple of tentacles
you cant just say that and not post it.
> The real question is; does anyone give a shit anymore?
Recently got into the comics, bought a 1-year subscription (because I'm either too much, or not enough, of a neet to patronize my local comics store) 3 weeks ago.
And now they're gonna cancel it out from under me.
This. I don't even read or really like the archie comics but the tournament arc was pretty entertaining. I mainly read it because StF is my favorite Sonic spin-off. Fight me.
Forgot to clarify, that was about Ken Penders' "Sonic characters getting married furfag teen conflict xd" arc, I'm just as saddened by the sonic comic series coming to an end if it happens.
It's nothing impressive, Scourge impersonates Sonic while walking around Knothole wanting to bang Amy and Mina (quite literally cucking Ash, but apparently Mina is too good for that), eventually he settled on tricking Bunny, the next panel is just them waking up because they were ''sleeping'' under a tree.
The tentacle thing was just Jon Gray thinking that it needed to look DISTURBING and SHOCKING, strangely enough they immediately switched artists after that page and the rest of the issue looks like it was drawn by a teenager.
I miss Mina. And good porn of her is rare. They tend to draw her without her DFC
>They tend to draw her without her DFC
"And something of value was... gained"
>Sonic is going back to the Genesis days in the comics too
They were doing that long before Mania was announced. Where have you been.
Hell no, fuck you
hoped you liked genesis
I knew about the mega drive one-off comics, didn't know they were incorporating a whole new STORYLINE in the MAIN SERIES after the Dark Gaia arc they have going on right now.
So is mania just a "remaster" of sonic 1? I thought it was a new game.
It's so ironic that people liked the Mega Drive arc when it came out when it's literally worse than Genesis in almost everyway, I get that Genesis abruptly interrupted the story for 4 days but it added to the story.
Man, King Naugus was so fun, I don't know what the hell happened.
It is. It just has old levels also.
How dare you insult the such masterful art?!?
It does have new stages it just has remixed bonus levels also
why is Sonic's dad a robot
BTW, for anyone wondering, this is the kind of art that looks like it was drawn by a teenager... I only edited the eye.
the starts changing later, the beggining is just for nostalgia points
the *stage starts changing later
Cause his wife loves his vibrator dick.
seriously though, he would die otherwise
old eggman got ro him, i th8nk he was one of robotniks first roboization victems, the managed to undo the mind control but couldent revert him
Why did they use the old sonic sprite instead of the superior sonic 3 sprite?
What a shame.
the robotizer eggman uses was built by him and sonic's uncle to treat injured mobians, sadly the fat fuck tamper it and mechanized sonic's dad entirely when they test it.
and later he modifies the machine a bit to create his robot slaves
its a new sprite, costome made.
Originally, the roboticizer was meant to be a medical tool to keep patients stable until a cure for their condition was found. Sonic's dad was patient zero due to his war injuries. When the aliums deroboticized everyone, he remained the same because he would die otherwise.
It's a new sprite and Sonic 3 sprite was bleh
So he's Robocop basically?
kinda, ex scientist/soldier+famaly man
more or less
It's... literally the sonic 2 sprite with better shading and more animation frames?
Sonic 3 sprite was perfection.
>Antoine getting the best of Sonic
Yeah fuckin right
All this is doing is reminding me why I stopped reading these comings long before this garbage
They could revert him, they just won't do it because some aliens said if they do he could die from his old war wounds.
That's not really him.
it was a step in the right direction, looking at it now its like a prototype for the modern design.
Antoine exists only as a foil
>leaving Antoine behind to die
Wow, what a bunch of dicks.
>and tails could litterally not care less
So how long until they're sued by the estate of Sir Adolf Hitler?