Oh don't mind me, just an actual 10/10 game coming through

Oh don't mind me, just an actual 10/10 game coming through

also, sage.

Ban me, I don't give a fuck.

ha LOL

I seriously don't get this shit. Is it because (in this case) roguelike's become popular?

What is wrong with roguelike's?

>Can't even spell Roguelike properly

The genre was never made for people like you, anyway.

Are you trying to call spelunky a roguelike?
you're not one of them retards are you user?

I've been the playing the Freeware version since around 2012.
I've never once made it past level 2-2.

>Ban me, I don't give a fuck.
absolute mad man
moms gonna freak

>gog starts a promotion so you can get games for free if you do shit
>first on the list is Spelunky
>you actually have to buy some games because otherwise it's impossible to reach the intended goal

Complete bullshit.

No, not the remake. The original Spelunky is a definite 10/10.

I'm curious about your reasoning.
I know the remake is definitely easier in terms of getting money but what else do you prefer about the freeware version?

>you actually have to buy some games

dude do you even think about what you're writing?
for real though, you can't call a whole genre bad without sounding somewhat moronic.

I don't like games where you're expected to lose the first fifty or so times until you finally either get a lucky run or become skilled enough to win.

You're not only wrong, you're also edgy and retarded


not enough items, they don't make much of a difference if at all

>I don't like games where you're expected to lose the first fifty or so times until you finally either get a lucky run or become skilled enough to win.
>I don't like games where you're expected to lose the first fifty or so times until you [...] become skilled enough to win.
>I don't like games where you're expected to [...] become skilled enough to win.

>I don't like games

I only derive joy from fucking over shopkeepers and killing them.

Not him, but automatic ledge-grabbing (with no way to disable it) made the climbing gloves worse than worthless. Other than that and the art style, they're both about the same now that there's a button to skip the obnoxiously long intro in the new one.

>bomb frog dies on spikes
>takes out one section of shop
>this is somehow my fault

I see what you mean.
I've been fucked over by that automatic ledge grabbing a few times.

I'm only missing the zero gold achievement. Fuck me.

I've never hated the game as much as when I was trying to get that achievement. Basically, get suooer lucky, find a pickaxe and make it to Olmec. there were a few times, before I got it, when I actually made it all the way to Olmec, only to either die, or pick up a sliver of gold.

All of my rage.

Couldn't help myself, had a good laugh.

Hold down to look down before jumping, if that helps.

Another tip I discovered is that if you're holding out a bomb or rope, and teetering on a ledge at the same time, it will drop out of your hands and can be used to trigger arrow traps as it falls.

Guy who's beaten the game and gotten 2/3 trophies here.

they're Jews, they see you as an untrustworthy goyim

>fifty or so
try hundreds

Er, not him, but ISN'T it a roguelike?

What with the Permadeath and Randomization?

Why Spelunky 2012 is worse:
>Worse art style and music. The original hailed to what it took inspiration from and the characters looked a lot livelier. The new game uses sorta soulless looking half-puppet things because they decided to have a bunch of characters for some reason. For some reason (incompetence), the PC version has 720p sprites, like Skullgirls. Meaning you have to play at 720p or the sprites get upscaled and look awful.
Bad co-op. Screen sharing is an awful decision. Since they didn't have pixel art they could've just had the camera pan out but I guess not. Too much of a clusterfuck, in the bad way. The battle mode is quite fun though. For some reason (the reason is incompetence) there is no online multiplayer. There's also no battle mode level creator, a shame. The original had a level creator, and a shit ton of awesome mods. Totally missing here. The reason is money.
>The new levels, specifically Hell, are a mistake. They restrict how you can play the game and make it so if you screw up and can't get the required items in the right sequence that you run feels pointless. Spelunky's city of gold level was a good way to do it because it didn't feel out of the way and it led to the same climax. Your goal was to push through to the end. Always to the same end, which compliments the quickplay permadeath nature. The side levels feel gimmicky and don't add much.

Spelunky 2012 is a great game and fun to play, but as wholes, the original is a better Video Game.

You're the one who's trying to get as much gold as you can. Indie has quite the schnoz...

Rogue-like is a completely different genre that describes games similar to Rogue

'Rogue-lite' refers to any game with perma-death, randomization, and an unlock system thrown in

Permadeath and randomisation aren't the only features of a Roguelike.
It's not turn-based, it's not an RPG, it's not as firmly locked in it's grid (quite a few enemies are larger than the standard tile size).
It's platformer featuring some elements common in Roguelikes. Some people use the term Roguelite or Roguelike-like but that term is extremely unhelpful as it doesn't actually give you a good idea of what the gameplay entails considering "roguelites" range from Spelunky to FTL to The Binding of Isaac, only that it may contain elements of permadeath or procedural generation.

Ah yes, but they carry gold on them at all times, close to their person. Jew gold.

>Some people use the term Roguelite or Roguelike-like but that term is extremely unhelpful as it doesn't actually give you a good idea of what the gameplay entails
"roguelite" definition doesn't describe gameplay because it describes PACING and STRUCTURE of the game (basically the way how gameplay challenges are given to you), not moment from moment gameplay

same as "open-world" and "metroidvania" which also doesn't describe gameplay but just give you an idea that you can choose between challenges on the map in one way or another while these challenges themselves can be anything: platforming, action combat, space flying combat, solving puzzle and so on