How quickly does it take you to realize if a game is irredeemable shit?

How quickly does it take you to realize if a game is irredeemable shit?

maybe like an hour

first 30 minutes

Anywhere from 5 minutes to 25 minutes, sometimes an hour. Depends how complex the game is.

None because I don't deal in goods and bads I deal in Interesting and uninteresting.

>a game is shit
>play it through to completion anyways
>feel disgusted afterwards

What's her name, Sup Forums?

8ish hour

I played it first on Xbox. It was pretty good. The I played the second one on PC. That was better. Then I tried to replay the first one again on PC. It was fucking trash.

You're really enlightened.
kill yourself

Fallout 4.
I was hoping the game would get better at one point. I was wrong.

the beginners guide

Don't be mad for being a dumbass shit who says things are good or bad which is a idiotic system and there are grey areas in everything.

Fallout 3
Got a free rental every month from Hollywood Video and could rent it for 5 days.
Still fucking pissed i wasted it on that trash.

Borderlands 2 was a massive disappointment compared to what I was expecting, once the pop culture references lose their appeal in the first 20 minutes, you have to shit through shitty character interactions of dogshit. all building up to a final fight which is equally dogshit.
I can't say I didn't go into the final fight not expecting dogshit after the first games boss, but I was pretty surprised when they managed to make a boss just as poorly designed.

At least 200 hours. If you haven't actually played the game you've got no right to judge it.

About 11 minutes on the dot is how long it takes to tell if a game is going to be shit. It takes around 40 minutes to an hour to tell if it's going to be beyond saving.

But I usually play it to completion anyway because if you're going to call a game shit, you've got to go balls deep and have the reasons why it's shit from beginning to end.

The first Condemned

I can't believe it got a sequel considering how bad the original original was. I'm glad it did though, the sequel was infinitely better


depends, sometimes it can take 5 minutes, sometimes it can take half an hour
never longer than an hour though

Lords of shadow.

From video footage, within seconds of seeing gameplay

59 minutes

Have gold everythings, full achievements wothput using a cheevomap. No idea why, never "got gud", just fucked around.
1500 hours.
Not intelligent or perceptive, apparently haven't realized the human lifespan's finite and wasting precious time on shit is not smart.
Valve successfully trapped another retard.
A poor one though, never bought a skin or opened a case.

>No idea why, never "got gud"
Not your fault, can't "git gud" in a game of chance.

Depends what kind of game it is. Played Tales of Graces f for about 15 hours and I'm pretty sure that It doesn't magically stop being boring