Hey kid wanna /ss/
Hey kid wanna /ss/
Other urls found in this thread:
...Another time.
>be kid when that episode aired on adult swim
>knew about sex because of finding porn
>thought it was awesome
>Major is hanging with brat
>offers to fuck him
>Holy shot
>adults can have sex with kids like me!?
>right at that moment, my /ss/ fetish had been born
>lil shit turns her down
I would been slammin that cyborg ass if I was in his position, stupid fucking brat
I'm sure they did it just to mess with us
>tfw you paid $5 to play this shitty game
I don't remember this episode
What's the number?
tfw I got the game for free. I played it once and never again...
>you never got to /ss/
I don't know the ep # but here is the part
I'll pass.
>there will never be a good ghost in the shell title
Why yes, yes I do
>you did get to /ss/
>it was with my baby sitters friend who she invited over
>she wasn't that hot
It was awesome looking back at it, but man I wish it had been with my actual babysitter. She let me and my friends watch porn and hentai.
That kid was brighter than most of Sup Forums. Women are disgusting, everyone with taste knows it.
Man, why did this show had 2 be an ASS
might as well go gay 4 dicks now ;_;
>another time
>Another Time
might as well go gay for dicks now
>Pandora's Box fixed this little mishap
This little shit could've lost something most people die with.
To the fucking best woman around.
But he fucks it up.
He should be sterelized for that. I don't care if he regrets passing it up in the future.
The only option for that kid
didn't even get to see her NAPLES
why are ostriches domesticated in the future???
This is why I don't know why people wanted it to happen.
We got just enough to forever cement in major's /ss/ porn
You know they couldnt have shown sex so if they did anything it would have just stifled the imagination of those watching.
>She let me and my friends watch porn and hentai.
She wanted to, user.
>tfw you had too many siblings to ever have a babysitter
Waiting for Japanese scientist to create realistic artificial vagina with realistic membrane and synthetic fluid and then create a realistic android.
Women will now have to learn to work harder and can't rely on men because their stinky pussy doesn't control us anymore.
Well when you're a kid who barely knows about the idea of the Internet and hentai, shit's something you wanna see happen.
Of course when I got computer access at the age of 10 everything changed, but before that I wanted to see the major fuck the shit outta that kid. Even if it was just implied and no nudity was shown.
>got to /ss/
>with best friends mom after she got divorced and was depressed
>he caught us
>we are still friends to this day
He likes to bring it up when im over for dinner the way she blushes when he does is cute too
But there already was. On PS1.
> no one posted it
You misunderstand, I mean why NOW in this thread, 20-30 year olds do this.
As a kid its totally natural and I wanted it and more too.
But as adults we should know why it couldnt be and how we actually got the better deal. (the only better deal would've been just leaving the question hanging in the air and cutting away)
At the time user I was cutting out the single titty picture my parents newspaper had, every day I'd ninja around finding the paper without anyone finding out I cut out the lady.
what's applemilk up to these days, did she do any hardcore?
You know Pandora's Box? You've probably seen his DBZ work.
Just search "Pink Data" on sad panda.
>You never got to /ss/
>You never got to anything
>You're older than 30 and a wizard now
>The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older
>Shorter of breath and one day closer to death
>you are at peace
>tfw payed 5 bucks for it and thoroughly enjoy playing it
That comic gave my inner 12 year old peace after all these years.
>Tfw you paid $5 and hated it
Worst 5 bucks I've ever spent
Yes, she does.
bitch it was 5 bucks. calm the fuck down.
I didn't pay for it, it was literally a shittier Dirty Bomb.
Since it captured nothing from the anime atmosphere there really is no reason to play this.
Atleast we got a good Major model for sfm though
But not in this comic
>mfw no sad panda account
How weak.
It was really that bad, the only thing I liked about it was the anime/movie scenes they had scattered about the menu UI.
Fuck that site. Forget your login info and wait a fucking week or whatever for your new account to randomly start working
Why is his shit never searchable by name? Anytime I search Pandora's Box, I get no hits, but I see the name as an artist tag all the time. Am I not cool enough?
I only paid $1 for that game out of the E3 humble bundle and I still feel ripped off
Maybe then modern japanese death businessmen and death jew cunts should start talking like kawaii desu animu girls or manly samurai Poet Warriors composing a haiku while felling their opponent with one stroke. Might make them like each other a little more.
I'm still fond of the PS1 title, solid B game. Great OST if you like the genre.
Did anyone even play the ps2 game? I've got the demo for it and it was pretty cool.
Dat TV in the background.
>Ostriches have a unique child-bearing system: the strongest female in the flock will protect her own chick...
You mother fucker.
She got the syphilis before she got a chance to do av.
>the only adaptation is a poor western attempt at animu art
it hurts
Is The Philippines considered western?
>You will never have a cyber brain.
I'd rather cyberlegs.
I actually really enjoy this game.
>he thinks there's going to be another time
What is /ss/?
Super Soakers
>Hey kid wanna Super Soaker?
SS Nazi Division.
super saijan
Serious Sam.
She wants to play some video games.
the inverse of /ll/
Straight shota
Don't remember the board the general's on, unless it got absorbed into /gfd/ on /d/
>tfw this game is unavailable in your region
I twitched a bit
>tfw you got in the beta and got the game code for free for playing through the beta
Gee wiz!
Sup Forums should have the same exact means of accessing the site, desu. Imagine how many less Redditors and underage we'd have.
why do people get mad at this, she was clearly just teasing him, she wouldn't give him the cyberpuss
You miss 100% of the swings you don't make, user.
Have you fucked her lately?
>Wanna see something cool?
My fucking sides. Thanks user.
I know that full well, but that was just a little shit trying to be cocky and she put him in his fucking place, I would've smashed that shit without even asking if prostethics could have sex to begin with, but getting mad because he got btfo and chose to do so like a little shit is counterproductive, I mean ins't motoko your waifu? You want to see her get banged by a little kid and not you? baka desu senpai