Never thought I'd become Stan

Never thought I'd become Stan.

I legitimately think we are at point where no one is capable of making good game experiences anymore. With the exception of a few gems, almost every game I've looked forward has been literally shit (and I guess it extends pass games).

Like I can't even convince myself that something will be good anymore. I want to be hyped for FFXV so bad, but deep down, I just know what the case will ultimately be.

I am Stan.

Other urls found in this thread:

>still playing video games
That's your problem bro.

You're just bitter, good games have come out this year.

Kirby is the only one.

Welcome to my world. I haven't enjoyed a good video game since 2006. The moment M$ and Sony attempted to push the tech too far and lock out people with high budgets and DLC, I knew the industry was dead. So I've been watching it rot for ten years. It's sad, really.

just take a step back and do other shit. if you do too much of one thing, you'll bound to be sick of it.

go paint some gay shit nigga

stop playing games then come back

the problem is you, games are shittier, sure, but you're shittier too.

I'm in the same boat OP, almost no games interest me anymore. I think its because the quality for most games has dropped so low in the past few years. I sometimes even push myself to play my favorite games.

>every game has on-disc DLC, day-one DLC, DLC passes, etc.
>almost every game tries to copy each other, rarely any games attempt something new
>artificial difficulty is everywhere, few games are legitimately difficult and challenging
>pandering to the "competitive" players because they scream the loudest, ruining the game for everyone else

I pretty much enjoy games more than ever. There's always something to wait for and something to play. And I dont even play any of the high profile stuff like Witcher, Dark Souls, CoD, Overwatch, Watchdogs, the likes.

Obviously, you haven't played Splatoon.

Because you are a retard who lets himself get influenced bz marketing and Sup Forums threads
Acquire taste

A large problem is the sheer amount of games out there now. We are constantly thinking about other games instead of focusing on or rather enjoying the one we have.

Then, as adults we know how theyre made. Kids will just accept whatever is thrown at them and enjoy it, not thinking whether somethibg is good or bad or worth the time or money. But we are always making those evaluations.

t. le 90's kidz

You haven't experienced this despair in full unless you're a fan of the MMORPG genre.

Really, you haven't.

Go play an old game that you like.

if you don't like it anymore you have to stop playing video games.


I feel OP on this
Ive always been interested in splatoon,
but it is the only game on the entire console that I honestly give a fuck about
There is no way i'm spending that much money just to play a single game
I would rather wait for years and just emulate it or wait for bargain bin status

I find plenty of games to enjoy every year.
I never watch trailers or other such shit and my most direct exposure to pre-launch hype is Sup Forums shitposting.
Consequently I only play games that already know I will find some enjoyment in and never get disappointed by my expectations being too high.

It can be a bit harder these days to find games you like, theres so much garbage out there now on Steam and stuff. AAA games seem to have declined in quality since they focus so much on online/DLC.

It isn't like good new games don't exist though. You just have to wade through a sea of shit a bit. Don't forget about older games too. One of the reasons I built a PC was to play older emulators and they can be as much of a blast as any new game if you haven't played something for over a decade.

>tfw last game that i experienced pure joy through the entirety of the game was fucking undertale
>A game made by 1 fucking guy in the basement of a thick lipped faggot who made the worst webcomic in existence
Worst part is I seriously doubt I'll ever feel the way I felt playing that game ever again.

Go download an emulator for a popular system, get a zip of ever rom, and click at random. Enjoy piles of shit games and clones. The only reason it looks better in the past is that you can sift through the shit easier.

It's not the games, it's you.
Take a break from video games and work on becoming more positive. Or at the very least, less negative.

Best advice I can give is really limit or out right quit coming to Sup Forums. I mean this in all seriousness, this fucking board is a sea of negativity that's only gonna poison you against video games.

Being so impressionable that you would allow Sup Forums to alter your outlook an anything is really sad. I hope none of you actually let this happen.

Addendum to this: If you want everything around you to seem less shitty, quit coming to Sup Forums entirely. This place is a shithole and it only makes people more negative.


..IS A DUCK??!!

It's basic communication that communication and a person's perception of reality influence each other. If a person listens to and surrounds themself with negativity then that causes them to see the world more negatively. Which in turn causes them to spew more negativity.

This happens to fucking everyone. Not just the stupid and weak willed. The communication a person surrounds themself with will shape their perception of reality in one way or another, no exceptions.

>watching south park after the 90's

Speak for yourself, iv just crashed into Factorio, Prison Architect, Rimworld and DF and im having great fun.

Why dont you stop wasting time on AAA trash and focus on niche titles that actually excel at what they do.

South Park was shit in the 90s. It was only after the first couple of seasons it got any good.

Have you given overwatch an honest go?

Memes on this site aside it's kept my attention longer than anything in the last few years.

>inb4 blizzard shill

>>every game has on-disc DLC, day-one DLC, DLC passes, etc.
>hmmm whats this dlc thingy everyones complaining about, maybe if i moan too everyone will think im cool??

Not really, it became shit when they shoved political shit down your throat.

DF is my medicine when im not having fun with anything else

You're depressed.

t. Clinical depression for 5 years

I have medicine I'm supposed to take. But I don't, and I see the world the same way you do

It was okay until season 11

I suppose if you're a big fan of fart jokes and toilet humor then yes, the first three seasons are right up your alley.

What if it's not depression user, what if you're just seeing the mundane way the world actually is, what if you're thinking right and the pills just help put you into a state of mind that they want you to be in.

I'm horribly fucking depressed yet I still enjoy video games to a great degree. Maybe it's because my body is fucked to the point that I can hardly walk. I shouldn't be here, since I don't hate absolutely everything.

I can assure you it isn't. I haven't enjoyed a game since I was 14.

That's the same time I had my medicine prescribed. You can act like a fag and pretend there's some kind of conspiracy if you want. There isn't. It's simply an imbalance of chemicals.

In fact I can trace back to the very event that ruined my balance. But I'm not talking about it.


I've had this problem as well, You can't find a game that you genuinely enjoy.

This is what i did, I learn how to make them.
>Game Design

Everything in a course, it helped.

It allows me to make my own games that get pass this problems.

i don't know if that episode is meant to laugh at people like stan but holy shit i really do perceive the world that way

everything is just so retarded and dumbed down today

Why the fuck do you even come here

I used to think like you OP, that every game was alright and it was just me that was the problem.

Then I replayed Witcher 1 on a whim

>All that story
>That atmosphere
>Perfect Alchemy system

Then I realised nothing was wrong, the majority of games today are shit and catered to nu-males.

Going to go replay the original Deus Ex now

Its happened to you too faggot

To talk about games I used to like.

I feel the same.

Most of the games I was looking forward too (as few as they were) ended up being unplayable because of bullshit I don't want to deal with.

>You're just bitter, good games have come out this year.
Very, very few. I think I only enjoyed Odin's Sphere and Furi

Well you know Ff15 is gonna be eh because we've seen tonnes of gameplay for it at this point, persona 5 still looks good though.

I sort of feel the same as you so I'm working on minigames in UE4 for myself now

I assure you it might be. Games were better back when you were 14

>replaying shit games
You're supposed to make OP better, not want to make him kill himself.

The only people still enjoying vidya these years are mentally ill faggots who watch mlp/anime, or people with friends who play multiplayer titles (mostly from 1996-2005 tho)

Do what I did OP.

Buy one of these bad boys and emulate classic gamecube games.

Really made gaming feel great again.

The GCN was like 15 years ago right? While I've always loved the GCN and it's high quality games (shit all of gen 6 had some really amazing titles) it's hard to believe people think of it as "classic" now.

Why would I purposefully play with the shitty gamecube controller?

Wii U gamepad is way, way better

Consuming something everyday has diminishing returns.
We all love games but sometimes it's a good idea to take a break from them.

Try getting an outdoors hobby or try something new for a bit.
That way, when you do have a new release, you'll tend to enjoy it a bit more.

I read an interview with a well-known psychologist once and in it he stated that depressed people see the world like the way it actually is and thats one of the reasons it's hard to treat.

Hey man, I love the gamepad way more than a regular Sup Forums goer but GC controller is barely shit.

>Getting hyped for FFXV
Anyone who isn't blind or a Sonygger can see FFXV looks shit.

idk, I never liked the thing

I think people just praise it after the shit heap that was the n64 one

Video games feel like they've been getting shittier for the same reason it feels like major Hollywood films are getting shittier:

The recession.

It's discouraged any financial group from investing money into games that are bold or risky, and AAA publishers expect a lot of money for their games these days. You'll notice that the majority of games from the past few years that Sup Forums calls "terrible" weren't really atrocious. These "terrible" games were often horribly bland or mediocre, because investors are only interested in "safe bets" financially now.

I tried out Star Wars Galaxies on a whim about a month ago after being completely burned out on MMOs. That's a game with a LOT of fucking problems, but it suddenly revitalized a lot of what I used to love about MMOs.

Most games these days are just genuinely worse than they used to be. On the other hand, most TV shows these days are genuinely BETTER than they used to be. It comes and goes.

When the present no longer interests you, look to the past.


gaming is going to shit, all your favourite series are dead, small developer like sacnoth don't exist anymore, price go more and more, this year e3 was horrible with shit like god of war and that zombie game i can't even remember how it's called, one of the most awaited game of the year is a remake of a 20 year old game that's going to ruin what made it good in the first place, there are fucking sandbox game everyfuckingwhere while every other genre is slowly dying a painful death, even fucking zelda is turning into a sandbox game, we are so desperate for actual videogames that people are willing to get scammed for million of dollars through kickstarter and create blunders such as mighty no 9

but no, it's me, it can't be this shitty industry keeping afloat like a piece of shit on hype and promises of bigger things that get shittier and shittier

You do understand that people can just get tired with their hobbies and it's not always a sign of clinical depression?

It's so bizarre how people default to "you must be depressed and you should receive treatment" instead of just acknowledging the more rational possibility:

The hobby's just in a shittier state than usual and the guy just needs to take a break.

You said the same exact thing as him without adding anything of interest.


Please different types of games from what you're used to. As a Master Race, I put the XO I got for Christmas to use. Bought Sunset zoverdrive and Forza Horizon 2 and the master chief collection. Games I normally wouldn't play and I'm loving them. Got myself a WIIU and played through donkey Kong, pikmin, sm3dw, wonderful 101.

Started enjoying games again and even my pc games

>>The recession.
You're clueless. The spiralling cost of development is what killed gaming, and it's never going to get any better. It's nothing to do with the recession, and everything to do with the fact it now costs 10 times the amount to produce graphics that look maybe twice as good.

The only way we could actually see a revolution would be for a major company to make a massive sprawling epic using graphics straight off the PS1, for a total development cost of under a million, and for that game to sell tens of millions of copies as everyone realises how encompassing a game could be if you ignored graphics.

I completely agree with this.

In the last two decades, the Western world has achieved access to more information more quickly than they ever have before.

Does anyone believe that this sudden access to world news, with people knowing about a major shooting literally MINUTES after it happens, wouldn't affect the mental health of the majority of the Western world?

If you want to be happier, focus less on keeping up with current events. There's always going to be another shooting or suicide bombing, so there's no point in being informed about these things unless it happens close to you.

And if it still bugs you, find a way to volunteer or help out your loved ones or community. Or learn a craft or pick up a new hobby. Just don't be inundated by the negativity that's the daily news cycle. Being informed about the latest shooting will rarely help you in the long run.

There's so much focus on increasing graphics while it doesn't even look at different

It's also the fault of the gaming community for crying about graphics and then complaining the game isn't interesting and it's short.

Can't evite time into story gameplay nd graphics all at once.

Well, I can agree with that. It's still the same root cause, which is financial stress choking creativity.

Didn't have to say that I'm "clueless."

By the time that happens, online will be dead.

you think we complain about dlc to fit in?
are you a fucking gay retard?

>fucking gay retard
lol u showed him

Games haven't gotten worse, you've just burned yourself out on the sort of content you can only enjoy a few times before it all becomes stale and boring.

Think of every magical, wonderful experience you've ever had. There are a dozen games which have come out which do pretty much the same thing, but because of that first experience it's not as fresh and new the second time.

It's not a new phenomenon.

What's sad is that the indie market is killing the idea it should have been trying to create. Instead of full formed games, you either have the extreme AAA end of all style, zero substance for the lowest common denominator, or games that cost a dollar and are little more than a poorly conceived prototype.

The effect is that games which used to be freeware or flash shit are now being sold for 10 bucks a pop, and this is somehow supposed to be a "new age" of gaming.

We need to be returning to the ideal of 20 professionals working on a single project instead of the madness of 2 men in their mom's basement or 300 morons with no vision creating paint by numbers trash for a committee of suits.

How else am I going to spend my time?

Maybe you just became an adult.

> AAA games all feel the same
> most indie titles that swarm the Steam page are shallow garbage
> promising Early Access titles tend to burn out or be major disappointments
> you hang out on Sup Forums

Quite frankly, you'd be insane not to consider the possibility that games feel slightly shittier than usual.

As a "working out of his room" kind of guy, we all gotta start from somewhere, all those professionals are off at huge companies getting paid proper salaries because they have families to support, i can barely support myself.

as a psychotherapist myself I'm very much interested in this interview

Can you find it by any chance?

Its ok stan, look up on bannerlord, the only game ive been hyped this, and last year.

Not him, but I just pulled this up

> Understand that anti-depressants only treat the symptoms of depression. None of the foregoing has been intended as a denial that anti-depressant medication plays a critical role in the treatment of depression. In the right patient, anti-depressants reduce the symptoms of suffering exceptionally well and can be literally life-saving. But they can't make anyone actually happy because happiness isn't merely the absence of suffering.

I stopped giving a fuck about singleplayer "experiences" and just focused on multiplayer games that I can play for hundreds of hours like Dota, Overwatch, CSGO and the likes.

I know, cancer, but at least I'm having fun and I know what I'm in for, and am never disappointed in what I get. Ultimately it's the gameplay that keeps me hooked, and most singleplayer story driven games nowadays don't have that.

Except maybe Dark Souls or some shit like that.

When you get older, if you're not retarded, you tend to begin to realise that most things are made by and for retards. When you're young you can enjoy just about everything; everything seems fucking rad and exciting. Then you develop taste and begin to understand that MAYBE .003% of music, movies, games and films are objectively fucking terrible.

Did you even watch the episode you're referring to? You're not Stan your balls are just finally dropping.

Perhaps you missed the part where OP said it isn't just with games?

>tfw Abzu's final sequence made me enjoy a video game for the first time since W101

Neat things are too far and few between now.

meant to say you realise only .003% of everything is good

You're really extrapolating a lot from the comment "and I guess it extends pass games."

I suppose that one comment is what qualified psychotherapists use to diagnose clinical depression that requires regular treatment and occasional medication.

If clinical depression is a genuine medical condition, then you're just as stupid for arbitrarily saying that someone on the Internet has "depression" as someone who arbitrarily gives out cancer diagnoses on some Reddit thread.

Have you played Ori and the blind forest?
It's 8 hours of bliss

Do you also get more depressed when you get older as you realize how horrible the world is and how stupid everyone is?

>People are stupid for recognizing symptoms and assessing that it may be the affect of a specific condition involving such symptoms


>Le reddit boogeyman


But don't you agree that people are way to quick to diagnose people with depression?

> Doesnt understand that it is all opinion based

But no its not you growing tired of games, it must be the whole industry, even thought most other people are enjoying gaming still.

When you already start out depressed its a oneway ride to hell

Perhaps. Although you cannot deny that by what limited description OP has given, depression is definitely up there on the list of things that could be wrong.

Just more cynical and judgmental but I didn't really get "depressed" when I realised how shitty everything is.

Just fucking take a break from vidya. Taking breaks from old hobbies is normal. I watch a shit ton of anime and feel the same as you, that's why I whiched over to vidya and enjoying it more than anime. I'm 2-3 gens behind and just started getting back into them almost a year ago and I'm having a blast with almost every game I find including current gen. Even the games Sup Forums tends to hate. Emulation and modding has improved, which also helps a lot and feels good to have a big back log. If you do something for too long then of course you'll lose interest. Just pick up a new hobby.

Get a pc. Alot of the indy games are better then most AAA cash cows. Also alot of pc only delves game still make games because they love games not because Sony or Microsoft has a Satan like contract with them.

We all are at some point.
Take a break and do something else for a few months.

>indy games

if you're a fan of edgelord libertarian politics seasons 11+ are right up your alley

>indy games are bad is a meme.

Sorry old man. Games are as good as ever, the ratio of good games to mediocre/shit games is the same as it's always been and the best games from this age can easily match up or surpass the best games from the past.
You have issues and video games don't fill your void anymore because they aren't the games you played when you were a happy kid not forced to deal with the harsh realities of the world you're living in. Your whole bleak outlook on your current life is reflected on the video games you play, which is why you are unable to enjoy them, but you refuse to believe that's the reason, you nitpick all those games to death in hopes of justifying your retarded opinions on them.
Your kind of nostalgiafaggotry has existed for as long as mankind has, across all mediums. Music is not as good, movies are not as good, books are not as good, everything was in its prime at your tender young age, when you were young and far more impressionable.
Commodore nostalgiafaggots considered Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past a shit game that handholded the player too much and had too much fanfare and useless plot, which interfered with the gameplay, unlike masterpieces such as fucking Bubble Bobble.
You either move with the times or you pretend you're above them. And you are clearly choosing the later side of the fence. But you are also holding on to them because they're all you have. Enjoy your misery, I'll keep enjoying my video games.