Your favorite party member leaves the party and never comes back

>Your favorite party member leaves the party and never comes back

Other urls found in this thread:

>party setup of 4
>there's no other characters
>one dies half-way through saving everyone else against a giant enemy crab
>never gets replaced
>play rest of game with only a party of 3
>comes back as a spirit for the final boss

What game?


but i would want that orange haired idiot to leave

Is that Alfred?

literally the game that started the giant enemy crab meme

while being somewhat generic dynasty warrior-like, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would

>new game+
>take all his items before he leaves the party

>most of the people out there don't even know Shonan Junai Gumi

But kuwabara best character
No joke. I got figurine n all. URASMESHI IS GOIN DOWNN

Reeeeeeee stop ruining my matches

or wait, looking at cover think it was 3 characters and then was stuck with 2

I don't remember a 4th, been a while

>party member dies or leaves
>game automatically puts their equipment in your inventory/can be found shortly later in a box or something

Kuwabara is 2 cool 4 school.

>you can rob his grave later to get the equipment back

>Party member has a broken ability
>They never use it properly

>gives back equipment and accessories
>but doesn't give back all the EXP you racked up for them through your hours of playtime
Adios, asshole.

I stopped reading it because I wanted it to be GTO and it wasn't.

Kuwabara is the best character in Yu Yu Hakusho. It's not even a contest.

>first party member you get is such a 10/10 bro that you can't bring yourself to switch him out

>Party member is an asshole
>Finally get their backstory
>Feel bad for them

>coolest party member is useless combat-wise

>first party member mage sticks with you the entire game no matter what

>you betray the good guys to join the empire
>he stays
>kill your old friends while in the empire
>he's still there
>fuck it, join the forces of CHAOS
>he's bro'ing it up
>aha fuck it, let's fuck over chaos, the empire, AND, the good guys
>in the ending he's still there killing the few people that still resist you after you've killed the goddess that made you create your character at the start of the game because she was mad as fuck

>obtain OP power
>desperately remove him from the story to prevent him from utilizing his OP-ness
What a waste of a cool character.

It hurts.

>Absolute garbage Limit Break
>200 year long attack animation


>You have to fight the based characters you know are the strongest guys of all the land from the first game in the sequel
No other game has made me sweat with fear to this extent.

This is my problem with Xenoblade.
If I remove Reyn, I feel empty because my bro is gone.
If I remove Shulk, same deal, bro dynamic is broken.
If I remove Sharla, I have no more healing, and Reyn plus Shulk plus anyone else is a death trap, unless I use Riki and I would stick my dick in a cactus before doing that.
If I play Melia/Sharla to heal, since Melia's AI is shit, I have to deal with Shulk's shit AI instead.
So here I am, stuck with Shulk, Reyn, and Sharla, for the rest of the game. I'm at Sword Valley, and apart from it being a boring area, I lack motivation to continue thanks to my stagnant party.

>one of your favorite party members is completely unviable
>two of your favorite party members try to kill each other

dem Baldur's Gate 2 feels

I never get an excuse to post this filename.

Yu Yu Hakusho peaked with the Dark Tournament arc.

Also the last 3 episodes felt like Dragonball GT-tier.

No he's actually the worst but all 4 main characters were top tier so it's not a slight on him.

>playing Radiant Dawn
>everyone in the Dawn Brigade is fucking terrible outside of like 3 characters
>get up to the chapter with the Greil Mercenaries
>every character is a killing machine

i'm still annoyed at how you have to bring Sothe into Endgame especially when you get Volke a chapter prior

>Mfw Kuwabara's english voice

Kuwabara = Hiei = Kurama > Yusuke

Prove me wrong.

If you think the Dark Tournament was the best I won't argue that but the Sensui saga and the final tournament were great. It was quality all the way through. You can say it was anti-climactic but at least it wasn't cliche.

I'm still sad that Hiei never revealed himself to Yukina. That was what I was looking forward to the most.

>Burger King walks in

I start sweating bullets every fucking time

>Equal to Kurama
Name one (1) useful thing Hiei has done. His only claim to fame is the stupid dragon attack that put him to sleep, while everyone else was able to defeat their enemies without any such shit.

Hiei > Kurama > Yusuke = Kuwabara

Fuck off dude. Chris Sabat's best performance to date.

>his issue has to do with power
>no problem with Kuwabara put as equal

>you abandon your party
>your party came back to fight against you


That was when it jumped the shark for me.


>Literally carried the team through half the Dark Tournament
>Literally carried the team throughout the entire Suzaku Castle arc
>Turned up to fix Yusuke being an emo faggot after the Sniper fight

Do I have to continue?

I'm not saying the rest of the series was shit, just that was the Dark Tournament was it's best. I mostly enjoyed Sensui's arc and the final one had potential, which was entirely ruined by the timeskip and, as you say, some plot threads left hanging.

What was that one crazy fight he had with some old guy 3/4 into the show?

His back story was nice too.

That particular thing I'm sure was intentional. It spoke to Hiei's character.

He had an op power but it was useless at the tier of fighting they had reached.
He said so himself, His sword can kill anything it hits, but facing S class demons and psychics, he could barely touch them and one hit would destroy his normal human body.

>Literally carried the team through half the Dark Tournament
But that was Yusuke and Kurama. Hiei was either asleep or in statis with the bitch nurse.

>Literally carried the team throughout the entire Suzaku Castle arc
That was Yusuke and Kurama again.

>Turned up to fix Yusuke being an emo faggot after the Sniper fight
Nope lmao. He just turned up because they wanted him back on the show and then he did nothing.

Jesus that game was atrocious. It completely destroyed the legacy of the first one.

>not using Riki

nigga is like the best character in the game, the fuck are you doing man

His back literally says Health is the no.1 matter. What a fucking joke

It was the most amazing power trip doing the reverse.
>Oh Sothe, you talk about Ike soooo much, why don't you have his babies?
>Ike, shmike, I'll bet he isn't THAT great
two assrapes later
>oh god which hole do i shit out of now, please be good to me master ike

They need to bring back Feliss

>Your favorite party-members are the worst
>The party members that you can't fucking stand have the best stats

Would you rather use under-powered characters you like or powerful characters you hate?

What happens in Rance IV and VI that make him so upset?

first one by a mile, I can make up for my party's deficiencies

Hiei was a great edgelord character

Also porn of him is confusingly arousing.

>Game has one really awesome character you want to have join your party
>Is very involved in plot for the first third of the game
>Guy is clearly important, carries a special weapon
>He is on your side, best friends with the MC
>Gets kidnapped
>Your party rescues him
>He doesn't join your party
>He returns to his captor
>He dies without any resistance

I waited so long to recruit you Eldigan, why did you obey that dickhead? ;_;

It looks like Rance VI was rough on everyone there.

At least his hot sister survived.


Rance IV has a large range of different expressions and Rance VI has lots of different expressions on the character sprites.

Rance IX does as well but Rance is a happier person in general by then

He never said any of that shit you fucking cuck, quit making shit up.

>Game introduces the first 5 characters.
>One character is mentioned by name one time and told to stay the fuck back.
>You never use him because he's slow and doesn't get levels like everybody else
>Still the bro of a character.
>Never relevant again.


im still mad

Is the anime worth watching?

His entire character revolved around his death, though.
Aside from the few times he played with the dog.

>Chris Sabat
>good performance


The end of the Sensui arc was such a let down.

>play lewd RPG
>the best girl has the least porn


This happens far too often.

Sensui arc was a failure that pathetically managed to lead us into the next tournament which was clearly what everyone liked.
Was stupid from start to finish and Sensui was such an overhyped letdown it hurt.

Probably the only good thing happening was Kuwabaras stuff, but then they just cut him for no reason so that was also wasted.

>Your best friend disappears randomly
>Never comes back, his family "doesn't want to talk about it"

Thats pretty scary user, you think they keep him in the basement now?




This happened to me. I got the news from other friends that live near by. The guy was caught with a fuck ton of CP and was traced because he solicited a child in Yahoo messenger. The dad of the kid found out and called the police.

Children are so shit and annoying, I dunno why anyone would want to fuck them but I guess that's what being a retard is all about.

Speaking of Yu Yu. You guys played the first 4 player fighting game in history? It was a Yu Yu game and it was fucking awesome.

It's called mental illness.

I'm from a hick family in eastern yurop where we're a lot less prudish than ameriguns and I've seen my 10 year old cousins naked several times (including when they were babies) and at no point did I think "Mmm I want to get me some of that." They just look fucking disgusting.

I am not a food, you fucking ginger Elvis wannabe.


>your favourite party member has the WORST availability in the game

Image didn't post.

I played it, a lot of really neat ideas but it's not that great. Lots of nice little touches.

YYH a best

hot damn, how did i forget that


Beats me.

His English SEA dub was a lot better though. It's a good thing we had Animax.

I want to live in times where this would be acceptable to broadcast on TV without anyone getting offended

Same. Sensitivity rules society.

When the healer gets killed off

>tfw you realize YuYu actually has a bretty gud OST

It's better.