convince me to buy Legion and to further support Activision

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no way fag


WoW is dead at this point. It's found a new audience in the form of soccer moms and young children. The classes are based around 3 button rotations. It feels like League of Legends with content droughts.

The hunters can get mechanical dogs that are named after anime and Mega man.


Forgive me but I really don't get the hate modern WoW gets. Granted I only starter a few months ago but before you call me underaged I am not. I didn't play vanilla due to being poorfag. I finely got a good comp and played from 1-70 late wotlk early cata and it was fun but had to quit due too irl issues. I've played gw2 swtor wildstar and even ff14 but in my opinion WoW is still the funnest of them all. My only gripe is that I was stupid enough to let Blizzard pick my server for me. Fucking Venture Co...

play ffxiv

It's comfy

Alright what's everyone's main(s) going into Legion? I'm still debating between Druid/Monk/Priest but inevitably will level all three.

It's just gone from being the most casual of all the mmos while still being a time sink rpg game to being so streamlined and having almost 0 difficulty or human interaction required until mythic raiding.

It's a mixture of people not accepting one too many quality of life changes and nostalgia.

It's just a perfect storm of fans asking for the impossible and blizzard being incompetent and catering too hard to casuals in almost every facet of play outside of real raiding

Mythic+ is fun as fuck

WoW is the slippery slop fallacy in practice. "X is annoying so we'll just make it a bit more convenient", except they kept doing that and it turned the game into an interactive lobby instead of an MMORPG.
A lot of the hate is pure hyperbole, but it is an objective fact that modern WoW is less MMO than it was in the past and more multiplayer dungeon crawler. The thing Blizzard failed to realize is that tedium is actually an important part of accomplishment. If it doesn't take time and effort, the payoff doesn't feel good.

I will be retaining my WW Monk main for alliance and my Guardian Dudu main for Horde.

How far have you gotten? This is honestly my most anticipated feature in Legion, I love 5 man content over dealing with raid groups.

>servers down

fuck off, my good friend and college

The game used to be a single server MMORPG where the game was alive in all zones and on all levels, you played with the same players in dungeons, Battlegrounds, world pvp, raids. You all existed in the same space. The slower and challenging levelling meant that it wasn't just shitty levelling to rush to the endgame, instead the game started from level 1 and being in a new zone and being around there for a few days was a joy. It felt like a cohesive world, with everyone sharing in it. Then they started to add expansions that started to focus exclusively on the new high end content, making the old world obsolete. This was fine at first, but a few expansions in there simply was too much content, and ppl were only interested in the new high end content, this meant that there was only end game, no levelling, you just want to rush to the max level. This is right about where you come in. And here the levelling becomes completely broken and unbalanced. The old world is also dead, add into this heirlooms that further rushes the content. Then right around here the subscription numbers dropped hard, and so more and more cross server content was introduced. Now you were meeting complete strangers that you'd never see again when you went into a dungeon or playing PvP. In the end they even added LFR, so now the raid content can be accessed and completed in this anonymous psuedo singleplayer experience. And then the garrisons to top it off in WoD so you never see another player outside of raids.
TL;DR: The levelling is broken and 90% of the content in game is obsolete, there is only the high end content, there is little to no community server interaction outside of hardcore raiding and the game just becomes more and more a singleplayer game rather than an mmo.

nig im on right now

>Blizzard pissed off the gold farmers by making WoW a sub model in China
>been getting DDoS'd for a week now
>wrf why am i disconnecting?

forgot to link:

I don't know shit about noodleland, what model were they on before now?

They bought time in hours before, now they have a regular monthly sub.

Well they durkurdur so they can pay the way everyone else does, the special snowflake fucks.

Nice pasta

>you can now fuck your dryad waifu in wow

the ddosers are butthurt overwatch players that got banned

anyone else actually enjoying the game?

Haven't played since the end of LK. All the changes to the zones have been pretty cool. Updated world lore and all that has been enjoyable.

Have they added any way to circumvent having to go through the past with the xpacs? Seems like the timeline would be all fucked with LK and BC.

yes they have, buy a boost :^)

I can't be the only one who stopped for a shameful fap when encountering these in dragonblight.

You have THE INTERNET and you chose to fap to that?

it's called a shameful fap for a reason

kek, ill pass. I'm not the type to pay for something I can get for free.

The class changes and animations are fun. The xmog appearance library is fun.

The only thing that sucks right now is that legion isn't out yet, so you can't access 90% of the content they added.

People are coming back to the game to check out the changes and collect looks. That's about all there is to do until the 9th when the world event and new class drop, and then the 30th when the actual expac drops. But the foundation that's in place seems fun.

best position to be in right now is someone who bought wod late, and is getting all the "content" it has to offer in one go right before legion starts.

really hoping legion isn't the same case.

Cataclysm updated the 1-60 experience but TBC/LK are the same.

They haven't really ever stated if they are going to go redo those zones.

>tfw normally I'd level alts but honestly have everything I'd ever feel like playing at 100
>garrisons no longer cash cows
>mythic dungeons have a weekly lockout for heirloom trinkets
>raiding right now is useless

Life is suffering until the 9th for a bit and then the 30th.

You'll get one with legion if / when you buy it, so you can get a quick alt going later on in any case.

>This drops from trash

Elemental Shaman.

Moving to a new server, my main is currently Troll Enhance Shaman, but I don't like what they did to Enhance, doesn't feel Shamanistic enough, and I've been playing a Troll for almost 10 years now, so I'm going Goblin as well. Male.

Also going to rock some Engineering because it's my favorite profession, and this way I can transmog the Force Reactive Disk.

>but I don't like what they did to Enhance, doesn't feel Shamanistic enough,

I rerolled DK. They got some cool shit in Legion.

Holy shit, that's what I'm leveling right now. Never tried one before, fucking loving it. I considered maining that instead. I went in hoping to get a melee Lock sort of vibe, and Unholy and Blood both gave me exactly that.

Is now a good time to start playing again
my highest level was 5X

Probably the best time for it. Pre-Legion event really soon.

The Burning Legion is about to start assaulting us.

Yeah get to 60, use the included boost to boost your primary professions as well. Then do the invasions.

>Stupid fucking bosses refuse to drop the matching T6 Druid belt for me
Hyjal is probably the worst raid ever made.

>doesn't feel Shamanistic enough
could you elaborate? Too much lightning for your taste?

are professions still relevant?

It's big and boring with much waiting and there wasn't any reason to go there lorewise.

It's a fucking chore. And even worse as melee. But fuck it I need to get Cataclysm's Edge.

Yeah considering that there's no crafted-equip-cap in legion

>No totems
>No Buffs
>No heals
>No Windfury

Except not.

Inb4 UI comments. Nobody gives a shit.

every thread

reminder that WoW is literally shilled harder than any game here whenever a new expansion is coming. Don't fall for it, the game is shit, the company is incompetent

damn is this 10 years ago.

>Can't into the inb4
Gotta gotta get up to get down.

>no guild
>5 friends
>Trade is nothing but couple of weebs being obnoxious

Ah, right, I forgot they had streamlined the hell out of the classes. I understand making the specs feel unique from each other, but why can't there be some interplay between them no matter what spec you have you share 50% of the spells or something. Also totems I feel like they should have made more interesting a long time ago. Why there hasn't been a button which lifts your totems and have them hover around you until you drop them again or something like that is just strange. Also I thought they still had windfury, but maybe you mean windfury as an active buff spell?

I was meaning more from nostalgia than complaining about anything from it. Just been a while since I've ever seen it.

Lava Lash just feels like absolutely fucking nothing, no OOMPH to either the damage nor the spell effects of it, no Lighting Bolt slinging, no totems (Absolutely baffling to me), Stormstrike, while neat, isn't as visually grand as I'd hope. The playstyle revolves around maintaining weapon enchant buffs, and while that is very cool, the fact still stands that it just doesn't look and feel like you're a Shaman. You're basically just a Fury Warrior with a slower rotation, with some extra color added to your swings. The only REALLY great things it has going for it are A) Lightning Crash, and B) The buff you give other melee DPS. Those two things are very Shaman, especially the melee DPS buff because that actually feels to be in the vein of what Shaman had always been about with their totem buffs.

So that's why I'm going Elemental, because it's the spec that actually kept the Shaman feel to it. Hell, their totems are even buffs again. How fucking great is that. Self-only, maybe, but still.

>friends list
>relevant to the population / popularity of the game

The Tomb of Sargeras audio drama has been really good.

you're right, let's look at the sub numbers shall we

or the realm pop perhaps

I have no idea why blizzard hate buffs so much. It feels like they've taken streamlining and removing any sort of thing existing only for flavor of fluff that they've become a parody of themselves.

Guys, give me a dungeon or raid to play for transmogs.

We still have Windfury, but Blizzard removed the animation.

Buffs take an unnecessary bind which would be wasteful since console pads have a very limited number of buttons. Give it one or two expansions

DH/DK and Mage
I usually like Melee classes but I also get fed up with them fast because you get shit for not dealing the same damage as the turret standing outside of everything while you need to dodge shit. I just want the DK for solo shit honestly

it feels weird and just off. Buffing after ressurecting or before a boss was somehow essential, seeing all the symbols pop up above group members heads before the pull was cool

>doesn't have evidence of shit all
>still shitposts

Has it? Never really listened to audiobooks, but might check it out.

Definitely worth listening to, they are only 15-20 minutes each and the third part just came out today.

Any idea how many parts it'll be? Might listen to them when I'm farming old content.
Is it an entire book or short story?

They haven't said I don't think but I would imagine 4-5 with how the 3rd one ends.

>n-no those don't count!
>My sourceless claim about the game being alive is better proof than widely known facts about sub numbers and realm pop
you're a joke

PvP queues are quicker than ever. Even the low level brackets have pops now.

>information I don't have doesn't count

>Even the low level brackets have pops now.
I literally leveled a character up to 77 since the pre-patch hit and not once did I find a battleground, after waiting for around 15 minutes at almost every level bracket

go choke on blizzards dick

China, what the fuck

Seriously even on the peak of WoD population it was hard as fuck finding a spot in BG until you hit the level cap.

ur UI is cancer and so are you : )

qt Gnome Hunters

hide the shoulders

>until the 9th
Is that when DH's go live?


I want some green nature themed ones but the faggot Druids get all those.

isnt there a leafy kinda mail shoulder from bfd? iirc

Probably going mage. Boosted Shaman but Enha is kinda ehh, not bad but "it just doesn't feel right" -tier.

No idea about the race yet though, horde side

Haven't tried PvP queues, but I've been leveling two characters, queuing for dungeons as DPS only, and the queues are really fucking good right now. It's worth noting I'm on WRA, so whichever battle group that is, it's solid. Pretty sure there are decent battle groups and shitty ones.

>come back to wow 2 months ago
>exhaust WoD content already

Jesus christ you fuckers were delusional to play this whole time.

You know that right?

Guys how done am i with lvling %wise if im level 70 and how long will it take to hit 100 just dong dungeons

I have heirlooms

do dungeons to 85, then do questing to 100.

everyone knew that from within 1 month of WoD pal

welcome to the party, a bit late

You know that you don't have to play the whole right? You can just unsub and chill

Pretty sure battlegroups aren't a thing anymore except for the RP realms.

W o W

>tfw korea servers
the sad life of not being able to buy tokens for gold

blood DK. although I'm kind of confused on what to do at the very beginning of a boss I might just get one shot.

Theres a reason 7 million people left

No one but the hardcore autists liked WOD

It gave me a nice break so I can play Legion with hype

>blood dks no longer get IBF
>frost and unholy have it as a baseline skill

>I didn't play vanilla

Here are three things WoW has progressively lost since Vanilla:

Earning an item or a level felt great because it felt like that would continue to mean something in the future. Now hitting L100 is meaningless because everyone will hit 100 faster once Legion is out. Getting epic top level items is meaningless because they'll be made redundant within two years tops.

The game is so much more convenient to play for you and everyone else, which also means that there's no real satisfaction to be gained from making it through the 'challenge' any more. Running an instance used to be INTENSE. Why? Because finding that group took time, and once you finally had a group together, you were all going to have to make do with who you had. Now you just exit dungeon finder and re-queue, then logout to facebook until you have found a new team.

>Player Density
Believe it or not, the world of Warcraft used to be full of players! It's true! If you went to ANY region in the world, you'd find at least a handful of players there, guaranteed. With every expansion since vanilla, more and more instances and new instances 'high level zones' have fractured the playerbase to the point where the actual place the game was supposed to take place in is completely fucking barren.

Rune Tap into 2x Marrowrend and drop a D&D.

You're meant to pop Dancing Rune Weapon on the pull, it doubles the Bone Shield charges you generate.