Infamous 2 > Second Son > Infamous

Infamous 2 > Second Son > Infamous
Infamous Thread

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Infamous 2 is the only one worth playing.

Second Son>Infamous 2>Infamous

Infamous 2>Infamous>Second Son

Delsin or Deslin and all the other fucking characters are the fucking worst most boring cunts I've ever seen in a video game. I played the whole game with the voices muted.

Oh I dunno, I kinda adore the jnkiness of the first one, it's like a PS2 mascot game with over-the-top animations for everything but realistic graphics. I also think that it has a bit better plot and enemies.

The squeaking noise will hunt me in my dreams forever tho.

Infamous > Infamous 2 > Second Son

Original Cole VA > Bitch they replaced him with in 2

>realistic graphics

thank you, sane individual. to be honest, i can't replay second son without getting sad. :(

Platinum'd SS. Powers were pretty disappointing, each felt like a few abilities off from being truly fleshed out and after running through that game a second time, damn is it short. I liked my time with it but it certainly had it's share of flaws. Is SP doing anything anymore?

sucker punch has been very quiet since first light. most likely just gonna make a new infamous, hopefully either with cole again or not delsin.

Infamous 1 has better enemies, and I liked Empire City more than New Marais, but 2 has much better aesthetics, music, and gameplay. Plus I dig Cole's new VA.

Prototype>Infamous 2 > Second Son > Infamous

i agreed with you up until


that line sold me on him, don't know why. but by the time it got to the end i was glad for the switch, because i doubt the original guy could've brought as much emotion to the endings.

Second Son was trash.

1 > 2 >>>>SS

>with cole again
I hope so, and I hope they get the guy from 1 back. All these years later and I still don't like the actor they had in 2.

I couldn't get over the lisp he had. He may be a good voice actor, but all I could hear was the lisp.

1 handles powers a lot better than 2 did.

the only thing 2 did better was having better grafix and be better on a mechanical level. 1 was better in every other way.


Infamous 2 > Infamous > First light > Second son

fucking hell movement in infamous 2 was the most fun I've ever had

ice launch and grinds for days

>had my brother start 1 today
>the graphics are actually shit compared to modern games
>character animations outside of Cole are creepy and robotic
still bredy good though, I love how 1 and 2 build on each other into. At the beginning your stuggling to kill enemies on different rooftops, at the end of 2 you're flying around the city shitting on everything

finally someone with good taste

2 > 1 > FL > FoB > SS

that time cole became a vampire

Infamous 2 was probably the most enjoyable to play but it didn't beat out the story and style of the first, with its soundtrack and unique comic book/gritty world.

Second son was just reddit.

Infamous is better than Infamous 2 in every way.

Better gameplay with a mix of platforming and combat to give you a proper feel of being a super hero rather than just being a glorified third person shooter and better writing and atmosphere.

Haven't bothered with Second Son.

>new DUP head giving a press conference on how the bioterrorist situation is under control despite recent setbacks in Seattle, Empire City, and New Marais
>intercut with footage of jackboots and Conduits
>as he talks, TV slowly gets dimmer and dimmer
>eventually blacks out altogether
>we see a figure reflected in the blank screen
>a crackle of lightning runs down his arm

I loved the original, but it pissed me off how they changed everything about Cole for 2 using bullshit excuses. I guess we can't have a main character that hasn't come from the usual clone factory.


>hey, i just dropped my Amp in a pool, so...

Infamous 2 > Infamous >>>>> Second Son
Suckerpunch got greedy. Should have ended at 2 and the series would have ended great.

>Kuo's breakdown when she gets her powers
>you will never protect her smile

why is every girl in this series better than the one you were supposed to like?

Never make trailers please



Infamous 2 > Infamous > Second Son

Second Son was such a let down. I know they had to have a 'system seller,' but still...

I mean, ignoring all its' other faults, I can't believe they also went with the good ending from the second as cannon instead of the 'bad' one, that could've been really interesting, because most players chose the good ending that should've killed everybody with the conduit gene.

Ahh, who am I kidding? It probably would've ended up a generic survival simulator.

Why are they incapable of making remotely pleasant characters to look at

Well the problem was that in first game Cole didn't have any personality really, just grim growly determination. Although I was rather angry how Cole at the start of 2 was presented as some snarky teenager who likes to playfully reject the authority, but overall throughout the game he had much stronger personality resulting in two great endings, something Cole from the first game couldn't possibly fit into.

Only way that would work is if they go back to the evil ending and show what Cole faces in his march to save conduits.

Of course, that'd be a bitch to do because Cole becomes a borderline god. So unless he had a betrayal and found himself against a defecting army of conduits on par with him, it'd be hard to make a game with him work when he's able to crush entire cities in seconds.


This desu. Infamous is OK but it's a poor man's Prototype

Prototype: Ultimate Destruction


Only played the first one. It was decent but not something to remember exactly. I was dissapointed with the lack of fun power ups, it's basically a shooter.with a coat of lighting

I don´t remember if the gameplay of 1 is better then 2 but I gotta agree on the basic that 1 > 2

For it has probably more to do with the setting and the enemies of the first one. Trying to survive on an cut off city while fighting gangs with super powers just worked better then 2 with it´s weird southern setting and weird bucks.

but now that I think about it. 1 had a much better story and it also featured way more memorable boss fights / set pieces

like for example climbing that huge tower or the boss fight on the bridge

It really depends. On one hand, IF1 Evil Cole was more convincing in his corruptness than IF2 Cole who just seemed more like "Fuck doing the right thing, this is fun!". While on the other, IF2 Evil Cole does have an equally heavy moral dilemma to deal with like Good Cole as both make a decision that determines the future of their world versus IF1 Cole who is either "I'm strong, nothing will stop me!" or "I'm worried, but I'll try to do my best!"

Shame they didn't flesh out Delsin's paths better, especially for Reggie's death.

I mean hell, would it have been that hard to call up Travis, have him record a "I'm so disappointed in you, bro." and then patch it in?

Prototype is shit.

Is there going to be a PS4 HD Remaster Collection?

My impression also. You have a basic lightning pistol, shotgun (shockwave), lightning grenades, there's even a cover mechanic and regenerating health
And the MC dies from a few bullets, not very superheroic

First game was good, though. It was a fun alternative if you wanted to play more recklessly and just jump around causing destruction. Infamous was great, but you never could pull out much destruction half the time out of wiping a gaggle of pedestrians every now and then.

Wouldn't surprise anyone if one was made. But no, nothing at the moment. Of course, PSNow pretty much means most PS3 outside of the really big things (Uncharted and the like) getting their "Definitive editions".

Though I'd love to see the first game get one, if only to see the game with less muddy draw distance and maybe touching up the characters so they didn't have the puppet mouths.

Got IF2 and a few other games at a yard sale for 25 cents. Played IF1 and liked it, wasn't sure how 2 held up. Looks like I'm playing it! Good or bad first playthrough?

Kuo was the best part of 2. Too bad she's dead .

Alex is so powerful he got tanks, choppers and aircraft carriers going after him
Meanwhile Cole fights hobos lol

Power level has nothing to do with whether the story or game is good, grow up. It's retard fighting over whether batman could kill superman. Limited powers are much more interesting.

I played both game first good then bad. Also considering what happens at the bad end of Infamous 2 I say go through the good end first to maximize story impact.

where does everyone put Festival of Blood though?

Nah, Prototype is just bad. Combat is incredibly shallow on account of the low enemy variety and poorly balanced abilities with no ability to combo between them thanks to the huge delay when you swap. Damage sponge enemies (and god help you if you play on a higher difficulty which just makes the spongeness worse) mean there's no reason to use anything but the blade once you have it. The game is also at best, visually bland and after the infection starts taking over the city it becomes a massive eyesore. The game also pads itself out way way too long, which just makes the shallowness of the gameplay and ugliness of the visuals even more painful.

>Combat is incredibly shallow
Stopped reading there. You're either a blind fanboy or a liar.

>Alex is so powerful he got tanks, choppers and aircraft carriers
Good for him. Cole nuked a city.


the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few

No, it was Zeke that shot the nuke, Cole just worked as a laser pointer.

Good argument, moron.

1 >> SS > 2

SS >> 1 > 2

>Boss fights
1 > SS >>> 2

2 > SS > 1

2 > 1 > SS

SS > 2 > 1

1 > SS >> 2

>The game also pads itself out way way too long
That's funny because they pad infamous even more even though the locales are tiny, on account of the MC being slow as shit

>SS > 2 > 1
nigger what?

I should point out that this includes the two expansions as part of their respective games.

I preferred SS's sound to 2's, is all.

And I actually took several hours to even notice 1 had music, I spent most of my first playthrough thinking cutscenes were the only parts with an OST because the battle/boss themes blend into the background so much and are so bland that they're barely noticeable.

I'm seriously still amazed by just how weak the music in it was.

> No 'hold x' to transverse
> Its too slow waah waah i hate actually having to play a game

Stop being such a little cunt

Sonygger pls. A superhero without fast travel is shit.

I seriously don't even remember SS having music, besides Neon and Video, it was a bland game overallI.
Ihave yet to hear anything better than
iF2 was weaker, but pretty decent

Good, as the protaganist would.

Then bed, because fuck all of those wimpy civilians, you're a god with the power of lightning

Festival of Blood > Infamous> Infamous 2 > Second Son

>Holding X is now considered gameplay by neo-Sup Forums

I knew this day would come.

Go back to tetris gramps.

Let go

Good Cole > Evil Cole

Better powers, better options, also don't look like an edgelord druggie.

Is second son worth playing? Loved the fuck out of 2, enjoyed 1, never played festival of blood, unsure if SS would retroactively spoil 2 or not.

I actually played evil Cole first because he would attack everything and was a bit easier. Icouldn't really think how much different good Cole would be but then I noticed he gets rewarded with accuracy.

Good Cole the best. I remember being in a tight spot and lobbed a grenade to then pinpoint the last enemy as it flew through the air. Felt good.

It's better than 2 desu

Better gameplay, better bossfights, better music - it's pretty much better everything minus the side-activities and pacing.

It wasn't. It was just as solid as Hulk Ultimate Destruction, just with a more violent tone. And the abilities all worked if you actually took the time to upgrade their skills and figure out which ones worked best.

And both games padded themselves, don't kid yourself. Infamous repeated the same 3 quests over all three islands, and Prototype only had the "Catch this person" "Infiltrate this base" "Fight the monsters" while both had a bunch of collectibles. Granted, Infamous at least had a point to its with them expanding your power gauge with each completed set.

If you like gameplay and can get it cheap, sure go ahead. But story and character in SS are fucking terrible, and there's pretty much no difference between good and evil path, except a couple ability upgrades, but no unique powers or cutscenes. And switching between power sets is incredibly clunky and arduous, so you'll probably just keep using neon powers once you get them and nothing else.

Makes you imagine just how shit a poor man's Prototype is

Come on, he might actually believe you.

You'd probably enjoy it. Not as good as 2, but if you can get it for cheap it's not like it's absolute garbage.

>Sometimes, I hear folks talking about conduits and humans like they're totally different.
>That's bullshit.
>Because there ain't nobody with more humanity than Cole McGrath.
>I love you brother
>And I'm sure gonna miss you.

Never play an RPG without fast travel, you might find not being force fed immediate battles and linear story too shocking.

I had an idea once for a game that takes place after the evil end of IF2. A few years after Cole takes over the world and begins the genocide of non-conduits, there's a force of Conduits that want to stop Cole and save humanity. You play as just an average Joe that recently got his powers awakened by Cole, and now have to choose between helping the insurgents defeat Cole, or joining him.

half as long

I agree with this completely.

The only reason I put up with the shitshow story of Second Son is because it was fun as fuck.

Smoke was way too good on the evil playthrough.

should not throw stones

>unsure if SS would retroactively spoil 2 or not
It will a bit, because it picks good ending as canonical but at the same time retcons it saying that absolutely nothing was changed by Cole's sacrifice. Also if you get legendary edition that has a mission called "Cole's legacy" you'll get another nail in the coffin.

What would be the point, it wouldnt be the same genre of game nor is it otherwise a story that needs continuing so badly that it can overcome that.

graphics in second son are beautiful.

>Dust Men, Reapers, First Sons > Militia, Corrupted, Vermak

I like Infamous 2 better gameplay wise, but the enemies and their progression in the first was so much better.

You are so full of shit you could be a street in India. That was not in any way what he meant.

Pretending you're someone new doesnt make you come across as less pathetic, in face it's just even worse.

Both boss fights against Augustine had some pretty awesome music.

In fact the only good ones are pretty much boss themes.

>muh gfs powerz

>it picks good ending as canonical but at the same time retcons it saying that absolutely nothing was changed by Cole's sacrifice.

That's my biggest gripe with this game since it was announced. Instead of a heartrending choice of the greater good, it's now "kill everyone for no reason" or "kill most of the superhumans I guess"

>poor man's Prototype
But Prototype looks like it was made by poor men

sasha was underrated as hell